» Romance » Letters to a Nobody, Soccerluv4 . [the dot read aloud TXT] 📗

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she maneuvered us down the hallway. “But, I know exactly where we can go.”


Carter watched the doors of the cafeteria as students entered in and out, but no sign of Sammy yet.

He was surprised. Although he’d convinced his older brother to call in and lie about a doctor’s appointment he “supposedly had” this morning – and that he’d be at school after fourth period – he didn’t expect the school to still be obsessing over his kiss with Sammy.

But as he walked into the school and through the cafeteria doors, all talking had turned to whispers, and the gossip spread from table to table as he walked to his own.

“Dude! Did you really kiss that girl?”

“Who is she anyway?”

“Is she hot?”

These were some of the comments he received from his friends and admirers, as he took a seat at the table. Most of them he just smirked at and they got their answer. A few others, however, he joked around, saying she was some random girl obsessed with him and her annoying voice needed to stop, hence the kiss.

It was cruel, he knew that. And as he glanced to opening of the cafeteria, where the doors were propped open by now, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty that she never entered inside.

Looking down at his half eaten sandwich, he pushed it aside, his appetite gone.

He looked back up, and connected eyes with Lizzie, his ex. She took their eye contact as an invitation and walked over.

“Carter,” she drawled, as her eyes narrowed at his own. She motioned for the guy sitting across from him to move over, and gave him a coy grin when he did. She held her smile until she sat across from Carter, switching to full on bitch mode.

“What the hell were you thinking?” She questioned, raising her eyebrows.

“About what?” Carter mused, though he knew full well what she was talking about.

“Cut the act Carter. I, of all people, should know when you’re playing games, and this doesn’t seem like one.” She leaned back, crossing her arms and laying them on the table.

“What are you talking about? I kissed her. She was obsessed with me. I never planned on the humiliation. But oh well?” He quipped, shrugging his shoulders.

Lizzie’s eyes narrowed further, before she rolled them and made a move to get up from the seat.

“Whatever Carter, it’s your life. Screw it up how you want to. But just know, I’m a girl too. I know what it’s like to be humiliated by a guy you like. I hope you know what kind of a hell you just put her through.” She gave him a disapproving look and walked back to her table.

Carter watched her go, coming to the realization that Lizzie was right. About Sammy, he wasn’t sure. But about him? Definitely. When they broke up, he put the blame on her and “S” for thinking it was his fault. Lizzie called him a control freak, an arrogant boyfriend, an ass. Back then, he’d have scoffed at the idea of him being at any fault, but now, he wasn’t so sure.

He looked around the cafeteria, watching as eyes that were on him quickly ducked or slid away from his direction. He really did control the school, and that power was starting to get to his head.

Carter looked back at the cafeteria opening, and was surprised when he felt himself frown. There was no sign of that spunky, brown haired girl through those damn cafeteria doors.

Chapter 14 - Confrontations



“Where are we going exactly?” I threw a tentative glance at Fay, who just smirked at me.

“You’ll see,” was her cryptic response.

We walked down the main hall until we reached the health wing, which was towards the end of the building. Climbing down the stairs, we reached a pair of grey metal doors. There was no flashing red “exit” sign on them, so they weren’t emergency exits. But it didn’t look like they were used often to get inside the building, or out.

“Um, what are these?”

“Doors, duh!” Fay responded.

“I know that,” I explained, “but exactly where do these lead?”

“Outside!” She laughed, grabbing my forearm and pushing open one of the doors.

I suddenly found myself behind the building. There was a parking lot over to our right, faculty parking I assumed, but was relatively empty save for a few cars here and there.

In front of us was a wide expanse of grass, starting on the ground before slowly elevating to a small hill that rose up to meet the main road.

“Uh, we’re not ditching school, are we?” I asked hesitantly, looking at Fay out of the corner of my eye.

“No, but we are going to eat out here,” she exclaimed, running over to a small tree that had enough shade for the both of us to sit under.

I walked over hesitantly, looking over my shoulder more than once. I half expected a teacher to pop out of nowhere and bust us for being out here, but none showed.

“Stop being so paranoid and sit down,” Fay scolded, patting the patch of grass next to her while she dug into her sandwich.

“Fine,” I grumbled, plopping down next to her and shedding the straps of my backpack off. “And I’m not being paranoid. What if we get caught out here?”

“Relax. My photography teacher allows us to sit out here during lunch. She thinks we’ll find some amazing inspiration if we sit in nature. If we get caught, we can just use her as an excuse,” Fay smiled, like the plan was completely bulletproof.

Which it sort of was, but still, I was having reservations. Fay noticed the doubt on my face and rolled her eyes.

“Just relax and eat your lunch. Unless you wanna go back to the cafeteria, then by all means we can go.”

She cocked one eyebrow at me, her green eyes staring me down.

“Okay,” I groaned, putting my hands up in surrender, “you win! I’ll eat here.”

She smiled, before happily continuing the consumption of her sandwich.

I unwrapped my own, and chewed on it a bit, my thoughts wandering to Carter. I wonder what he was doing now. Maybe he was sitting at home, thinking about our kiss? Or maybe, he was laughing at me in the comfort of his room, kicking back and replaying the horrified look on my face over and over in his mind.

My chest throbbed slightly. A sort of ebbing pain grew from it, one I really wasn’t accustomed to.

Stupid feelings! They were messing with my head and my body. But I couldn’t ignore the fact that Carter was making me feel like crap for what he was responsible for. Even if he didn’t start some of the rumors, he sure as hell did throw in a little fuel to the fire, telling everyone that I was some desperate girl who wouldn’t “shut up” so to speak.

I hung my head, looking at my sandwich in distaste. I rewrapped it, throwing it back in the brown paper bag it came from and putting it back in my backpack.

“Not hungry?” Fay questioned after I’d put my lunch away.

“You could say that,” I sighed. “I’m thinking about the kiss.”

Fay gave an unladylike snort, and bit into her sandwich angrily.

“He’s an ass. How could he do that to you? And his reasoning? Completely stupid! Of course all the brainless idiots in this school would believe everything that came out of the Adonis himself,” Fay grumbled.

“I know,” I sighed again, pulling absentmindedly at the grass underneath us as I pondered what she said.

It was true. The entire school had fallen for his reason, and to be honest, I couldn’t blame them. If people had to choose between believing a celebrity or a regular kid, nobody would think otherwise. But knowing that I was that “regular kid” who couldn’t convince anyone of how stupid Carter really was was frustrating!

“I hate it too Fay. But what I can I do? Teach him a lesson? Please. Embarrass him? Not likely. There’s just nothing I can do. The only thing I can do is ignore it and hopefully something else will capture everyone else’s attention,” I stated, my voice resigned.

I felt Fay’s hand on my shoulder and I looked up at her. She gave me a sympathetic smile, but I knew she was just trying to be a good friend. This was a crappy situation and no amount of smiling or swearing could fix it.

“You’re right,” she finally spoke. “This is too big to do any damage control. Carter’s an ass, but you’ll always be the bigger person.”

She put her sandwich down and gave me a quick hug, one that I realized I very much needed.

Pulling apart, I smiled at her before pushing her shoulder lightly.

“Okay forget about my problems. How are you and Bryan?” I smirked as I noticed a faint blush coating her cheeks.

“He’s great Sammy,” she blushed, giggling slightly. It was quite a sight to see, considering she was just as anti-boy as I was. I know it’s pretty childish to feel that way, but we both weren’t all that trusting of guys anyway, and our combined nerd factor made us the best of friends. And because I’m her best friend, I appreciate everything she’s doing for me, though I do feel a pang of envy, considering her crush turned boyfriend isn’t treating her like a toy.

“That’s great Fay! I’m happy for you. He’s a great guy.” I smiled at her, laughing slightly as her blush grew.

“Thanks Sammy.”

We elapsed into silence, staring out at the school as we heard cars fly past us on the road behind.

“We should get back,” I finally stated, getting up and dusting my butt for any grass that might’ve wanted to hitch a ride on.

“Yeah,” Fay agreed, mimicking me with the dusting and grabbed her backpack.

I slipped mine on as well and we headed back towards the grey doors we’d exited from before. We slipped inside with ease, and walked down the halls towards our respective lockers.

“You’ll tell me if anyone does anything mean right?” Fay ordered rather than asked as we stopped at the corner of two connecting hallways.

“Promise,” I smiled at her.

“Good luck,” she whispered, before heading down another hallway to her locker.

I walked away in the opposite direction, going towards my own. She was right. Unfortunately for me, I had English after lunch, which meant I had the horrifying possibility of seeing Carter.

My gut was filled with dread. I prayed to god he wasn’t there, considering he sat right behind me in that class and that would make for some interesting rumors.

Sighing, I arrived at my locker just as the bell rang, dismissing everyone for their next class.

Hoards of students filled the hallway at once, but I kept my back to them as I stuffed some books into my locker and grabbed my English notebook and assigned reading book. Closing the locker, I gave myself a mental push and walked to my English class.

Again, passing the hallway while people stared at you was quite the experience, one I would never wish to anyone. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on if Carter was here, I arrived to English and headed straight for my seat.

The seat behind me was still empty, but I didn’t release a deep breath yet. Knowing Carter, he would

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