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About two girls called alcie and jordan that fancy this boy called joe cross we met him at school out camp in the summer and he is really fit.

Cassidy is forced to move to Chicago with her Stepmother Maria and thinks she'll never fit in but she soon meets a lovely boy who has a huge secret

Avery Kate is a shy and more or less innocent girl with a painful past. In an attempt to bring her joy, her "father" sends her to live in a new town and attend a school: Salvation Academy. What the two of them don't know is that this is no ordinary town. Suddenly, a new world begins to unravel before Avery and she will soon find herself in a tangled web of love, lust, hate, and secrets.

Sure, Johnny Von is a real life movie star on the rise, but that's no reason to think he won't fall in love with Estella? Right? I'm mean, she's nice, and genuine, and probably pretty enough. After all, this could be what the universe has been planning for her, placing her on the quiet, light dappled street where he lives, walking dogs in the Hollywood Hills. This could be why, at 33, she is still single, why the International Playboy wasn't the 'one!' The universe has been saving her for THIS!

This book is about a religous teen getting pregnant, outside of marriage, and has to deal with all the consequences.... good and bad! (INCOMPLETE!!! WILL UPDATE WHENEVER POSSIBLE!!!)

I used to think i was alone, but i just now realized that i've never been alone, he's just been hiding. well that was until that night. People have never seen a love story like this

We enter into love relationships because we want to be close. Or so we say. Learn about a deeper understanding of closeness, different kinds of closeness, the ingredients of closeness, ways to measure closeness, how to apply closeness in love to bring healing into your love relationship or to help you create one, and more.

It would be his third attempt at a successful relationship. His first two ended in drama because he had been cheated on and felt that men were simply not meant to be monogamous. The "Joteria Chronicles" are a series of vignettes reflecting real life sessions during the time I spent as a Counselor for LGBT Youth and Adults.

Hmm.. I work at a collage bar, I am a full time student, I have two brothers, I love pizza, My life seems normal from the outside looking in, Umm.. OH!! Did I tell you I am falling in love with death

Veronica Winters was raised a Shakespeare-loving nerd. Her favorite play was Romeo & Juliet. She knew everything one could wish to know about Shakespeare and his life. Romeo & Juliet was his 13th play. William S. had a wife named Anne Hathaway and had three children. (Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith.) Hamnet and Judith were twins and the play Hamlet was a spin-off off Hamnet's life. (Sorta.) So when she joins the Shakespeare club in high school sophmore year, her life is complete. She's