» Romance » Full Moon 2, Elaina H [beach books .txt] 📗

Book online «Full Moon 2, Elaina H [beach books .txt] 📗». Author Elaina H

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who are absolutely in love with a girl, they’ll do anything to save her when she’s gone. Now, fill in the blanks,” she pauses, “dear.”

“You evil, woman!” I scream. “Why can’t you just leave everyone alone? Besides they’ll just think I left because I was scared. Cal will think I left to be a wolf.”

Mr. Harvey talks this time, “Yea, we made sure that wouldn’t happen. We bought the clothes for, Dev, and put a pretty little note on top. It said: Good-bye - The Center (aka The Lab).”

“Creative, isn’t it,” Raven says.

I snarl, “Oh so very!”

Mr. Harvey shouts some numbers to staff, and I’m pushed out of the room. In my blurry vision I see the large tub of water. The pain. “No, you can’t just torture me until they come!”

“You see,” Mr. Gilbert joins us, “we can. You violated so many rules the Mr. Harvey explained to you. That is why we have every right to torture you.”

I recreate my stony expression, and await the electrical shock. They start grabbing my arms to force me in, but I take away the pleasure by walking over and doing a cannonball in. Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Harvey, and Raven frown while most of the staff laughs.

My eyes shut, and I blow the air slowly out of my nose. They lower a breathing tube, thanks! I think stupidly. I take breaths of the air slowly, and lock my teeth around the clear tube.

“Ready!” Someone above me shouts.

It’s then, that I feel the first shock, it racks through my body, and I scream underwater, but I hold on. I will not pass out!

So, stupidly, I decide to give everyone two thumbs up, which they respond to wildly, with clapping. I’m sure the three stooges were a little bit more mad about it though.

I continue to take shock after shock, the water is filled with electricity. The next shock I receive is different than the others, it’s stronger. When I receive it, I’m unprepared and my eyes fly open under water.

Standing by the control panel is Raven, she smiles as she pushes the button again.

And this time, I pass out.


“Morning sunshine!” Mr. Harvey sings as he inserts an IV into my arm.

I moan, “What are you doing?”

“Well, this form of torture is brand new, Brim It’s really interesting, see, because it goes right to your little mind and makes you hallucinate!” he clams his hands.

“Well, good luck trying, but I don’t think you could scare me anymore than what I’ve seen in my nightmares,” Mr. Harvey laughs.

He throws his arms in the air like a mad man, “Wait! I haven’t even told you the fun part yet! I get to,” he creates a drum roll on my steel table, “create the hallucinations I want you to have! How about that?” he waggles his eyebrows.

“You’re a sick, sick man,” I spit.

Mr. Harvey turns to leave, “And don’t you forget it, 23.”

I lie down, and stare at the ceiling. Three things happen at once: Mr. Harvey calls out “Now!”, the lights fade out, and a pink gas is released into the room.

I’m running through a corn field, “Hey, wait up!” I call out. I continue pursuing what ever it is I’m chasing.

“Catch me if you can!” it sings. My legs pump faster and faster, until I feel them lift from the ground.

And then, I’m changing. I find myself falling down, down, down. The pain is unbearable and I scream out, I body racks in pain.

Through the darkness anyone could see my yellow eyes. I feel myself biting my tongue, but my blunt molars turn into pointy canines.

Claws force themselves through my fingertips, and my face elongates.

My breath hitches in my throat, I know this, I think. It’s the first time I changed, but this place is different.

Next thing, I know is that I’m running through the corn field, except this time as a wolf. I see what I’ve been pursuing.

It’s a little girl; she’s small, maybe five or six. Her hair is the same color as mine, and so are her eyes.

She turns around laughing, but the little laughs turn to shrill cries. But, I scream at myself to stop. Of course, I don’t listen.

My legs propel me forward, and I’m on her. My paws land on her tiny chest, and she cries. “Please, Sissy! Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me Penny!”

I lunge at her throat. Her cries are gone.


My eyes flash open, “Penny?”

Mr. Harvey walks in smiling, “Thought you’d like to see some of your past. Some of your family,” his lip curls back.

“Why? Why would you inject me!” I scream.

Mr. Harvey clicks his tongue, “You’re the one we had fun with, 23. You’re the one we took. You’re the one who has real memories hidden somewhere in that fried brain of yours.”

My body shakes and I glare at him, “What made me special, Doc? Why did you choose me?!” my voice is stony cold.

“Oh, dear, I suppose I’m just a crazy man! A crazy man who want to give only the best to his daughter,” I choke on his words before he throws me back into another hallucination.

“Penny?! Penny, dear!” calls a woman.

I see myself, younger, maybe, fifteen or sixteen? “Yes, Mom?” the girl rolls her eyes.

“You need to show your sister some attention. She’s in her room crying about it. Your father with be home from the lab later, so make it right. He doesn’t like to deal with all this.”

“Fine,” I pout, and drag my feet up the stairs.

I open a wooden door with finger paintings on it, “Hello? Pamela? Hello?” I find myself saying.

“Penelope? What do you want?” she sits on her bed twiddling her thumbs.

I sigh, “I’m sorry,” for what I have no idea.

“Well, you should be. I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” The little girl names Pamela looks at me hard.

“I know, it really is my fault. I’ll play tag with you in the corn field. How about that?” she nods vigorously.

She skips out of her room, I grab her hand, “Not it!” she screams as the girl chases her into the corn field.


I come out of the hallucination again, and I’m breathing heavy. “When did you give me the serum?” I ask with a growl in my voice.

Mr. Harvey chuckles, “I never gave you the serum. I gave myself the serum. It was the very first batch I made,” he smiles, reminiscing about ‘the good ole days’, “I stabbed myself with the serum right before you were conceived. I gave you my DNA, and here you are.

“Now, there is 70% chance that the child with be lycanthrope, and unfortunately, the 30% included your sister, Pamela.”

I swallow a sob, “You really are a monster than. Pamela? You had me kill Pamela?!”

“No, no dear. You killed Pamela. I’m not sure why you didn’t change before you were fifteen, but you didn’t. At first, I thought you didn’t get your daddy’s genes,” I cringe when he says ‘daddy’, “so we had another child.

“But who knew! Fifteen was your lucky number, and you were so special to me. Penny? Don’t you want to help your father? Help your father find the family that’s ruining him?”

I growl, “I’d rather no have a father, Mr. Harvey. I’d rather live my life thinking I was a nobody,” I sob, “now I have to live with the guilt!”

Mr. Harvey laughs, “Pamela was never really my daughter like you were! You are my real daughter, the one I waited for!”

“I think you are crazy, Sir. Why don’t you try the test you put your so called daughter through?” my voice is hoarse.

Mr. Harvey sighs, “You’re still not listening, looks like you need another memory!”

The pink gas fills the room, and I slip back into the dream world.

“No! No! My baby” The woman called my mother screams at the girl.

My hands shake, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened!”

“You know what happened! I told you to make nice and apologize, not kill her,” he voice fades out in sobs.

“Mommy?” I cry. My mother’s thick, brown, wavy hair is a mess; it’s filled with tears. Her eyes are the same liquid chocolate color as mine.

She glares at me, “You are not my daughter! You’re his!” she shouts. “You were always his beautiful little creation! I’m so glad Pamela wasn’t his!” she shouts.

From behind the woman called mother comes Mr. Harvey, my father, “Pamela’s not mine?!” he yells at mother.

“Oh, shut up, Franklin! Pamela would never have been yours, and you couldn’t stand it! So now she’s nobody’s.”

Franklin Harvey looks at me with surprise, “Did you change, my dear?”

“What?” my voice shakes.

He smiles, “You are my daughter. You’re the one I’ve always wanted.”

Franklin’s face and body belt into that of a wolf, and I scream as I wittiness my mother’s murder.


He killed her. “You’re awful!” I shout into the empty room. You’re worse that dirt!” I cry and cry.

I’m a murderer. I killed the only family I’ve ever had! I bang my head against the steel table.

“No!” I shout to the still air. “No, please just kill me now.”

As I beg, a different colored gas fills the room. It’s blue, I smile. I’m going to die, I think. The man’s finally doing what I want.

I breathe it in deeply, and calmly fall into a, hopefully, everlasting sleep.


“Are you ready?!” a voice screams through an intercom.

I wake up, I’m in a dim back room. “Where am I?!” I shout to the empty air.

“Let’s here a huge round of applause for,” he drags out the word, “67!” the roar then envelopes the air outside is so loud that I cover my sensitive ears.

The intercom man quiets them down, “But let’s not forget our beloved, 23!” Another chorus of hollers takes control of the arena.

Now flooded with sunlight, the room I’m in is opened to a dusty, barren arena. People from every where sit in bleachers around the space.

“On my count of three we fight!” he shouts. “One! Two!” the crowd counts with him, “Three!”

Across the area, I see a person running at me full speed. Crap! I dart out of the room and start running away from the boy.

“What’s going on here?” he shouts. “Is our much loved 23 running?”

I stop and turn around, “What is this?” I shout at him.

“Your death!” he screams as he propels himself in the air to land on me.

To fight back, I slide underneath him as he jumps. I swing my leg around and my foot hits him in the temple. “Ouch!” he sways, but doesn’t fall.

He comes at me. I notice he’s bulky and doesn’t think it through; this shouldn’t be too hard. I dodge ever shot until he gets tired.

I go for the kill. I cringe at the word kill. “Ahh!” I yell as my foot collides with his stomach.

My fist connects with his left eye, and then right eye; over and over again.

He spreads his legs apart to gain his balance, I slide in between them, and kick him in the back.

The boy falls to his knees, and I put my foot on his neck, “Next time you declare it’s the day I die. You might actually want to get that far.”

He groans, and the crowd shouts my number, not my name. What is my name now? Brim or Penny?

“23 stand in the center of the arena for us! Let’s see that pretty little smile!” I shuffle over to the center, and glance around. “Smile! Smile! Smile!” he starts shouting to get the crowd riled up.

But I don’t, I start to cry, but stop myself. I can’t show that weakness to thousands of people. “How do you feel right now?”

I choke on my own words, “I’m going to be sick.”

“Your going to be sick?” he says confusingly.

So, like I promised, I throw up. The contents of my stomach, which

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