Burning Love., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗

- Author: Emily Zimmerman.
Book online «Burning Love., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗». Author Emily Zimmerman.
I opened my door and looked up as a hand reached in. Dan smiled and grasped my hand, helping me up and situating my crutch under my arm.
“Thank you.” I murmured.
“My pleasure.” He replied.
He helped me up the stairs, putting his hand at the small of my back and grabbing my hand again. He was very patient as I limped up the stairs one at a time.
“I hate this, I feel like a crippled old woman.” I sighed as we reached the porch.
“It’s only temporary. Then you’ll be back on your feet and walking around.” He assured.
“I know. It just makes me feel helpless…I mean what would I do if he found me? I couldn’t do a thing if he found me here alone.” I hadn’t thought about that, if I answered the door and came face to face with John, he’d have the upper hand; I wouldn’t be able to run.
“Skylar I don’t want you to think about that. I understand you’re scared, but I will keep you safe. If it means that I have to have someone with you at all times, I’ll do it.” He promised.
I nodded slightly, smiling up at him. “Thank you. You’re being too kind to me.” I said quietly.
He pulled out his keys, but before he could open his door, it swung open, revealing a petite woman with short red hair and kind caramel colored eyes. She smiled brightly at me “hello dear! Why it’s been such a long time since I’ve seen you! Your mother, father and I were good friends. I haven’t heard from them in a long time. How are they?” she asked, ushering us inside.
“Oh dear, how rude of me! My name is Linda, I take care of the house for Daniel.” She introduced herself.
“Nice to meet you. I’m sorry, they never spoke to me about you…and if they had I would have found you and told you. My father died of cancer two years ago, and my mother is in a rehab center. She turned to alcohol after he died.” I murmured.
Linda stared at me with wide eyes. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry. How very hard that must have been for you.” She grabbed my hand and pat it.
I smiled slightly, not really sure how to answer.
“Daniel, the room has been prepared as you requested.” Linda murmured.
“Thank you, Linda.” He replied.
Daniel led me through the house, never heading towards the stairs. “I’ve put your room on the first floor, just because it’s easier for you to move around without having the hassle of taking the stairs in your condition. After you heal, I can move you upstairs if you’d like.” He shrugged.
I nodded, admiring the beautiful vaulted ceilings, the walls were robin’s egg blue, and the floors were beautiful hard wood.
“Your house is beautiful, I’ve always loved these houses, but I’ve only ever seen the inside of one from pictures. It’s more beautiful in person than I imagined.” I said.
“Thank you. Linda did all the interior decorating. She knows how to make a house inviting, mostly because she’s a kind woman. I’m very sorry about your parents, by the way. I understand how it feels, I lost my mother when I was eight, and my father was arrested for using illegal drugs.” He said.
We stopped in front of a white door with trim the same color as the hardwood floor. I turned to Daniel and put my hand on his arm. “I’m sorry Daniel, how terrible.” I said softly.
He put his hand over mine and smiled. “It’s alright, that was a long time ago, and I’ve learned to cope.” He murmured.
I smiled back and he took his hand off mine, letting me drop it to my side. He turned and opened the door “this is your room. There is an intercom system in every room, press number five if you need Linda, and number eight if you need me. We can speak through the intercom as well, just pick up the phone and hold down number eight or five, and you can speak to us. Your clothes are through that door, and the bathroom through there.” He pointed to a door to the left.
The room had simple white walls, and dark hardwood floors, the bedspread was purple, with velvet floral designs. The pillows had matching pillow cases, with a dark purple velvet flower across each one. I sat on the bed and sighed. “Thank you.” I said.
He smiled slightly, nodded, and then left. First order of business was to take a shower. I had to cover my gauze wrapped arm though, and I couldn’t stand without assistance. I groaned and dropped my head in my hands; this is going to be fun! I thought dryly.
“Skylar? Is there something wrong?” Linda stood in the doorway with a laundry basket.
“No. It’s just frustrating having to have help with everything I do.” I murmured.
She smiled warmly. “I understand. No one wants to be helpless. Is there anything you’d like me to help you with?”
“I’d like to take a shower, but I need to wrap something around my arm, and I can’t stand.” I sighed.
“Well. I can help with both. I’ll get some plastic wrap to wrap around your arm, and since I know how awkward it is to shower while someone you don’t know holds you up, I’ll get a chair to put in the shower.” She pat my shoulder and left the basket of clothing on my bed.
About ten minutes later, she came in with a roll of plastic wrap and a plastic chair meant for outside. “This was all I could find that wouldn’t rust or ruin in the shower.” She laughed softly.
I smiled “that’ll be fine.” I said.
“Okay. Would you like me to help you wrap your arm? Or are you alright to do it on your own?” she asked from the bathroom, setting the chair in the shower.
“I think I can manage, thank you Linda.” I said.
She smiled, grabbed the basket of laundry and left. I grabbed the plastic wrap and wrapped my arm up, making sure no water could get in.
I limped into the bathroom and started the walk-in shower, setting my crutch against the wall beside the shower; sitting down on the closed toilet seat, as I stripped off my clothes I looked up, a mirror sat on the door directly across from me. My eyebrows lowered over my eyes. My natural blonde hair was out of its usual braid, and it wasn’t looking so good, my bright blue eyes were tired and dull. I hopped on one foot over to the shower and quickly sat down in the chair.
I sighed and let the spray of the water relax me, loving the spacious shower. I washed myself as best I could and then started on my hair, making sure the plastic wrap didn’t come off.
I turned the shower off and grabbed the towel that was hanging on a bar beside the shower, drying myself off as best I could.
I wrapped my towel around myself and grabbed the crutch, settling it under my arm, I limped into my room, opening the closet. I grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants, dressing myself while I leaned on the bed for support.
I sighed, this day has been exhausting. I set my crutch beside my bed and slowly, trying to lessen the pain, got under the covers. I braided my hair down my back and tied it with a pony-tail holder I found on the vanity against the wall. I lay down and cuddled into my pillows, I’d forgotten to turn the light off, but I could care less. I fell to sleep a few minutes later.
Chapter two:
I knocked softly on Skylar’s door to tell her that dinner was ready. I cracked it open to see that she was sound asleep with the light still on. She must have been exhausted. I leaned against the doorjamb for a few seconds, watching as her chest rose and fell and listened as soft breaths left her mouth.
She was so beautiful. I’d never seen a woman so beautiful before. Her eyes could stare into your soul, and I’d love to run my hands through her hair while kissing her with abandonment- wait a minute! What am I thinking? I’ve only just met this woman!
I shook my head and turned the light off, closing the door softly. I turned and jumped, realizing that Linda stood with her arms crossed, a smile on her face. “You’re very fond of that girl.” She said, not a question, a statement.
I snorted. “No I’m not. She needs a place to stay, so I’m lending her a room.” I shrugged.
Linda followed me into the dining room, and I could practically feel her rolling her eyes, “I may be old, but I’m not blind. I saw the way you looked at her.” She pointed a finger at me.
“I’m telling you I only feel sympathy for her. I can’t afford to feel anything more.” I murmured.
Linda held up her hands as if in surrender “alright, whatever you say Daniel.” She didn’t believe me, and to be honest I didn’t believe myself.
I sighed and dug into my dinner, eating in silence.
I headed to my room after dinner, passing by Skylar’s room to get to the master bedroom down the hall. I heard what sounded like crying coming from Skylar’s room. I paused and listened.
“No…please…I promise I won’t-“ a scream cut through the door like a chainsaw and I ran in.
Skylar looked terrified, sitting up in bed with her pillow cradled to her chest, tears running down her cheeks.
“Skylar! Skylar listen to me. It’s alright, it was just a dream.” I murmured, taking her face in my hands and wiping the tears away with my thumbs. She broke down, so I pulled her into my arms and cradled her to my chest. She buried her face in my chest and gripped my shirt tightly in both of her hands.
Linda appeared in the doorway, her hair was wet and she had a robe on. “What’s happened?”
“Nothing, nothing she just had a nightmare.” I explained.
“I’ll go get her some water.” She walked quickly down the hall.
I stroked her braided hair in way of comfort, trying to calm her down. “What happened, Skylar?” I asked softly.
“I was so afraid. He had me backed into a corner, and I couldn’t run. He told me that if I ever ran from him again that he’d kill me, and just as he pulled a knife, I woke up. God it was so real!” she cried.
I felt anger flow through me, knowing exactly who “he” was. I tightened my hold on her, kissing the top of her head softly. “I won’t let him touch you. I
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