» Romance » Burning Love., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗

Book online «Burning Love., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗». Author Emily Zimmerman.

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faces. I stopped and turned around, an eerie feeling of being in danger washed over me as I watched them come closer.
“Hello, beautiful. What are you doing out here so late?” John strode over to me and grabbed my face roughly in his hand.
I slapped John’s hand away and backed away from him. “John, we’re over. What are you doing here, anyway?” I asked, still backing away.
“I like the way you say my name, baby. Say it again.” I hadn’t noticed that Gram had gone around and had gotten behind me until he grabbed me by my arms and threw me into a dark alleyway.
My scream was cut off by a blunt smack in the face. I scrambled to my feet and quickly tried to run away, but John caught my wrist and yanked me back into his arms. His ragged breath was in my ear, and he was pressing himself against me enough for me to feel his erection.
“I wouldn’t do that again baby. You don’t want to die, do you?” he said in a rough voice.
He spun me around, slammed me against a wall and ripped my jacket off, exposing me to the frigid air. He stared down at my chest with pure lust and insanity in his eyes.
“Please John. Don’t do this.” I whispered.
He slapped me again, hard. “Shut up, sweetheart.” He then took the front of my button-down work shirt and ripped it open, making me shiver from the cold.
I looked away from him to find Gram leaning against the wall behind him, grinning with lust in his eyes. They were both insane, I realized, John did the work, and Gram watched with pleasure.
John kissed me roughly, pushing himself fully against me. He grabbed the front of my jeans and ripped the fly open, throwing me on the ground and roughly pulling my jeans down. I squeezed my eyes shut as he pulled my underwear down, bitter tears escaping my eyes.
I heard the sound of his belt being undone, and then I heard his pants drop. I sobbed quietly, knowing if I did it too loud he would slap me again. He came down on top of me and roughly grabbed my breasts, making me cry out in pain.
“That’s it baby. I want you to scream my name.” He groaned in my ear.
I shook my head slightly, sobbing.
“Hey John, you mind if I try her out for a few minutes?” Gram chimed in, voice rough with anticipation.
“Gram, she’s mine. We can go visit your bitch tomorrow.” John answered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head profusely; I didn’t want to remember anymore. “It’s alright, Sky. You don’t have to tell me anymore.” Dan said, pulling me back into his arms. I sobbed quietly into his chest, holding on tightly to the back of his shirt.

“I could kill him. I could kill him with my bare hands.” Dan said, holding me tightly to him.
I pulled back and stared into his eyes, they were angry. “No. I don’t want him killed; I want him in a mental hospital far away from me.” I said, acting on instinct and putting my hands on his warm neck.
Dan’s hard brown eyes slowly turned into molten chocolate as they stared into mine. He reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear, making me shiver and blush. He slowly leaned his head down, our faces getting closer and closer together. Our lips were inches apart when I realized what he was about to do. I sucked in a slow breath, unable and unwilling to move from the position I was in. Just as our lips were about to meet, Linda walked by the open door to the living room and it brought us back to reality. He pulled back, traced my face with the tip of his finger, and smiled roguishly.
I smiled sheepishly and pulled away, sitting with my hands limply clasped in my lap. “Anyway…what were we talking about?” I asked.
He let out a laugh; one that I realized was extremely attractive. “Your ex.” He picked up my hand and played with my fingers.
“Oh forget about him. Where were we?” was what I wanted to say, and then I’d lean over and kiss him passionately.
It wasn’t that easy, though. I had no idea who this man was, what I really said was, “oh…right.” His hand on mine was extremely distracting, what am I saying? HE is distracting.
He had his long legs stretched out in front of him with his ankles crossed, he was still wearing his uniform, but his jacket was hung over a chair in the corner of the room, revealing a tight shirt that outlined all of his muscles perfectly. His dark brown hair was casually messy, falling ruggedly over his eyes in a few places.
I didn’t realize what I was doing until I had already done it; I ran my fingers through his hair, moving those pieces out of his eyes.

I blushed furiously and quickly looked away. “sorry.” I murmured.

He chuckled, but it sounded a little off. “No I…don’t be sorry. I like it.” He said, sounding dazed.
I looked over and opened my mouth to speak, but he suddenly grabbed my chin and slipped his other hand in my hair, pulling me in and smashing his lips to mine. I couldn’t help it; I wrapped an arm around his neck and ran the other hand’s fingers through his hair. It was so soft.
He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, running his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance.
I gladly opened my mouth, letting his expert tongue explore my mouth with a passionate moan from me. He growled low in his throat and pulled away. He licked his lips, staring at me with darker-than-usual eyes, making my stomach flutter.
And just like that, he got up and walked out of the room, leaving me to wonder what just happened. Was he angry at me? Did I do something wrong? I had no idea.
Chapter four:

It’s been a week since our kiss, and things have been a bit awkward between Daniel and I. Every time we sit down for dinner, I catch him staring at me, his eyes that same molten chocolate as they were when he kissed me. He would quickly look away and I would blush and suddenly become fascinated with my plate. If Linda sensed our discomfort, she didn’t say anything. We hardly spoke anymore, Daniel and I, we would just greet each other and then quickly leave the room.
I sat in the library, my feet curled under me reading Jane Eyre. My legs were feeling much better, and I could actually walk for a short time without needing assistance. I had just gotten done with the first chapter of the book when Linda walked in. She smiled at me. “Hello dear, I hope I didn’t disturb you. I’m just here to tell you that I’ll be off visiting my niece for four days and you’ll be home alone, except of course for Daniel being here, but he works long hours. So I just got back from the grocery store with food and beverages that should last for the duration of my stay with my niece.” She murmured.
I smiled and nodded, but on the inside, I was panicking. Four days alone in the house with Daniel? “Okay. Have fun at your niece’s house.” I said.
She hugged me lightly and kissed my cheek. “Bye now.” She said.
I watched as she grabbed her duffle bag and bustled out of the room. Soon after I heard the alarm system beep and the front door open and close. Daniel was at work today, so I was alone.
I walked into the living room with only minimal pain and sat down on the cushiony love seat, relaxing into the soft leather. I turned the TV on and watched the cooking channel. A few minutes later I was dozing off, my eyes were closing, no matter how hard I tried to keep them open. I suspected it was because of the nightmares I was having each night, one night I would wake of screaming, and the next night I would wake up in a cold sweat wondering where I was.
I finally fell asleep just and Paula Deen was putting her cake in the oven.

I awoke in a cold sweat again, but I was in my bed. I distinctly remembered falling asleep on the couch. I sat up slowly, disoriented. I realized it was daylight outside. I looked at the clock and realized it was six thirty, the sun had just risen.
I got out of bed and reached behind me to undo my braid, and realized that my hair was a huge curly mess. I groaned and walked into the bathroom to assess the damage. It was worse than I expected, my hair was sticking up everywhere, wild curls stood around my face, and my hair was a giant frizz ball. I grabbed a hairbrush and started working my way through it, complaining to myself as I did it.
“Stupid hair. Who asked for you anyway? Who wants wild curly hair, huh? Not me!” I groaned as I tugged the brush through my hair.
I heard a chuckle from the bathroom door and looked over to find Dan leaning in the doorway, great.
“Look at this mess! This is why I hate my hair!” I carefully brushed through an extra tangled spot.
“I like your hair. Especially when you leave it down.” He murmured out of the blue.
I glanced at him from the mirror; he was studying me with those scorching eyes again. “How did I end up in my bed this morning? I thought I fell asleep on the couch.” I said.
“I woke you up when I got home. I don’t think you were fully awake, though. You tried walking to your room, but you almost collapsed to the ground and fell asleep again, so I just carried you.” He chuckled again.
I blushed and rolled my eyes. “I’m a mess when I’m tired.” I muttered.
He smiled and I tugged again at my hair, finally able to get it untangled.
I finally got it untangled. I braided it and then twisted the braid into a bun. I turned to Daniel when I was done. “So Linda is off to visit her niece for a few days.” I said.
He nodded once. “Yeah. She needed a few days off anyway. Her niece called saying she had sent a surprise for Linda and it came in the mail yesterday, that surprise was a ticket to Santiago to visit her. I told Linda to take a vacation, and she took my advice.” He explained.
I nodded too. “That’s very nice of you, Daniel.” I murmured.
“Call me Dan.”
“Okay, then you call me Sky.” I said.
I squeezed passed him and walked over to my closet. My wallet had

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