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Sex and the City 4

Sex and the City 4

Candace Bushnell/ Mila Buria

Chapter 1: The Funeral

Big’s heart had failed him. He was lying in a coffin and Carrie was devastated beside it.

The turnout at the funeral was rather sparse. Big was not a very loved person while he was alive.

The time of Big had ended. Now came the time of single Carrie.

She welcomed some guests at the wake in their home. Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte gave their condolences in a stylish heartfelt manner.

We will always remember him.

Yes, Charlotte, always.

He was truly a Big person.

Thank you, Samantha.

I am with you, Carrie.

Thank you, Miranda.

Carrie cried. And cried. And cried.

Everybody left. She remained alone. The hardest thing, they say, is to be alone in a house, where someone used to hug you.

Carrie was alone.

She took his picture and went into bed. He was staring at her with that non-chalant smile, as if he was winking at her. She sobbed.

Chapter 2: Shrink’s games

Doctor G looked desperate. 6 months had passed since Big’s passing, and Carrie made no progress.

How did you feel this week?


Only that?

And angry.

Angry’s good, that’s better!

Angry at the world for taking my husband from me.


I can’t do it anymore, I can’t.

Sure you can.

It’s so hard!

I know it’s hard.

I am so sad, all the time.

Let me propose you a game.

Game? What game?

You know it very well. You sit at an outside café, and pick out of 100 men that pass, how many you would like to sleep with.

Yeah, I know that game! – Carrie was a little exited.

Can you play it with Charlotte?

I can try.

Thank you. Let me know next week how many men you chose. And that better not be zero!

Chapter 3: Samantha’s Wedding

Samantha left the funeral in tears. She went home in a blur, and took the phone.

Rikaard! Hello?

Yes, Samantha.

I want to give it a try.

What made you change your mind?

I was at Big’s funeral and realized that at my coffin there will be nobody to mourn me.


Yes, can you give it a rest and just let me be with you.

I love you, you know that.

Yes, and I love you, too.

Samantha and Rikaard were at the Mayor’s office and got it over with quickly.

Then Samantha decided to give a big brunch to the friends.

I cannot believe it. I can’t.

Charlotte, none can believe it.

Come on, gals, Rikaard made an honest woman out of me, is that so hard to believe?

Yes, it is! But never mind that, now everything that matters is your happiness.

Rikaard, no children, you know, right?

Yes, I know, dear…!

Miranda, pass me that custard sauce!

Here you are!

It’s good to see Carrie smiling for a change!

We are fed up with your mourning, Carrie.

Sorry, I can’t force my feelings.

You should try!

Charlotte’s belly was enormous. She was sitting next to Harry in the café and said:

Harry Junior just kicked me. He also agrees you should move on!

Okay, okay, only because Harry Junior says so!

Thank you!

Chapter 4: Charlotte and the stork

Charlotte and Harry left the café. And then again, her waters broke.

Harry! Hurry! My waters broke!

Really? Oh, dear!

Come on, get a cab!

Lilly will you take Rose home?

Yes, father.

Thank you.

But I want to see how the baby gets born!!!

Come on, Rose, you will see him later. Charlotte, get in the cab.

Bye, girls! Keep your fingers crossed for me and the baby!

Charlotte gave birth easily – after all, it was her second child.

She was lying in bed holding Harry Goldenblatt the third, when Carrie entered.

Harry said:

This time no Big waiting for you.

Harry, this joke was really inappropriate!

Sorry, Charlotte

You should be sorry to Carrie, not me.

Sorry, Carrie

It’s ok. So what do we know, he has his father’s chin and his mother’s eyes!

He is a beaute, isn’t he?


Samantha entered with a balloon saying “It’s a boy!”

Congrats, my friends!

Thank you, Sammy Jo!

Miranda is downstairs, she will come in a minute.


Miranda entered panting.

There was a queue for the elevators, I had to take the stairs. Congratulations, Harry!

Thank you. Charlotte is the hero!

Yes indeed, she is!

Chapter 5: Miranda finds another nickel

Miranda was hurrying home after a long day at work. She almost stepped on a shiny nickel on the ground. She took it and said:

Somebody’s gonna get laaaaaid!

But when she came home, Steve was in no condition to make love. He was sick with the flu, sick as a dog.

Brady, get me cold water with vinegar and a cloth!

Yes, ma.

Quickly, hurry up!

Yes, ma.

Steve had a fever. Miranda tried to alleviate his temperature the old fashioned way – with a cloth dipped in cold water and vinegar, but it didn’t help.

Brady, I am afraid we will have to go to the hospital. Your father is sick.

Yes, I know. I will stay home with Beast the Second


When they reached the hospital, it turned out Steve had a pneumonia. He had to remain in the hospital.

Miranda was worried sick. But there was nothing to be done, so she went home.

The next day she was waiting in front of the room with bagels and cream cheese.

I am better, you know.

You don’t look better!

But I am, they gave me a bunch of injections.

Eat your bagel!

Ha ha.

I found a nickel, you know what that means.

Oh?! Really?! Take off your clothes, I am gonna have you right here, right now.

You’re crazy.

With clothes, even better.

Get off me!

Come on, Miranda!


When I come back home, promise we are going to do it!

I promise!

Chapter 6: The meet-cute

Carrie was out walking. She enjoyed long walks. The city was her boyfriend.

Without knowing how, she was in the café by the opera, grabbing for a cappuccino. And there he was – Roco, her crush.

Carrie! I cannot believe my eyes!

Oh, Roco, hi!

You dropped off the earth, after our little fling.

Eh… yes, sorry.

Sorry? You mean you were not kidnapped by aliens?

No, I was not.

What happened to you?

My husband died of a heart-attack.

Oh! My condolences. I am really sorry, I did not know him, but he must have been a great man.

Yes, he was.

So, how are you holding up lately?

Not good, I ain’t gonna lie to you.

But you look so good!

Do I?

Yes, you sure do!

Then I don’t look how I feel.

How do you feel?

Like crap. Like something the cat dragged in.

Well, it’s time to turn that frown upside-down!

Roco took her to the movies, and then to pastry shop nearby. It was turning to be the best first date, but Carrie was still resisting it.

I just lost my husband, I cannot start dating again!

How long ago did he die?

Six months.

I think that’s enough mourning.

You think?


But it does not feel right…

It is right, believe me.

Then why suddenly this desire to visit his grave?

Ok, let’s go together, we will pick up some flowers.

Really? You would do that, for me?

Well, of course!

The graveyard was silent and majestic. Big was buried under a cherry tree (his request) and now, since it was spring, the petals of the flowers had fallen on the grave.

It’s beautiful, Carrie.

Yes, it is, that’s exactly the effect, he was looking for.

They put the flowers down and he held her hand.

Thank you.

Chapter 7: The awakening

Carrie felt alive again. Roco awoke her spirit. He took her dancing, dining, drinking, to the movies, and so on. It was truly a blessing.

The four of them were having breakfast at the Shapiro’s restaurant. Miranda was happy:

Steve is healthy again. We cannot go outside of the bedroom; we are all over ourselves. Carrie what about you? Did you unwrap Roco?

Not yet.

Really? Why not?

Samantha, I am a widow, not a whore.

Your words say so, but your eyes don’t lie!

What about my eyes?

They are full of desire…

Charlotte, tell them what it behooves a widow!

Carrie, you should live a little. Forget the past!

Not you, Charlotte. I thought you are on my side…

I am on your side.

Samantha, what do you think I should do?

Fuck him! Marry him!

Oh, la la!

That’s what I did!

You’re a rascal!

Roco waited for her at the bottom of the stairs, rose in one hand, wine in other.

Carrie came down and she was radiant.

Thank you so much for the rose and the wine. Wanna come up?

Yes, of course.

Today was the day. They made love slowly and they enjoyed each other fully

Thank you, Roco. Thank you for bringing me back to life!

Chapter 8: Back in the game

Yes, I would sleep with that one. No, no that one, the other one.

Charlotte, you cannot be that picky. You’re 28/67

Well, how much are you?


That’s not fair. You are a man-eater!

And you are a prude!

Carrie drank from the fountain of love with her hands and mouth full. Roco was a true Life-saver. He was her angel and her God-given gift.

Samantha, are you free tonight?

I have to ask the ol’ ball and chain. Rikaard, do we have any plans for tonight? … No, I am all yours!

Let’s go dancing. Just the four of us!

That sounds like a lovely idea!

Let me conference in the girls

Miranda, are you free for dancing tonight?

Yes, sure!


Well, I am at Rose’s dance recital and I have to take care of the baby, so you’d have to go without me.

Oh, poor you!


Don’t worry!

Bye, see you tonight!

The three of them had a good spin around the dance floor.

Later, she was meeting Roco for a late dinner.

What did my goddess do tonight? (He called her goddess)

I went dancing with the girls.

Without me? I feel professionally offended!

Ha ha. Don’t be! It was a Girls’ Night Out.

Ok, but next time, you’ll take me, won’t you?

Yes, next time, I promise.

I love you.

That was the first time he said the words. Carrie felt like she was walking on a cloud.

Chapter 9: And so on…

Will you marry me?

Oh, no, you know I cannot be other than Mrs. Preston.


Yes, I am sorry dear. Also the age difference – I could be your mom. What would people say? What about your parents?

Fuck ‘em.

Carrie was shopping. Samantha was late for their date, and Carrie entered the closest clothes shop.

Could you bring me that dress in S?

Sure, madam.

Are you still an S?

Alexandre, oh my God, what are you doing here?

Alexandre Petrovsky was looking glamourous, even though he was approaching 65.

I am fine, what about you?

I am also fine.

I came in from Paris this morning. I knew I would see you somewhere here.

You came looking for me?


Dear, how does this look on me?

Carrie, meet my partner Jacky.

Hello, there.

Hello, Carrie. Are you the famous Carrie Bradshaw?


Oh my God, Alex, that’s Carrie Bradshaw!

Yes, I know. Do you have plans for lunch; could we interest you in some sushi?

I did have. but I no longer do, so I will come with pleasure!

Roco was massaging her feet.

Today I saw an old lover. Alexander Petrovsky.

OMG, you were lovers with Alexander Petrovsky?

Yes, you know him?

Of course. He is The Alexander Petrovsky…

Roco continued to make her feel special. They went on dancing, dining, drinking.

Life was beautiful.

They made love.

~` The END `~

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