» Romance » The One That Got Away, Danielle Martin [libby ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The One That Got Away, Danielle Martin [libby ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Danielle Martin

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about you going to her house the other night and laying up with her."

He shook his head, upset Makayla even told her that. "I didn't lay up with her."
She gave him that look as if she didnt believe him. "Don't lie to me Rod. I remember that night. You wouldn't have sex with me for whatever reason, but you drove your ass all the way over there to the boondocks so you can fuck that boogy ass bitch right?"

He dropped his head in hands, knowing there was no end to this battle. As long as his feelings existed for Makayla, Carol was going to give him pure hell. Out of all the women he has ever dated in the past 10 years, Makayla was the only one she never liked. "What is it about Makayla that got you all worked up like that? What has she done to you? You didn't like her from the moment you met her."

"Hmmm. let me think." She nochalantly placed a finger to her chin as if she were in deep thought. "Maybe because she walked her pretty ass up in here and stole EVERYTHING from me. She brought things out of you that I never could. That hurts like hell Rodney. You won't understand until you watch her fall in love with someone else."

Rodney clenched his jaw, feeling like his hands were tied behind his back. He was done with Makayla. She cheated on him. Lied to him. So why was the thought of her moving on making him upset? He reached, picking up his bags. "I'm going to go now Carol."

She stepped aside, allowing him to pick up the rest of his things. "Maybe you should do that."


Chapter 10




Makayla laid on her horn, trying to get his attention as he shuffled out of the building amongst the crowd. Rolling her window down she stuck her hand out, waving for him to come over. He looked shocked as he jotted across the parking lot towards the drivers seat window.

"Hey." Nathan stuck his head in the car, the cool AC hitting his face relieving him from the scorching sun. "You were honking at me?" He asked.

"Ofcourse I was honking at you." Makayla smiled. "Step aside, let me pull over."

He pushed back off the car as she backed up towards a parking space in the corner. She backed in, shut off the car and swung the door open, stepping out. Her white sundress fell to her ankles as she got out, walking towards him. He stared at her, looking her up and down as she approached him. She had never shown up to the therapy center dressed this way. Her sundress clung tight to her well shaped body, her black hair long and wavy hanging down her shoulders. She smiled, waving at him. "Hi Nathan."

"Hey Makayla." He stopped in front of her, staring at her and smiling for a second without speaking. "You missed class today."

"I didn't come here for the class, I came here for you."

He looked shocked. "For me?" He looked around almost as if she were talking to somebody behind him.

"Yes you.'' She smiled, showing off her pefect pearly white teeth that she had just gotten whitened yesterday. "You know, I been thinking alot about what you said these past couple of days."

"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow. "Enlighten me."

"Well you asked me about my life story, and I was curious, do you want to know because you want to counsel me, or do you have other reasons?"

He smiled, toying with the mustache on his chin. "A little bit of both Makayla. I want to get to know you. I want to get to know your past, your present and your future."

She smiled, nodding her head. Not the exact answer she was hoping for, but it would do.

"So what do you say that we do dinner? And since I turned you down so many times, it can be my treat?" She smiled, showing off the deep dimple in her right cheek.

He look surprised, almost as if he didn't know what to say. "Wow Makayla, Im speechless. You diss me two days straight, now you want to go out to dinner. What is it that changed your mind if you don't mind me asking."

Makayla bit her lip, secretly wanting to tell him all about the dreams she had been having. But she kept her mouth sealed. "I don't know, I guess I never gave you a fair shot."

He smiled, nodding his head. "Thats what I been meaning to tell you." He leaned forward. "You know you never told me wether or not you had a man."

Makayla sighed, hoping this question wasn't going to come up again. As long as he wasn't asking, she hadn't planned on telling. But she had no other choice now. "The truth?" She asked, hoping he was ready. He crossed his arms across his chest, prepared to listen. "Okay well," she hesistated "I had a man, up until 2 weeks ago. We broke up. But we're getting back together soon."

"I see." He nodded his head obviously looking disappointed. "You guys on a break or something?"

"Something like that." She responded quickly. "I love my man and I just want you to know that."

He smiled, easing the tension a little. "If you love your man so much, why are you here dressed like that with your makeup done and your hair curled asking me to go to dinner? Whats up with that?"

She cocked her head to the side, surprised he was questioning her like this. "Well, ` you dont have to go if you dont want to."

"I didnt say i didnt want to. I just dont want to go if your not going for the right reasons."

"Whats the right reasons?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Because you want to enjoy yourself with me and have an intellectual conversation with me. I'm not trying to be no rebound."

She laughed, playfully slapping him in the shoulder. "Stop playing."

He laughed with her, but maintaining his composure. "Im not playing. So whats the deal? You cheated on him or something?"

Slowly, her smile disappeared as her mind began to wander in a matter of seconds. Her relationship was definitely a sensitive subject right now and it hurt her heart to think that Rodney was gone and possibly not coming back. "Yes I have had fidelty issues. But we're going to work on it. I agreed to come to these classes so I can get better."

"I see." He repeated again, nodding his head. "Well sucks that you got a man."

"That dont matter." She stepped forward, inching towards him a little closer. "Lets say we skip the dinner and go back to my place."

He looked shocked, taken aback by her sudden advances. "What? Whats at your place.?"

She tilted her head to the side, really not wanting to play these games. "Come on, don't act like you do already know what the deal is. I want to take you back to my place so we can have sex?"

"Huh?" he asked in a bewildered tone, looking around to check and see nobody heard her. "Your out of your mind. You been drinking or something Makayla? Why are you saying this?"

Makayla was surprised at his reaction, that definitely was not what she was expecting. Her cheeks began to turn flush red, as she was becoming embarressed. "What do you mean? You said you wanted to get to know me. I'm trying to give you a chance to do that."

"No Makayla." He shook his head. "I was trying to get to know you up here." He pointed toward his brain. "I could care less whats in between your legs."

"Really?" She propped her hand up on her hip. "So what are you really? Because theres no way you really have a sex addiction if your turning me down. Is this all a front?"

"Makayla, I told you I'm not like that no more. That part of my life is over."

In shame, Makayla turned away walking back towards her car. "Where you going?" He called after her.

"Home I guess." She said calmly, clicking the lock to her car. Secretly, she was let down because she would not be able to fulfill her fantasies that she had been having Nathan, but also relieved that she could put that part of temptation behind her.

"I still want to take you up on that dinner if you don't mind."

She smiled a non interested smile, "Thanks, but I'm going to pass."

He frowned "Why? You were just all for it a secong ago."

"Well my appetite changed. I wanted you for dinner, but i see now thats not going to happen."

She swung her car door open, sliding in the drivers seat. Leaning over, she attempted to close the door, which he leaned forward and caught with his hand. "Look, I dont want to make you upset okay? But i told you the other day that I was trying to help you. I wouldnt be a man of my word if I gave you exactly what is secretly attacking you."

She glared at him, becoming fustrated. "Stop talking to me like im a child. Like your better than me or something. I told you I dont need no damn therapy. Not from you. Not from anybody." She reached forward trying to shut her door closed again, but he continued to hold on tightening his grip. "Okay Makayla, but dont be upset with me. Its not you I promise. I'm just working on being a better man. Because the old me would of tore your ass up already."

She rolled her eyes, completely done with the conversation. "Please let go of my door Nathan."

With defeat in his eyes, he let go of his grip, allowing her to shut the door in his face. Makayla quickly crunk the car up, backed out of the parking space and hurried out of the parking lot, leaving Nathan standing there watching her drive away for what felt like the millionth time.


Chapter 11



"Well hellooooo Ms. Makayla Simms."

Her heart dropped into her chest. She knew that voice all to well. She didn't have to turn around to know who was standing behind her in line at the Starbucks Coffee Shop. Throwing on a nervous smile not ackonwledging the person behind her calling her name, she handed over her $1.65 for her small coffee, stalling as she waited for her reciept.

"Thankyou." The cashier smiled handing over her change. "Have a good day mam."
"You too." She dropped her head and began to

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