» Science Fiction » No Time, Madame Falls [thriller books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «No Time, Madame Falls [thriller books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Madame Falls


Time is a tricky thing.There are those who have lot's of time,and those who have little time.Then there are those like Chloee and her twin sister,Cierra.Time Travelers.They've existed forever,never letting anyone know about them.Until now.


Chloee was a normal girl,as normal as you can get when you have an identical twin sister who,although she looks like you,she thinks nothing like you.Chloee was a cheer-leader,who liked to wear dresses and skirts.She loved her honey blond hair long and thought pony-tails were horrible.Whereas,Cierra,was the captain of the soccer,girls basketball,and softball team.She loved getting dirty and liked her hair short.If Cierra would let her hair grow out,she would have always put it in a pony-tail.

Chloee and Cierra were going to turn 13 soon.In fact,their birthday was in 2 days.January 15 is a special time of year,beacause there was always a lunar and solar solstice combined.It was also their birthday."Come on Cierra!Would at least wear somthing nice to our 13-th.Birthday Bash.Like a dress.I'll let you borrow one,as long as you dont tear it or make it dirty,"Chloee said to her twin sister.This had happened before on their 6-th birthday.Chloee had lended Cierra her dress and Cierra had ruined it.Cierra shook her head."No thanks.I'd get it dirty like I always seem to do with dresses,"Cierra said,"Why don't you put your hair into a pony-tail?"Chloee seemed to shudder at the thought of her beautiful hair in a pony-tail frightened her."Whatever you say I'm not wearing a dress!"Cried Cierra."And I'm not wearing a pony-tail!"They both turned and went into their rooms.

Chapter Two
The next day, Chloee dressed in a pink skirt and a white cotten sweater and sone white flats that had pink glitter on.She brushed her hair and put it in an long braid.Meanwhile,Cierra was putting on some old blue jeans,a black t-shirt,and some black boots.They went downstairs,ate pancakes,and grabbed their book-bags.(Chloee has a white and pink book-bag.Cierra has a black fuzzy book-bag.)
... ...
"How was school,girls?"Said their mom."Perfect,just perfect,"Said the twins together.Chloee set down her bag and got a notebook out,"I have to write 5 new cheers.Leave me alone until I get them please,"Cierra sighed,"I'll be in the back-yard practicing my pitching and batting.Maybe even my kicking."Their mom shook her head,"Somtimes,I think I should clone you for all the work you do."Cierra laughed while Chloee looked disgusted."Whatever,I'm going to my room.Go outside or to the park to do that stuff,Cierra."So the twins went to either their room or the back-yard.
Chapter Three
Cierra woke up to a scream.Her sister's scream to be exact.Cierra rushed to her sister's room."Oh my God!"Cierra exclaimed.Chloee was standing in front of a purple,swirling hole.Cierra screamed in synch with her sister."Oh no.I had hoped it would skip you like it skipped me."Said their mother.She sighed,looking at their faces,seeing the look they had."You are Time Travelers."Chloee and Cierra just stared.After a while,Chloee screamed,"WHAT!!??"Thier mother sighed and said,"The color purple means that somthing is wrong with history.You must go in and fix it.It's the only way!"And with that, she pushed them in.
Chapter Four
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"The girls screamed the entire way to 1997,to when they were born.
"OOF"They grunted when they landed in front of the Hospital.Chloee looked confused."What day is it?"She looked on her cell phone,which had adjusted itself to the date."It's the day we were born,"She mumbled to herself,then said louder for Cierra to hear."What!?"Said Cierra.Then they looked at eachother and said at the same time,"Some one's trying to kill us!"Then they rushed inside the hospital.
Chapter Five
"What room were we born in?"Chloee asked Cierra."Ummm,Room 133,I think."And they took off.It semmed like no one could see them.When the got there,they said,"AWWWW!We were such cute baby's!"The Cierra said,"Well,unless that guy with the knife isn't here to kill us,we won't be here in a few minutes!We've got to stop him!"And they stepped into the room and yelled,"STOP!!!!"And the man stopped.He gasped."Is it you?Really you?The famed time travelers at the age of 13?"We nod."Oh my gosh!I'm sooo sorry about this Miss Smith.We'll get the paperwork all sorted out.I mean,who knew you had the wrong baby's.Sorry."Said a giggly nurse to...our mother.We heard the baby's crying for only a minute,then it stopped."I'm sorry,but these baby's had to die."The man with the knife said.Then a blue portal sucked us into the present.We sat up and blackness over took us.
Chapter Six
We woke up with no sense of who we were.We saw our mom and tried to speak but she said,"Shhhh.You must rest.There is a battle coming over the lost bits of time."Then we fell back asleep.

I'll write the rest later.I need to think of the rest.This is only the first book though.It's THE TIME SAGA.


Publication Date: 12-18-2010

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