» Romance » Letters to a Nobody, Soccerluv4 . [the dot read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «Letters to a Nobody, Soccerluv4 . [the dot read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Soccerluv4 .

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walk in the minute the bell rang.

I tried to focus on something, but the class was filled with a few people – none of whom I’d talk to. Deciding to distract my mind, I opened my notebook and began doodling in the margins.

The lines crisscrossed and morphed into a picture of a flower, but it drooped slightly considering the sun I drew in the corner was covered with clouds.

A shadow fell across my page, as I suddenly realized that the class was very much silent.

I looked up nervously, my heart thudding in my chest so hard I felt it would rip out and fall onto the desk I was sitting at.

Carter was standing before me, glancing down at what I’d drawn before looking back at me again. His face was tight, his lips drawn thin and his jaw clenched, judging by it protruding out of his thin face.

He passed my desk swiftly, leaving behind a scent of sweet cologne, and sat behind me.

My back felt rigid, and I willed myself not to look around me at the others who were probably gawking at us right now. I couldn’t believe he was here, after ditching the first half of today, he had the audacity to show up!? My mind fumed, as I thought of a hundred different ways I could wring his sorry little neck. Despite all that anger, however, I still felt nervous as hell, and him being right behind me didn’t help.

“Hello class, I hope you’ve all been keeping up with the reading.”

Thank god for interruptions. My English teacher walked in, placing his briefcase on his desk and shrugging off his coat.

“Please open your books to page 84 and take out your notebooks. We have a lot of notes to cover today,” He continued, and for once, I didn’t want to groan.

I happily obliged to his request, glad that the attention I was getting before was finally diverted to our English teacher.

Despite the fact that we were all writing notes and focusing on my teacher’s lecture for once, I could still feel the hair on my neck stand up every once in a while, and I knew exactly why.

Why couldn’t he just leave me alone? It felt like every two seconds, he would look over at me, and there wasn’t a freaking thing I could do to stop it.

The bell went off abruptly, halting my notes. I quickly packed up and raced out of the room for the first time in my life.

It felt like all the stress that I’d experienced in that room in the hour I was in there just melted away the minute I walked out.

Strolling leisurely to my locker, I switched out my English stuff for my history stuff and walked over to my history class. Fay was going to be fumed.


Carter watched her back retreat from her locker, and hung his head down.

A part of him was dying at how big of a jerk he was being to her, but a stronger, more evil part wanted to keep the charades running.

He walked briskly in her direction, before stopping short. His evil side had won over again. Turning around, he forced himself to walk over to his next class without thinking about Sammy.


Carter looked over to his right, noticing a friend of his call out to him.

“Hey Bryan,” he mumbled out.

“I heard about the kiss, but I’m sorry, I’m not buying that ‘she was obsessed’ bullshit,” he stated, cutting straight to the chase.

“What are you talking about? It’s not a rumor,” he defended half-heartedly. For once, Carter didn’t give a rat’s ass about his image. He just didn’t have the energy to convince Bryan.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about dude. It’s not cool for you to lie like that.”

Carter turned over to Bryan, and watched his blue eyes narrow on him.

“What’s your deal?” Carter bit out harshly, turning back to face the hallway he was currently walking in.

“My deal is that Sammy is best friends with the girl I’m dating. She’s not too happy that Sammy’s being screwed over obviously. I think you should cut it out. It’s not fair to her,” Bryan retorted, shaking his head.

“You’re dating Fay?” Carter’s eyebrows rose as he stared incredulously at Bryan.

Bryan rolled his eyes, before nodding.

“Yeah, unlike some people I know, I’d rather not treat the girl I like like shit,” he snorted.

Carter stared at him, before peeling his eyes away and stopping. He was in front of his classroom door now.

“Just stop being such an ass Carter. Sammy doesn’t deserve any of this.” Bryan left it off at that, leaving Carter standing there.

For once in Carter’s life, he stood there, rendered speechless as he realized for the first time all day, what kind of a mistake he just made.

Chapter 15 - Reflections



The tip of my finger blushed red, as I stopped the incessant gnawing I was currently putting it through. It cooled slightly, returning back to my pale hue.

For the past hour, instead of trying to focus on the history reading I was supposed to be doing, my mind’s been wandering back to Carter, much to my distaste.

I was currently situated in the back of the library, a hair’s width away from my secret stash of letters. My brain was torn between doing my homework, thinking of Carter, or answering a letter.

As much as dealing with other peoples’ problems sounded better, I knew I couldn’t just go grab the letters in broad daylight. It was my lunch period, and although another rendezvous in the back of the school to eat lunch with Fay sounded so fun, I didn’t want to take the chance of getting caught again. Besides, she was meeting with a teacher right now, so that left me all alone.

Rather than go with Fay’s choice of staying outside, I opted for the library, where I hoped Carter wouldn’t step foot in. I doubt this was his kind of place anyway.

Stupid Carter, I really thought I was finally done with all this back and forth.

Scratching my head slightly, I groaned and crossed my arms on the table, resting my head on them.

Unfortunately, the nap I wanted to have would be pointless. He’d probably end up there as well. There was no escaping that stupid jerk. At school, at home, and even in my dreams.

I groaned again, and lifted my head from my arms, scanning the library. I sat at a good angle where I could see everyone else inside, but was basically hidden to them.

A movement near the front doors caught my eye, as the door swung open and Carter stepped inside, a backpack slung over his shoulder casually.

I sat upright in my seat and scrunched my eyebrows. I really didn’t expect him to be here. What the hell was he doing in the library? Of all the places he could choose to be right now, he had to choose here?

He scanned his ID in and proceeded inside towards the section to my left, skipping past the computers and study tables, heading directly for the bookshelves.

A slip of paper was clasped between his index finger and thumb, and he glanced at it and back at the bookshelves, slowing his pace slightly.

I felt a bit of relief rush back into me. A small part of me, though I hate to admit, was a bit disappointed that he only came here to look for a book. But it was a relief to know he wasn’t going to pull a stupid prank or something to embarrass me again in front of the whole school.

I ducked my head down to my notes as he neared the bookshelf closest to my hideout, and pulled my sweatshirt hood up. It wasn’t the best disguise, but at least it hid some of my hair and face.

I let my bangs fall down as I looked down at my notes, pretending to be busy. The bangs helped create a curtain from anyone from noticing me, and I really hoped it would work on Carter.

For an agonizing 10 minutes or so, I sat there, holding my breath and rereading the same line from my notes over and over again.

The curiosity was killing me, so I lifted my head slightly and glanced at the bookshelf.

A jolt of energy hit my stomach as I saw two pale grey eyes staring back at me. My breath lodged in my throat, looking at those annoyingly beautiful eyes staring at me through a space in the bookshelf.

I glanced down quickly, angry that he found me and annoyed that the stupid blush on my face was spreading way too fast.

My mind was in one hell of a fight or flight problem. It seemed like every cell in my body was screaming at me to get my crap and run out of there, but my stubborn willpower kept me planted on that seat.

I lifted my chin higher as a sign of confidence – well I hope it seemed that way – and grasped the pen in my hand tightly, scribbling my notes faster now fueled by my adrenaline.

A little while later, I glanced back up at the bookshelves, only to see an empty space and no sign of those gorgeous grey eyes.

I breathed in a sigh of relief and let go of the pen I was furiously writing with a few minutes ago. I glanced down at the notes I’d written, surprised to see the indentation of my writing behind the page.

A small frown grew on my face as I glanced at that sheet, my frustration, anger, and tension, all of it on display.

He was the sole reason behind all of this. No matter how hot he was, how alluring his eyes were, how goofy he could be sometimes, none of that mattered. For god’s sake, my blood pressure was rising to dangerous levels.

And what was I suffering for? A stupid kiss? One I had absolutely no fault in? I closed my eyes, exhaling slightly as if to physically get rid of the tension I was withholding.

My hands shook a bit and I felt a pang in my chest. What did I ever do to deserve this?

A traitorous tear rolled down my left cheek, and I hastily wiped it away. There was no need to embarrass myself further by crying.

A few stray laughs sounded from my right, along the reference section of the library. I glanced over and noticed a few kids huddled by one of the bookshelves, whispering and looking over my way.

I felt heat rise up in my cheeks, and ducked my face down again, ashamed. It wasn’t much of a surprise to guess they were laughing at me. Their laughter was getting a bit loud, and it took every ounce of my energy not to hysterically bawl my eyes out.

The librarian came over and ushered them out when their laughter was getting a bit loud. I sent a silent thanks to her, glad that her cranky behavior had finally worked in my favor.

It was official. Carter managed to get inside my head and ruin my life without so much as going near my S. stuff. I didn’t think he could do it, but he did. He ruined my social reputation, embarrassed me in front of everyone, and took my first kiss. There really was

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