» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/The Spectrum Force/Sailor Moon - The Preliminaries Volume 5, Heather Ray [historical books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/The Spectrum Force/Sailor Moon - The Preliminaries Volume 5, Heather Ray [historical books to read .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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To those that have stayed with me through both the Streaks of Purple Saga and the Spectrum Force series, thank you! See? I told you there were more books to come! I've decided to go back to editing the Power Ranger Fanfiction I wrote back in the day to book format and The Terran Rangers are kind of my own take on Power Rangers Zeo. I hope you all continue to stick with me through this series. Again, thank you to all the readers and the people that have supported me over this project through the years! Luvs to you all!

Author's Note

This story is a crossover between the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Spectrum Force, and the Sailor Scouts. This fic takes place sometime after the first Power Rangers movie.


There are many parallel universes in existence. In fact, there are infinite parallel universes. For the most part, though, they are completely separate from one another. Each universe thinks it is the only universe in existence. The vast majority of beings do not know of the other universes, and frankly do not care. That is the way it should be, for parallel universes represent all the possibilities, and they should remain separate. Roma was the Guardian of the Multiverse, and it was her responsibility to make sure that the infinite universes never clash, for it could mean the utter destruction of reality. Roma lived on Otherworld, a pocket dimension floating between universes, where the laws of space and time carried no weight. Little did she know that there existed another being on the other side of Otherworld, secretly living inside a remarkable onyx castle floating in space. The only resident in this majestic and mysterious palace was Solar, a mighty creature with access to any world in the Multiverse, and an agenda that directly opposed Roma's. Solar sat alone on his throne, resting his chin on his hands. To anyone who looked at him, he appeared to be surprisingly human, with bright aqua colored eyes, sandy blonde hair, tan skin, and a medium build. The only thing that gave him away was his form-fitting armor --a white chestplate with a golden badge over his heart and concentric blue circles emanating from the round badge. His sleeves and pants were deep red, and he wore a blue belt with a golden buckle. But no matter how human he appeared, he indeed was not human. In fact, he was nothing like any of the evil beings that populate the Multiverse. Solar didn't seek selfish gain, such as riches or power. Rather, he was pure, cold, and calculating evil, and his only desire was to destroy the Multiverse, simply because it was populated by lesser beings. Solar appeared to be in a trance, not moving even slightly for a great deal of time. His eyes then thrust open, and a chilled grin formed on his handsome face.

"I have it!" he declared, his deep, rumbling voice nearly shaking the whole room, "I have figured out how I shall destroy the Multiverse. It is so simple!"

Solar rose from his throne and strode over to a large crystal ball, reflecting the colored streaks of light that decorated the black sky of Otherworld. He stroked the ball gently, and three images appeared in sequence, one of the six spandex clad Power Rangers, one of the colorful Spectrum Force, and one of the high-heeled Sailor Scouts and their ally, Tuxedo Mask. Solar's eyes twinkled gold as he studied the images of the teenagers.

"They are so young," he mused, "and yet so powerful. They may very well be the most powerful teams of super heroes in the Multiverse. Each team protects Earth from unbeatable odds, and yet always manages to succeed. If I plan to destroy the Multiverse, I must start by ridding myself of its greatest defenders."

Solar walked up the stairs and emerged on the roof of his mighty palace. He stood outside, the chill winds of Otherworld rustling his sandy hair. He gazed towards a shimmer of pearly white light in the distance.

"I must be cautious," he mused aloud, his face curling into a frown as he gazed at the light, "If I simply attack the children myself, I shall no doubt alert Roma of my plans, and I am not yet powerful enough to challenge her on my own. I must be subtle, and eliminate my enemies with as little interference as possible. I shall start with the most powerful fighters on each team, and once they are gone, the remaining ones shall be so distraught that they will fall to their typical enemies. A brilliant plan, and hopefully, Roma will not notice that I have shanghaied some of her little heroes. And the two girls jogged the rest of the way to class.

Part One

Chapter One

It was four o'clock in sunny Angel Grove, California, and as usual, after a hard day at school, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers -- Tommy Oliver, Kimberly Hart, Billy Mitchell, Aisha Campbell, Rocky DeSantos, and Adam Park -- were relaxing at Ernie's Gym and Juice Bar. It was the week before spring break, and the kids were discussing any plans for the vacation.

"Rocky, Adam, and I have a karate tournament next Wednesday," said Tommy, stirring his vanilla milkshake with his straw, "so we won't be doing much other than practicing. This is the biggest tournament of the year, and it includes all of southern California."

"I believe I shall use this opportunity to work on a highly advanced communications system," said Billy, "I have the design nearly completed, and once the communicator has been assembled, we shall be able to contact the Command Center or each other's communicators through the telephone. It will indeed be most convenient, especially for Jason, Zack, Trini, and Alexis to stay in contact with us. There will be no long distance charge either. All I need is to complete my satellite and put it in orbit."

"You built your own satellite?!" said Rocky, his mouth filled with black cherry ice cream.

"Indeed. Considering the kind of technology I deal with daily in the Command Center, a satellite isn't that difficult to design. The hardest part will be teleporting it into orbit around the planet. I have to make sure it will not be in the path of any other satellites. Since no one will know about this satellite besides us, it must be placed at exactly the right distance from Earth."

"That's a great idea, Billy," said Adam. "That communicator can really come in handy."

"What're you girls doing next week?" asked Rocky with a grin. "Shopping morning, noon, and night?"

"Well, for your information, Kim and I are flying to Philadelphia to spend a couple days with Alexis," said Aisha, scooping a spoonful of lemon sherbert from her bowl. "We haven't seen her since she moved last year, and we kinda miss her."

"Yeah," said Kim, "Actually, I'm surprised Zordon didn't tell us to bring Lex with us when we went to Phaedos to get Ninjetti powers. I know her coin is kinda independent of the grid, but now, if we ever need to call on her, her Eaglezord won't be able to morph with our Ninja Zords."

"I'm certain Zordon had good reason for not including Alexis in our mission," said Billy as their communicators beeped in that familiar six tone signal. Tommy glanced at his wrist while the others looked around anxiously. The group huddled closer around the table, and Tommy brought his wrist communicator to his lips.

"We read you, Zordon," he whispered into the receiver.



"You got it," whispered Tommy, and the six teenagers stood up and casually left the Juice Bar. They hid among the bushes outside the building.

"Okay guys," said Tommy, "we need Ninja Ranger Power. NOW


The six teens summoned their Ninjetti Powers, and bright lights wrapped their bodies in the light cloth costumes of Ninjas, with enlarged images of their Power Coins embedded on their chests. In six flashes of colored light, the Ninja Rangers appeared along a highway, where a lone school bus was parked on the grass surrounded by threatening Tenga warriors. The rangers shuddered at the horrible screams heard from the bus.

"Zedd's reached a new low with this one," said Tommy angrily, "I'll get the Tengas away from the bus, you guys

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