» Science Fiction » When Night Came, Quinton Todd [easy novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «When Night Came, Quinton Todd [easy novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Quinton Todd

When night came the moon was lit and the stars were bright. I never could figure out why everything had to be so dark. Scary things can always happen even though you don’t want them to. Murder, robbery, breaking and entering, and kidnapping. I never felt safe at night, nor did I feel joy. I knew a kid named Roger that became a part of the night, and I’ll be glad to tell you how.

Roger was an average youngster. Always obeyed his parents, got good grades in school, and was always a good kid. The only time he picked a fight with someone was when he was playing with his action figures. He loved the sun and the heat. He would play at the park, or outside riding his bike. Whenever night came, he was inside of the house real quick. He hated the darkness as much as he hated to go to sleep early, but he felt that it was better than staying out in the dark. His mother would tuck him in, after turning on his Transformers nightlight, and read him a bedtime story. When he woke up, no more darkness. Anyone who knew him knew that a lot of things scared him. He’ll tell you himself. Nothing will scare him more than being outside in the night.

Roger was playing outside in the yard when his best friend Charlie from next door came over to him. “Hey Roger, do you want to spend the night at my house tonight?” Roger looked at him for a second, hesitated, but said “Sure.” He didn’t yet know what he was getting himself into, but what he doesn’t know will come to haunt him. For the rest of the day Roger and Charlie played outside. They played tag, follow the leader, and other childish games that meant the world to them. Charlie looked up at the sky and said, “Hey Roger, it’s starting to get dark.” “I think it’s a good idea if we go in.” “I agree with you,” replied Roger. The boys decided that they were going to call it a day from being outside and head into the house for snacks. When Charlie grabbed the doorknob, the door clicked. “Huh?”, said Charlie in confusion. He tried it again and it clicked once more. “I think it’s locked”, Charlie said. Roger started panicking and running around yelling. “Calm down Roger, my mom will unlock it in a minute.” They waited for about five more minutes and started panicking. “I’ll go over to my house, you stay here Charlie.” “No, I’m coming with you.” The boys went over to Roger’s house and tried to open the door, but it was locked too. “Oh no, what are we going to do?”, Roger said as he started to pace back and forth. “Why are you asking me!”, Charlie yelled. Now sensing the fear in his eyes, Charlie started pacing next to Roger. They stopped when they heard some kind of nuclear explosion. “What was that?”, Roger asked looking to see where it came from. “Let’s go check.” The boys went over to a field in the park and noticed a giant hole in the ground. They came closer for a better look and saw a spaceship wedged into the dirt. The boys stared in awe as their eyes scrolled the hunk of metal that they didn’t know existed. “Should we touch it?”, Roger asked, starting to shake. “I’m not sure if we should or not, because we don’t know what it does.”, Charlie replied sharply. The boys noticed a flash of green light and the door to the spaceship opened. In awe, the boys looked at the monster that came outside.

All they could see was small red lights indicating that they were its eyes. The monster came closer and closer as it slowly walked up to the boys. It was holding something that wasn’t small. It looked like a bag of something or at least that’s what they thought. It through the bag and it unraveled revealing Roger’s parents soaked in blood and missing bits and pieces of flesh. Roger broke down in tears and started to run. Charlie followed after a minute of looking into its eyes. The monster started flying over to them in a hurry. The boys got into the neighborhood and fled for their houses. When they arrived at Charlie’s house, Charlie reached for the doorknob but it was still locked. “We’re not going to make it in time to get this door open by the time he gets here.” They kept pulling and turning the doorknob but the door refused to open. The monster was feet away from them now and was ready to attack. It slowly crept behind the boys and grabbed their shoulders. The boys screamed and then Roger woke up.


Publication Date: 07-24-2010

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