» Science Fiction » The Fight, Haneefa Muhammad [rooftoppers TXT] 📗

Book online «The Fight, Haneefa Muhammad [rooftoppers TXT] 📗». Author Haneefa Muhammad

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Here I sit hiding under the back porch, the last of my species. My sister beside me shivering from the cold, sadly she’s the only thing I have left. Just a few minutes ago I watched my family murdered right before my eyes, I tried but I couldn’t stop them. The only one I could save was Saliyah. I had a mother a father two sisters and two brothers, now I only have one sister.
“Here” I whisper, taking off my jacket to give it to her. What began as little shakes turned violent as soon as she heard footsteps overhead; if she couldn’t control herself we could get caught. She has on her pajamas that consist of a purple shirt that has pink flowers on it and pink cotton pants. I have on a black cotton shirt and green pants with a plaid print. Her black hair is plastered to her face from sweat; combined with the black circles under her red eyes give a very ill look.
“You sure you saw them coming out here?” A deep voice says right above us on the porch, causing a sharp intake of breath from Saliyah. Right then and there I knew we were caught my legs felt like they were about to give out, my hands started to shake and I stopped breathing. I pulled Liyah closer and motioned for her to be quiet.
“Wait did you hear that!?” Another voice said with excitement, I closed my eyes and silently prayed that they wouldn’t find us.
“Yeah I heard it I think it came from down there.” The deep voice said, when he said that my heart dropped! Liyah heard what the man said and started crying, I cursed under my breath and unsheathed my knife that was in my waistband. My hand shook from adrenaline and fear as I tried to hold the knife steady.
“There I hear it!” The lighter voice says, I hear footsteps and prepare for a fight. They aren’t gonna take either of us alive if I had any say in it.
“Please don’t let them take me sissy!” Saliyah says looking into my eyes a single tear rolls down her face, and I can’t help but to hug her closer to my body as if I could shield her from the impending danger. Trying hard not to cry I pull back and look into her red eyes.
“I’m not letting them take you anywhere you hear me Liyah!” I say putting on a mask of confidence, but on the inside I am filled with doubt. We probably won’t make it out of here alive. Just then I see a flashlight shine right on my face.
“Gotcha!” A dark figure behind the bright light says. A pale hand reaches from the darkness and pulls me by my shirt’s collar into the night. I try to hold on to Liyah but she is ripped out of my grasp.
“NO!” I hear her scream. I try to twist free from the firm grip but he holds me around my arms. My sweaty shaky hand still holds onto the knife so I decide to put it in use. I slash upward hoping to harm him enough to startle him into letting me go. I feel the blade slice into the skin of his arm; he yelps and lets me go. I roll into the wet grass and get up, placing myself in a defensive position, with my back to the balcony. Luckily they under estimate me and think I am untrained. I still hear Liyah screaming somewhere to my far right, it’s so dark that I can’t even see her. The only things I see are a bunch of bright flashlights blinding my vision.

“Let her go! It’s me you want! Let her go and I will turn myself over!” I yell holding my knife in front of my face, constantly turning to make sure nobody tries to sneak behind me. There are about seven balls of light, so I’m guessing there are seven people on the hunt, including the man who I injured.
“Or we could just kill her; it will make things a lot easier. We don’t want word to get to the boss that we are still doing underground fights now do we?” A cold steely voice says it’s the man with the deep voice from earlier.
“Screw that! I said take me and leave the girl! If you kill her I’ll kill myself!” I scream and at this moment I realize something. From now on forward I don’t live for me I live for my sister, if she dies there is no reason to live. With that in mind a new found confidence arises in me.
“Oh really is that so?” The same voice asks chuckling; his laughter makes my knees buckle. I want to cry I want to run away and curl up in a ball and hide somewhere dark where I know I will be safe, but that’s not gonna happen. This is a fight or die situation running is not an option. This is sad, how could I go from being so sure in what I was doing to a scared little girl in a second?
It’s something in his voice that’s so wicked, so file. It’s like there’s a beast in the depths of his soul that slithers its way out of hiding through the voice of the man. It’s like he is Satan himself, and that makes me shiver.
“Bring her over here Sam.” The man says in an amused way, I know he has something planned and I think I know what it is. I check to my side to see if anybody has advanced on me but they haven’t surprisingly. It is a smart move seeing that they are only human, and I having the incredible ability to fight not to mention the other things I can do. I don’t know much about my race, my parents never taught me, but I know we are different from other people. Not different in the way we look but different in the way our body develops. I was always a medical wonder to doctors they’ve never come across a person like me. A dark figure moved towards the sound of the voice, my sisters screaming becoming louder by the second. I wanted to tell her it would be alright, but I’ve lied enough to her today. So I keep my mouth shut, eyes alert and ready for any danger around me.
A tall masked figure comes from the shadows holding Saliyah by her arm. She is thrashing around trying to loosen the grip on her arm, but the man keeps a firm hold on her. I have to admit it they are pretty strong for humans. When Saliyah is in the other man’s possession something silver and shiny is produced. I squint trying to look closer to see what it is, but realization hits me when he holds the object to Saliyah’s throat. Once she felt the touch of the knife she went still immediately.
“So like I said you are going to play for us, whether you like it or not.” The man says and I have only one option left…..
“Please don’t kill her.” I beg. “She’s only nine years old she’s just a little girl!” All they do is laugh at me, making me feel even more helpless. The only thing I know I have over them is that they want me alive I would be no use in fighting if dead. The man starts to move the knife ever so slightly and I can see blood has been spilled. I clench my jaw trying to control myself.
“I mean it! Kill her and you won’t leave with me alive!” I scream I can hear Saliyah’s soft pleas in the distance. Everyone is all of a sudden silent my heart starts to beat faster and faster as the seconds of silence turn into minutes. After what seems like forever the same man who has been talking to me proposes an offer.
“We will make a deal, we won’t let your sister go, but we will keep her in our possession. You want her to stay alive, you win the fight deal?” The man says a bit irritated.

“Deal but you have to make sure she gets enough to eat and she has somewhere comfortable to sleep, as well as I will be able to see her periodically to make sure she is still alive.” I say there's silence then the man answers.
“Deal.” And that is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

Somewhere in the far distance I can hear a few voices conversing, but the pain that has shot through my body has been keeping me occupied. I feel cold, weak, hurt, helpless, and most of all I feel like a coward. I should have done more to save them, why couldn’t I have at least got Saliyah somewhere safe! I can’t do anything right, I let everything go and do what I’ve wanted to do for the past 5 years, ever since I had to go on the run, cry. I feel a kick to my back and I slide across the cold grainy floor, pain shoots through my skull as my forehead hits the wall hard. I groan and try to hold my aching head but I am quickly grabbed around the arms turned around and pulled into a sitting position.
Out of nowhere something very cold and icy is splashed onto my face, I gasp as it hits my overheated skin. Sputtering I spit out whatever was splashed onto me, I open my eyes to see a feminine figure standing over me holding a bucket.
“She’s ok!” The sound rejoices it bends down to look at me better; I am met with a sea full of green eyes, black hair, and a dimpled smile. She reminds me of me with the color of her eyes and hair except at the top my hair it’s flaming red. And when I look closely I can see some blue at the

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