» Romance » Letters to a Nobody, Soccerluv4 . [the dot read aloud TXT] 📗

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leave me no choice,” they muttered. Suddenly, I felt hands tickling at my sides.

“Hey, stop, no, Ty,” I breathed between laughs.

“Finally, you’re awake!” My twin brother, Tyler, ruffled my hair, causing me to scowl at him.

“Well you were sleeping so…” he plastered on his goofy smile and shrugged his shoulders. I smacked him on the arm, before grumbling to myself. 

“So, I better get out of this seat before Fay gets here. She punches hard for a quiet, innocent one,” I grinned at him. Fay did pack one mean punch.

“That’s because us quiet nerds need defense to get people to leave us alone,” I air quoted the ‘quiet nerds’ part. My brother was one of the jocks at school, and constantly picked on us for fun. But I didn’t mind, he was just joking around, and he loved me, we were twins after all. Both with the same dark brown hair, and hazel colored eyes. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the same tall gene as him apparently, because he towered over me, while some confused me for a sophomore when I was clearly a senior.

“Ty, get out of here, I’ve gotta talk Sammy about girly stuff,” Fay smirked at him as she arrived at the table, raising an eyebrow in his direction.

Ty raised his hands up in mock surrender and backed away from the table.

“Bye ladies!” He bid us a goodbye and rushed towards his friends.

“So, I know it’s not exactly what you’d expect of me, but –” she sucked in a deep breath, her green eyes twinkling with happiness, “– Bryan asked me out!”

I sputtered on my water, painfully swallowing it before I stared wide-eyed at my best friend.

“THE Bryan Fink! The basketball-playing-you’ve-had-a-crush-on-since-fifth-grade-Bryan! Wow, I’m so happy for you!” I gushed at her.

Bryan Fink. I could hardly believe it. Here was my best friend, in almost as many AP classes as I, the one who talked about quantum theories instead of the best skinny jeans in this season, or the hottest celeb couple. I gaped at her like a fish, opening and closing my mouth.

Letting out a muffled squeak, I launched into a series of questions.




“You know what, forget about that! Just tell me how he asked you!?” I grinned at her.

“Well, I was sitting at the library during study hall, when he comes up to me and asks if I know what the assignment for English is. At first I was like, sheesh another kid asking if they could copy my homework, so I sighed and told him it was the reading from our textbook.  Then he gives me one of his lopsided adorable smiles, and says he forgot his book, and asks if he can share mine with me. I’m sitting there, confused as hell, because he didn’t ask to borrow my book, but instead asked to share it! We began talking and he said I was pretty cool, and that maybe both of us could hang sometime. After my momentary shock, I nodded back. He said that we could go to the movies this Saturday with his friends! I can’t believe it!”

I smiled at her. Clearly she was overjoyed and I was glad that I could at least help. The whole being shocked and surprised was kind of a fake, because I knew he would ask her out. After all, he did write me-err, I mean S-a letter, about Fay.  He was a nice guy behind his jock exterior, and wasn’t the type to act like a jerk because of his status. Just the way he wrote, I knew he probably faked the whole English assignment thing, because his writing was remarkable, and I knew he probably had a good grade in that class. The fact that he used a cute excuse like that made my heart swell with pride, Fay’s soon-to-be-boyfriend was perfect for her.

My thoughts were interrupted when Carter Woods waltzed into the cafeteria, scanning around the room. My heart began hammering in my chest. Yesterday, he was waiting right by the library wall where my letters would be dropped off, inside the brick wall. He’d been there, scanning around the empty library. It didn’t take a genius to figure out he was looking for me.

I gulped, as his eyes met mine for a brief second, but I turned away, unable to look into his beautiful grey orbs. It didn’t matter anyway. He wouldn’t suspect a low profile, nerd like me to be the oh-so-famous “S.”

He walked away from the lunch line, heading towards the table where all his friends sat. Looking closely, I just noticed his beautiful girlfriend, Lizzie, wasn’t there.

I remember receiving a letter from her. Though private, with secret names to cover their identity, all my years of being a quiet observer, I knew how some acted, and it was clearly visible through their writing. Lizzie was a fun loving girl, with a bright personality and an equally bright heart. Her writing itself was just as bubbly and sweet as Lizzie herself, and it was easily recognizable.

When I’d gotten her letter, I just assumed it would be another fight between the two. Their relationship was good, despite the few banters they experienced. But hey, didn’t all couples get into fights once in a while? Not that I knew, but the fights weren’t bad considering they got to make up afterwards in ANY way they wanted. I’d expected them to get over it, and be back to passionately making out by his mustang by the next morning.

Looking to my left, I noticed Fay staring at me with curious eyes.

“What?” I questioned her, lifting up an eyebrow at her curiosity.

“Why are you staring at Carter?”

“I’m not staring. He’s the one who’s looking around the cafeteria like he’s searching for someone,” I crossed my arms in front of me, resting them on the cafeteria table, “And besides, I don’t see Lizzie on his arm like usual. It’s kinda weird.”

“Yeah, what’s up with that? They’re usually joined at the hip. Guess it’s another fight,” she shrugged, lifting a lock of black hair and tucking it behind her ear.

“Forget that. Tell me more about this date….” Her cheeks turned crimson, and I couldn’t help but grin.


Walking down the sloping steps of the school, I trudged towards the parking lot, once again, in pursuit of where I parked my damn car.

Grumbling in frustration, I began walking up and down the aisles, looking for my old black Toyota. 

“Where the hell did I put it?!” I mumbled in defeat. My car was looking more and more like a needle in a haystack.

Turning around, I came face to face with Carter, looking above my head.

My heart beating at a hundred miles per hour, I sidestepped him quickly and quietly, hoping to avoid his gaze. Almost there! I chanted, as I walked towards the side and passed him by.

“Hey!” Came a shout from behind. Shit.

I turned around slowly, ducking my eyes down towards the gravel pavement.

“You dropped this,” Carter handed me something. I grabbed it quickly, accidentally brushing my hand against his fingers. A warm feeling shot down to my stomach, but I ignored it and quickly stuffed the thing back into my back.

“Thanks” I mumbled quickly, before turning around and speed walking away.

Oh god, that was a close one.


Carter watched the girl hurriedly walk away before turning around.

Strange, he thought as he walked down towards his car.

He swiveled his head around to the area of the parking lot by the library, hoping to find someone exiting with possibly letters in her hand.

He sighed in frustration, as he saw teacher after teacher, student after student, leave, with nothing but books or briefcases in hand.

Slumping towards his car, he popped the lid of his Mustang open, grabbing his lacrosse gear.

As he walked towards the field, he could stop thinking about the girl he’d run into.  As her fingers had brushed his, he felt an unfamiliar spark between their hands.

Sighing, he entered the field and began strapping on his gear.

When would he find this “S”? He thought dejectedly, as he pulled on his helmet.

The coach whistle blew, and all the other guys assembled onto the field. Carter grabbed his lacrosse stick and followed after them, thinking about the girl.

And that was when he remembered one critical detail. The item he’d picked up was what he’d been looking for: an envelope.

He whipped his head towards the parking lot in the distance, but all he could see was empty spots, and a defeated self.

Chapter 4-Playing Games


Dear S-

So I have a little problem. Okay, let’s be honest, I have a big problem. My friend just recently started dating this guy. It’s been a while since she’s put herself out there, but the problem is that he’s liked me for a while now. I’ve known this for a few months. He’s always staring at me, and I’ve heard from his friends that he mentions me a lot in his conversations. I don’t really like him in that way, but I don’t want my friend to find out from someone else. What should I do? If I tell her, she’ll think I’m trying to break her relationship, but if I don’t, she’ll find out and assume I liked him back and just didn’t want to tell her!

-One sided love


Dear One Sided Love,

Just take a deep breath, and think about the situation. Okay, now throw all those ridiculous paranoid thoughts out of your mind and actually digest the situation. So, this guy likes you? Okay. You don’t like him back? Perfectly fine. He’s your friend’s new guy? Well, now we have a problem. Your friend seems like she’s really enjoying this guy, but telling your friend may jeopardize your relationship with her. I’m assuming that this guy probably went out with your friend to get close to you, and he may just be paying a little too much attention to you and not your friend. I’m about 80 percent sure that your friend might be noticing this. So just go right out and say it! Tell her that he may just like you, and that you have no feelings back for him. If she is a good friend, she’ll understand. And besides, if this guy is dating her to get close to you, maybe it’s better off that you risk her happiness to protect her feelings later on when he possibly leaves her.  Telling her will allow you to be an honest friend, who cares about her feelings. Even if she chooses to stay with him, just smile and say it’s okay. If she gets mad, and accuses you, let her cool down, and show her that you truly meant what you said. Give her proof, even if it means becoming a secret spy and capturing a conversation of him and his friends talking about you! Okay…not that creepy, but at least get a witness to this one sided romance to support you. She might just be able to see your point, and will make a wise decision based off of that.



“Sammy, are you ready yet?” Ty yelled out.

“Yeah, just a second!” I yelled back, as I shut off the laptop and grabbed my cross body purse off the bedside drawer. Slipping on my converse, I ran downstairs and outside, where my

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