» Satire » Vampire Dreams, Black rock Berry [rainbow fish read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «Vampire Dreams, Black rock Berry [rainbow fish read aloud txt] 📗». Author Black rock Berry

Welcome to the beginning.

Where am I suppose too go? I Dwan nigare am going to an academy where people is suppose to learn slowly and correctly. I was  suppose to be going to this place first but I was completely lost. I went across seas just to get lost. "Maybe i'm in the wrong country, or they probably gave me the wrong information." I look around me to see only one house that looked like a mansion, I decide to take a closer look just in case its a blocked off area. "Hmm this dosn't look like a bad place to look, maybe its not closed off after all." I start getting curious and decide to see how it is inside that way I wont get in any trouble if I have a meeting with anybody. I walk through the gates and see that this house has the same number on it as on the paper. "Yay yay I finnaly found it after all these hours!" I run out of the house, went to grab my stuff that I had left out side and brung it inside. I walked into the mansion and I was thinking of asking somebody if this was 1957 Rossbridge. I see a teenager looking guy laying on a couch next to a window some what like from off of diabolik lovers. I thought of asking him but he didn't look like an adult so I just pass on by him and marched straight up stairs to explore. I didn't pay attention to his looks becuase one way or another I would probably slip some where and slap him on his face like I did all my other boyfriends when he grabs me. I went to the bathroom, I looked around to see that there was more then one stall, very unusual and the sinks were to cute for any old house. I just left the wierd looking bathroom and explored somewhere else. I seen at least about five different more rooms before I went back down stairs, by that time that guy that was on the couch next to the window had moved to a chair I think. I walk down the steps looking like a celeb with the hip switch and the one foot in front of the other, but I almost fell down at least ten steps before I knew that  I was going to be able to get down the last fourty steps safely without the hip switching. I walked over to the guy to ask the guy some questions."Um excuse me is this 1957 rossbridge by any chance?" He didn't respond so I just turned around to leave, out of nowhere he grabbed me by the stomach and pulled me toward him, I was starting to blush like a fox ready to pounce. Wow I guess i'm in the new version of diabolik lovers. There I was sitting straight on his lap, looks like he wasn't asleep after all! Well im with him, I ain't gonna sleep in a chair because it could mess up your back. I went to go speak when he said something that I couldn't understand. I pulled away from his grip when all of a sudden I felt his breath. My heart starts to pump, my blood starts to flow more faster then I have ever felt it move before. "What are you doing? Let me go you monster!" When I said monster that made me feel like my own hero thats trying to save me, if that makes any sence. As I pull away with all my might, well actually half of my might. I think he grips me until I started to panic from breath lost, but hey who wouldn't lose blood when your stomach is being crushed by a super natural human that wants you as a pancake with flowers around you and a stick of butter melting while being on a open fire so don't blame me. "Shutdap you punk and listen to your master." I stood there insted of fighting back, I started thinking about how long I was here and when I ever turned to a servant. "Um, so does that mean that I was already here and I probally forgot or something like that?." When I was at school people use to call me names like stupid or lame brain but without them knowing the real me they don't even know that I am the most smartest person in the whole universe! I known from my childhood that I was so intellegent that my parents had to put me in the time out seat because of it, I still think that that was abuse but hey you can never trust someone of you kind because of they will always bring you up to succeed just like this guy is succeeding to some how suck my blood while I was still asking questions. I layed there just like yui did from off of diabolik lovers. About two minutes after that another guy came in with green glasses, jeen pants, a blue-ish shirt on and light green mint hair. "Kanagari, don't treat our guest like that, we must know them first before sucking thier blood." I thought that he would say something like, how dare you treat our guest like that? I will punish you until you know how to behave or something like that. He got off of me finnally and I jumped up and sprinted to the other side of the chair patch. After I stopped there a bunch of other dudes start popping up like gnats that are brought in from a trash can. "I dearly appolozie my dear for how he acted towards you." I started to wonder if I was still in my own world or if these people came in from another demension. "I am saranita I am the over seer of the family, then it's larentimika, hes the butler but he also works with me at some time, after that it's chemina, hes go gets the grocerys that we need for our resterant in our school. Viceserinka is the vice president of our school, he makes sure the nobody is breaking the rules, pinicha is a triple s student that gives out prizes for the students that have good grades and incourage the students that have bad grades. As you might know, kiragari who is a pop star and is famous for his looks, unfourtunally he can go crazy when there is stupid people around and he can't get them to start making wierd noices and stuff like that when he bites them. Lastly nomerichi, he is a piano player that can play any song at the fast pace of all, he can also play other instuments but he isn't that good at them as he is with the piano.


Publication Date: 02-07-2016

All Rights Reserved

Please understand that this book is suppose to be stupid so, if you go to the comment section to say how stupid this book is I will happily agree.

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