» Romance » I Doubt I Will Survive Living With These Guys (Old Version-Editing), Alyza Slaton [best color ereader txt] 📗

Book online «I Doubt I Will Survive Living With These Guys (Old Version-Editing), Alyza Slaton [best color ereader txt] 📗». Author Alyza Slaton

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whispered in my ear

I shivered, “Okay.” I said defeated

We started dancing again when I had to go pee.

“I gotta go to the bathroom.” I told him

He reluctantly let go and I went up stairs to the bathroom. The light wasn’t on so I just opened it. I turned the lights on and saw two people making out.

“Ew.” I said walking back out

I walked down the hall to the other bathroom and I was not occupied. Thank God for that. I did my business and was about to walk out when someone came in.

“Hey I’m in- Oh hey Kayden.” I said throwing the towel I used to dry my hands in the hamper.

He didn’t reply.

“Something wrong?” I asked arching a brow

He replied by locking the door.

“What Kayden?” I asked getting annoyed

He walked up to me and I back up. This kept happening until my back was against the walk. I took a deep breathe. He put his hands on either side of my head.

He just stared into my eyes.

“Yes?” I asked

“I never got to tell you how beautiful you look tonight.” He whispered

“Beautiful?” I asked unsure


“Guys have only said I was sexy or hot. Never beautiful.” I told him

"You are all those things, but there's more to you than you looks. On the outside your beautiful but your personality is the best thing about you." Kayden said

“Thank you.” I whispered

He nodded and leaned down slowly.

“Can I please kiss you?” He asked

I nodded slowly. Within seconds his lips were devouring mine. He kissed me roughly and hungrily. I returned the kiss just as roughly. I snaked my arms up his chest and to the back of his neck.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly deepening the kiss. Then suddenly there was a knock at the door that made us both jump.

“Hey anyone in there?! I have to pee!” A girl yelled

We pulled away from each other and went to the door. I opened it to see a very drunk Ashley.

She didn’t even recognize me and pushed her way into the bathroom. Good.

Kayden and I walked out to the hallway and shut the door. I started walking away when he grabbed my waist and spun me around to face him.

“I wasn’t finished.” He said before crushing his lips to mine

We pulled apart when we heard someone coming up the stairs. Nathan came into view and I sighed in relief.

"What were you guys doing?" Nathan asked suspiciously

I was about to say nothing when Kayden interrupted me.

"Making out." He said casually

Nathan smirk, "Why am I not surprised?" He asked shaking his head

I blushed and turned to walk away only to have Kayden put his arm around my waist and pull me back.

"What?" I asked looking back at him

He smiled-a genuine smile, not that smirk that's always plastered on his face- and pecked my lips, but I wanted more.

I pressed my lips harder against his and he returned the pressure. He nipped my bottom lip and I was about to open for him when someone cleared their throat.

I blushed again and pulled away. I had completely forgot about Nathan.

I looked over at Nathan and he was smirking.

"Wipe that smirk off or I will." I threatened, which only caused him to smirk wider.

"I hate you." I said glaring at Nathan

"Love you too Lexi Poo." He said sarcastically

I rolled my eyes and tried to get out of Kayden's grip but he tightened his hold.

I sighed and stopped struggling. He rested his head on my shoulder.

Nathan laughed and walked away, back down stairs.

"God, I thought he'd never leave." Kayden said dramatically

I chuckled and shook my head.

You can let go now." I told him

He shook his head no, "I like it here."

"Bet you do." I said

"You're body is comfortable. Soft, smooth," He whispered in my ear

I shivered and pulled away a little.

"Stop." I said blushing

"Why?" He asked huskily

"Just stop." I said again

He just chuckled and slid his hands down my hips and stopped at my thighs. He pulled my dress up a bit and set his hand on my bare thigh. He rubbed it lightly.

I squirmed, "Kayden..." I trailed off as his hand moved up

"What're you doing?" I asked nervous

"Nothin' much." He said in a husky voice

"Kayden, stop. And you can't have sexual intercourse for two weeks." I told him remembering the bet we made

He sighed and put his arms back around my waist, "Fine."

"Now back up." I said trying to get out of his arms again

"No. Let's go back to the party now.'" He suggested

"Uh, I would if you'd let go." I told him

He just started walking still holding my waist. He started walking down the stairs and I almost tripped.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically

He chuckled and let me walk ahead of him. We got down stairs and he still had a grip on my waist.

I stopped Dallas and he looked over at us. He instantly got mad and started walking over to us.

"Act drunk." Kayden whispered in my ear

I nodded and Dallas reached us.

"What're are you doing with my sister?" He demanded

"I'm helping her. She drank a little too much tonight." He lied without hesitation

Dallas turned to me with an angry look, "Why'd you drink so much?" He asked

"Uh, I doooon't knoooow." I slurred

"How much did you drink?" He asked

"Two?" I said holding up seven fingers

His eyes blazed and he turned to Kayden, "Get her up stairs?" He asked

Kayden nodded, "Yeah."

"Thanks man." He said to Kayden, then turned to me "You're not allowed to drink anymore." He said to me then walked away

"Douche." I muttered

Kayden laughed, "C'mon drunky. Let's get you upstairs." He teased

"Shut up. Thanks to you, I can't drink anymore." I said annoyed

He laughed again and started up the stairs with his arm still around my waist.

"Stop dragging me!" I yelled

"Then walk and not just stand there." He retorted

I glared, took his arm off me and started walking up the stairs, him following. I felt eyes on my ass.

"Pervert." I said without looking back

"It’s in my face. How can I not look?" He asked

I didn't reply, I just kept walking. We reached the top of the stairs. I walked over to my door not really caring if Kayden was following or not.

I took the caution tape down and opened my door. I shut the door in Kayden's face and walked over to my closet. I pulled the high heels off, then the dress. I started rifling through the dresser and found some short shorts and a tank-top.

I quickly out them on and turned around only to come face to face with Kayden.

"Stupid! You scared me!" I yelled at him, hitting his shoulder

He didn't reply.

"How long were you there?" I asked feeling creeped out and embarrased that he might have saw me changing

Again, he didn't reply. He just stared at me.

"Hello? Anybody there?" I asked waving a hand in front of his face

He didn't reply, "You annoy me." I stated walking to my bed

I grabbed my remote and laid down.

"Sit down or get out." I told Kayden looking at the T.V.

I felt the bed go down with his weight. I turned to look at him.

"You gonna talk?" I asked still annoyed

He nodded.

"That was not words." I said even more annoyed

He suddenly smirked, "You're cute when you're mad."

I blushed and looked away. Ugh, why does he always have to say things like that?

"Don't hide." He said reaching out and pulling my face to look at him

I looked into his eyes and blushed again. His brown eyes were soft and loving. He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"What're you doing to me?" He asked

"Huh?" I asked confused

"I can't stop thinking about you." He groaned

"Why not?" I asked

"That's just the reason, I don't know." He said

"Okaaay." I said slowly

"Everything you do, it makes me crazy. Every little fucking thing." He growled

"How do I make you crazy?" I asked angrily

"Not like that. I-I don't really know how to explain it." He sighed

"Well try." I told him


"Well try." She demanded

How can I tell her how I feel? She surely wouldn't feel the same way and I don't take rejection well. Especially if it was from someone I love.

"Well?" She asked impatiently

"I don't want you to say you don't." I whispered looking down

"I don't what?" She asked softly, pulling my face up to look at her

"That you don't like me." I said looking everywhere but her

She suddenly laughed. I immediately looked at her confused and slightly angry that she would laugh.

"What?" I asked

"You like me?" She asked still laughing

I got angry, "Yeah. Why would you laugh at something like that?"

She sobered up a little, "Really? You like me?"

"Maybe even love." I said still angry that she would laugh

She stopped laughing completely and I looked back at her. She was smiling.

What the fuck?

"What?" I snapped

"Me, Alexis Shontelle Ryan's, may possibly have tamed a man-whore." She said proudly

"Ha ha." I said sarcastically

I pushed her hand away and got up. I started walking over to the door. Rejection flooding through me.
The only girl I've ever loved doesn't love me back. I hand my hand on the door when she yelled,

I turned around and she started walking over to me. I stared at her face. Her beautiful face.

Another shot of pain went through my heart.

She stood in front of me and looked into my eyes.

"I like you too." She whispered

I shook my head, "No you don't. You're just saying that to make me feel better."

She rolled her eyes, "If you haven't noticed in the last 17 years. I don't care about your feelings."

I smiled. At least she admits it and is honest.

"But I don't like you, I love you." I said

"I could grow to love you." She said arching a brow

"Mmmm...I don't know. You might cheat on me." I teased

"Yeah right. You're the man-whore." She said

"How many times do I-" I started

"Have to tell you
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