» Science Fiction » The Last Stand, A. E. W.(aka:murderousintent) [best books to read non fiction .txt] 📗

Book online «The Last Stand, A. E. W.(aka:murderousintent) [best books to read non fiction .txt] 📗». Author A. E. W.(aka:murderousintent)

Chapter One:Dante


Now. The labcoat said to me. What is your name? I gulped and answered, tentatively, “Dante.” The man smiled and asked, “Do I sound any different now than I did before?” I nod. “Good, good.”
“Why?” I ask.
“At first I didn't speak. I thought and you heard. You read my mind.” He frowned, then continued, “And don't you trying reading my mind any other time. You're not yet strong enough to read it at will. I have to think it really hard, but, I won't bother you with the details. You just rest now.” The man steps forward and slips a needle into my leg. He presses and something sticky slides into my veins. “Sweet dreams...” is the last thing I comprehend before slowly drifting off into oblivion
When I wake up I'm in a small hospital room, strapped to a bed. It's dark and I can't see a thing. I pull at my bindings and my leg spasms. “Hello!” I call into the darkness. “Hello!”
After a moment I hear a small, “Who are you?” It was a girls voice.
“Girl?” I ask, “Who are you?”
“I'm scared...” She whispers quietly.
“I know. I am, too. But what's your name?”
“Okay. Livie. Are you strapped to a bed?”
“No. I'm not tied down at all.
“Can you come here then ,to my voice?” I hear a shuffling and two cold hands grasp mine. “Can you get these straps off, Livie?”
“Uh-huh.” I feel the binds loosening and dropping to the floor.
“Thanks.” I sit up and my eyes are drawn to a blinking red light In the corner. “Is that a camera?” Livie shrugs and backs away. Back into her little corner where I can barely see her. That's probably how she likes it anyway...
“What's your name?” she asks after a while of silence.
“Dante.” I hang my legs over the edge of the bed and I jump off. The second my weight lands on my left leg, I collapse, my leg twitching. “What was that stuff?!” I ask Live irritatedly. “Did he give you a shot, too?”
“Three.” She tells me. “You only got two.” She cocks her head. “It'll stop shaking after a hour or so.”
“Shaking!” I cry, “I can't even stand! Jeez!” I drag myself back onto the bed , and I wait, secret;y sneaking glances at Livie.
“Livie?” I ask.
“Do you remember your life before here?”
“No.” she frowns, “I don't remember anything farther back than a week.” She curls closer into the corner, the blinking light/camera was above her blond head. Maybe she thought he couldn't see her there, but I knew better. He always saw us...
“Oh.” I sigh, disappointed, “Do you remember your last name?”
“Your favorite color?”
“The color of your eyes?”
“No.” Livie was starting to sound disstressed.
“Blue...” I whisper. “Your eyes are blue.” She smiles a small smile ans sits up straighter. As id knowing her eye color had made her more confident, had taken the weight off of her shoulders.
“Dante...” She suddenly says.
“Do you hear that?” She says even quieter. I strain my ears, listening. Then I hear it.
“Screams....” I gasp, jumping up. My leg spazzes, but I'm still able to stand. “We gotta get out of here!” I bang on the door, calling for help, for someone to save us.
I kick the door one last time, then fall back, onto the wall behind me, panting.
Suddenly, everything is silent, and my heart sounds like someone's slamming a hammer against my chest. I wonder absently is Livie can hear it thrashing.
There's a click, and the door swings open, narrowly missing Livie. The man was standing in the doorway, glaring. He looked angry, frighteningly angry. I shudder, unable to take my eyes away from his face.
He took a step forward and said,” You have been a naughty boy!” His arm toward me and everything went black.


Publication Date: 10-20-2011

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