» Romance » Burning Love., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗

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trees. I walked toward it and broke through the trees. I gasped as a lake came into view; we were right beside Carmines Lake. I stood stunned for a full minute. I hadn’t been here since I was six years old, my family threw a birthday party for Lillian and I since our birthdays weren’t that far apart.
I walked down the rocky beaches, taking in the fresh smell of the lake. It felt like home here, more than New York felt like. I felt like I belonged here. In the distance I could see the part of the beach where the road meets, lots of families come here to enjoy the warm weather, but right now there was a chill in the air.
The sun still shone, without a cloud in the sky, but it was almost the end of winter, and spring hadn’t sprung yet. The beach was empty, and I was alone at last. I walked down the dock and sat with my feet hanging just above the waters reach. I lay down and closed my eyes, putting my hands behind my head and enjoying the cold, winter winds.
I heard footsteps coming up onto the deck and knew without opening my eyes who it was. It was as if I could feel his presence like a force-field. “It’s quite cold to be out here with only a long sleeved shirt.” Dan’s voice was now soft, not a hint of the anger he felt before in his voice.
I shaded my eyes and looked upside down at Dan. He smiled and walked over, sitting beside me. “I’m fine. I’m not that cold, actually.” I said, pushing myself up into a sitting position.
He raised an eyebrow at me as I rubbed my arms and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him. Damn him, as soon as he touched me, my entire body warmed completely. I shifted uncomfortably. “Dan…”
“Just let me enjoy this, just for now.” He interrupted.
I shook my head, if I did, I’d never want him to stop enjoying it. “I can’t, Dan.” I said, pulling away from him.
He sighed and dropped his arm. I felt cold without his touch, but I kept my distance anyway. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.” He said softly.
I looked up at him. “I understand.” I replied.

Author's note:

Thank you for all your favorites and comments! I'll be updating very soon! Please friend me if you'd like to know when I update! Thanks.

Chapter six.

I’d convinced Skylar to stay in my room, and it wasn’t because of John. She thought that it was, but John was a simple excuse. I wanted her warm body next to mine, I’d had a lot of cold showers and restless nights just thinking about it. She told me no funny business, and I gave my word, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to take advantage of this.
I locked the house up, making sure to set the alarm, and headed upstairs. Sky lay on her side, her arm under her head, hair in the usual braid, reading a book. She put a bookmark in between the pages and set the book down as I approached. “Goodnight, Dan.” She said, her honey voice soft.
I slipped my shirt off and climbed into bed. “Goodnight, Babe.” I said.
I turned the light off and laid down, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close to me. “Dan…” she sighed.
I smiled in the darkness. “Yes?”
“I thought I said no funny business.” She said, her voice accusing.
“Do you find this funny?” I asked, trailing the tip of my finger down the soft skin of her arm.
I heard her take in a shaky breath. “No.” She admitted. “But you knew what I meant.”
I sighed, leaning my head down and putting my lips to her ear. “You and I both know that John wasn’t the reason I wanted you in my bed. Now relax, I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do.” I whispered in her ear.
I felt her shiver and smiled, kissing the soft skin below her ear before tucking her head under my chin and closing my eyes. She sighed and I listened to her breathing in the silent room. “I love you.” I whispered after a few minutes of silence.
She took a large intake of breath and let it out in a whoosh. “I love you too.” She mumbled, half asleep.
I stared at her figure in the dark; the night was cloudy, making it pitch black in the room. I was completely shocked that she would admit this to me, even in her sleep. A slow smile spread across my face and I tightened my arm possessively around her. She’s mine, I thought, and I’m never letting her go.

The next morning, I awoke on my stomach, with a warm body half on top of me. I awoke to a soft hand trailing down my back. I let out an involuntary moan and the hand paused. “I thought you said no funny business.” I teased her, my voice still groggy.
“Is this funny to you?” she asked me in my ear, tracing a finger along my shoulder blades.
I smiled and turned over, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close to me. “No. As a matter of fact it isn’t.” I said.
Her bright blue eyes bored into mine, and I couldn’t look away. They were the most amazing blue I’d ever seen, and they had me in awe every time I looked at them. “I need to go get ready.” She whispered.
I smiled; no way was I letting her go that easy. “One thing first, Babe.” I said.
I put my hand to the back of her head and pulled her face down to mine, pressing my lips to hers. Her leg slipped in between mine, whether intentionally or not, I didn’t know. I rolled us over so she was on her back, supporting my weight on my arms so I didn’t crush her.
“Dan…” she whispered, but I pressed my lips to hers again, I didn’t want to stop just yet. I ran my hands down her sides, and down to her thighs. I guided her leg to wrap around my waist and she didn’t object, she tangled her hands in my hair and deepened the kiss. I wanted more, though. I grinded against her and she gasped before moaning. I took the opportunity to thrust my tongue in her mouth, exploring the warm, sensual curve of her lips.
Her tongue met mine and she returned my kisses with a new enthusiasm. I felt myself harden as her hands moved from my hair, down to my stomach. I was losing control, fast. I wrapped my arms around her waist and ground into her, making her moan against my lips.
I felt her hands leave my stomach and could almost feel the atmosphere change. She’d realized what we were doing. “Dan.” She whispered again, making me pull back. “I need to get ready.”
I sighed and leaned down, pressing one last kiss to her forehead before rolling off of her and looking at the clock, I had to get ready for work, anyway. “Okay. I have to get to work, anyway.” I said.
“By the way, I never got the chance to ask you why you weren’t at work yesterday?” she said it like a question.
“The co-chief had a shift yesterday. Today is my shift.” I told her.
“Ah, the trainee worked out, huh?” she asked.
I nodded, surprised she remembered. “Yes. Better than we expected. The boss down in the city thinks I’m working too hard, and she wants me to get a few days off once in a while.” I explained.
The boss being Miss. Loraine Fairfield, she is an extreme flirt and practically throws herself at me and my men every chance she gets. She is beautiful, but not my type. I wanted a girl with a personality; I didn’t want a carbon copy of Barbie. I’m sure my men have slept with the boss more times than I can count, but she has yet to get me in bed.
Sky sat up and stretched her arms above her head, letting out a light groan as her joints popped. She wore a tight fitting tank top and shorts that reached mid-thigh. I couldn’t take my eyes away from her beautiful, fragile body.
She didn’t notice my staring as she got out of bed and walked towards the door, humming softly to herself.

Just as I reached the fire station, my phone buzzed. I looked at the ID, it was Blake. “Hey man, is Skylar’s phone dead? I tried to call her…” he said when I answered.
I tried hard to control the words that bubbled to the surface, but they slipped out, “Blake, I’m going to tell you something right now, she is mine. I don’t want you touching her. You get near her, and I’ll rip your heart out of your chest.” I said darkly.
I heard his chuckle. “I knew you were fond of her. You don’t let just anyone take up residence in your house.”
“Your damn right I’m fond of her, and I’m not afraid to admit it.” I said.
“Right, so do you think I should tell Skylar the reason I cannot go on a date with her? Or should I just say I got another date?” he asked sarcastically.
I sighed, she’d be angry with me, but I didn’t want Blake to hurt her. “Tell her the truth.”
“Right.” And he disconnected.
Blake and I’s relationship went deeper than just having met in high school. We signed up for the army when we were eighteen. We were in the line of duty together. I was shot in the side trying to give one of our men first aid treatments, though the bullet missed all of my major arteries, I was sent home. After that I did some undercover work and gained a lot of enemies. Blake, soon after, was too close to a land mine and had thirty two pieces of shrapnel removed from his leg and shoulder. He was sent home. This was why I wasn’t afraid of John. His game is child’s play compared to what I’ve seen.

I was just grabbing my jacket to leave when my phone buzzed again. “So I’m yours now?” came Sky’s very angry voice when I answered.
I smiled, imagining her cheeks going rosy red, her bright blue eyes turning to ice, and her full lips pursing in that very attractive pout. “We’ll talk about this when I get home.” Before she could answer, I hung up.
I wanted to see her face, how she’ll set her jaw stubbornly and her eyes will turn defiant, how her perfect eyebrows will raise as if to say “you can’t seriously be trying to control me!” and her delicate hands will ball into fists at her sides. She was beautiful when she was

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