» Science Fiction » The Unimaginable World, Amber Riel [top 20 books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The Unimaginable World, Amber Riel [top 20 books to read txt] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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The Opening

The sunlight slid through the cracks of the barred window of my bedroom which woke me from another sleepless night.  I looked around my room, noticing that Bones had jumped from the bed and curled up on the black folded blanket I had placed on the floor for him.  I shook my head while I sat up and placed my feet on the floor.  It took me a moment before I stood up and left the room.

I walked into my small kitchen and fixed a pot of coffee.  I sat at down at the table while I waited for it to brew.  The phone rang causing me to sigh.  I stood up and walked over to the counter, picking up the cordless phone.  “Good morning,” I barely spoke, still trying to wake up.         

“Quill,” my commander’s voice spoke, “we have an important job for you today.”         

I sighed.  I was an important figure to my world and one who everyone would want to save a last resort for my talents.  I knew whatever it was that my commander had called me about had to be something huge.  “What’s the job this time, Commander Thorn?” I asked.         

He took a moment and sighed.  “I just need you to get here as soon as possible.”         

“Okay.”  I knew that if he needed me to be as soon as possible then clearly I didn’t need to ask any more questions.  “Where do I need to meet you?”         

“The corner of Grim Street and Rose Red Avenue,” he answered then without another word he hung up.

I placed the phone down and looked at the coffee I was letting brew.  Damn, there goes my morning coffee.  I’m going to be grouchy today, I thought while I hurried into the bathroom to brush my teeth and then to my room to get dress.                                                            



Bones followed behind me while we worked our way down the street.  The one thing about having a dog which was nothing but a skeleton was useful for my job and normal from where I lived. 

I had worn a pair of old torn up blue jeans with a white tank top with an undershirt hiding under it.  I was decked out with swords which were placed in sheathes and guns in holsters along my belt with all kinds of weapons which was also normal in my world.  I and my trusty little sidekick met up with my commander whom was almost dressed in a similar uniform.

Thorn was a tall muscular male with somewhat long brown hair.  He was attractive but I kept my thoughts to myself because of the fact he was my boss.  He had to be about eight years older than me at least.  When I seen him, our conversations were about missions and nothing else.

“What’s the problem today?” I asked.

Thorn sighed then gestured toward the portal to the world of the mortals.  “The zombies keep trying to escape,” he explained.

I sighed and shook my head.  I walked over to the portal and looked around it.  I hadn’t been to the mortals’ world but I felt better in my own universe.  Mortals wouldn’t understand us, like we don’t understand them.  “I will protect the portal then.”

Thorn nodded.  “Bones will stay with you?” he asked.  He already knew the answer but always had to ask.  He bent down and patted the top of the dog’s head.  He was the kind of man whom had seem to be strong and kind of the tough guy from his appearance but he had a soft side.

Bones let out a loud bark of excitement.

I nodded.  “Of course, I need him.”

Thorn stood and locked eyes with me.  “Need any one else to help?”

I shook my head.  “I’ve done this before.  I don’t need anyone else.”

Thorn nodded.  He took a moment while he turned his attention toward the portal.  “They are getting restless,” he told me, speaking about the zombies.

I nodded.

“Well, be careful and call if you need back up.  We can’t let…”

“I know,” I replied.  “We can’t let even one get through into the mortals’ world.  I’ve done this before,” I told him.

Thorn nodded then left me alone with Bones.



Hours had past and there had been no sign of any zombies which to me was a pretty good day but I knew I couldn’t leave my post.  It was important to stay where I was until Thorn or another member in our order told me otherwise.  The order is our occupation which is to make sure the creatures in our world stay in our world.  We know about the mortals but they don’t know about us and we need to make sure it stays that way.         

“Quill,” a deep voice rang in my ear.         

I sighed, knowing who the new comer was.  “Grim,” I spoke to the death dealer whom just appeared out of thin air.         

“I see you’re keeping guard,” he told me in his serious tone.         

I nodded.         

“The zombies are going to overpower you if you’re not careful.”         

I sighed.  I didn’t want to speak disrespectfully toward the angel because I knew he meant well but sometimes I hated when he would just pop up and tell me what to watch out for when I already knew what could happen.  “Thanks,” I told him, simply.         

Grim sighed.  “Child, I know you hate it when I warn you but you and I both know what will happen when the zombies invade the living’s quarter.”         

I nodded.  I kept the zombies from invading the mortals’ world forever and I knew what I needed to do.  Sometimes I felt that Grim was there just to nag me but without meaning too.  I knew to make sure that the zombies stayed in our world.  It was my job.         

Without any other words, Grim vanished into midair.  He always did that.  The death dealers had their jobs whereas we had ours but sometimes they felt it was their need to appear when they wanted.  The mortals’ of course didn’t have to worry about seeing a death dealer unless they were on their deathbed but other than that they didn’t need to worry.         

Bones slowly began growling which had caught my attention.  I looked over at him then in the direction when I noticed a dead man with messing hair and torn clothing heading toward us.  His jaw dropped down to his neck and he slowly moved when I heard moaning from him and his breathing was inhuman.         

I drew a gun and placed held it up to the man’s head, knowing it was the only way to kill the zombie.  I waited for the man to move closer toward me before pulling the trigger.  Once he was close enough, I let my finger pull back on the trigger of the gun which made a popping sound as the bullet went flying into the man’s forehead.         

Instantly, the zombie dropped to the ground.  I walked over to the body and shook my head.  “Why are they the only things in this world that can’t communicate properly?” I asked Bones as if he could answer.         

That was when I heard more moaning.  I looked in the way the man had come but I didn’t see anything.  I turned around toward the portal and that was when I noticed the heard of zombies wondering through the portal.  No.  Damn, no, I thought with panic.  I placed the gun back in the holster and pulled a sword from the sheath.  I ran, swinging the blade into the heads of the zombies, stopping them from entering to the mortals’ world but one zombie had managed to make it through the portal before I got to him.  No… no… what have I done? I thought.

Gathering a Team

I hurried to the court, followed by Bones.  I couldn’t believe that I had let one slip through the portal.  The world for the mortals was going to change quickly.  I couldn’t believe that I made a mistake.  I knew better than that.  Everything was lost as far as I knew it and the mortals’ world would soon be no more.        

When Bones and I arrived at the court, Thorn, along with others, had waited for us.  I dropped my head down in shame.  I didn’t know if I’d be able to tell everyone the horrible mistake which I had let happen.  I felt so horrible.  I was the blame for letting one of those creatures get through.         

“I knew you’d screw up sooner or later,” Elisa, a smart mouthed blonde with piercing blue eyes, spoke toward me.  I wouldn’t exactly call her a friend but she was a good ally.  Like me and Thorn, she was another immortal.  We despised each other, I wasn’t exactly sure why though.

“Lighten up, Elisa,” Wickham replied.  He was a werewolf with strength and attorney.  In his wolf pack, he was the leader in training after his father.  He was a good friend and always had my back when I needed him.  “That could have happened to any of us,” he continued speaking to Elisa while he looked at me and nodded.

I nodded, whispering, “Thanks.”         

He shook his head with a smile.         

Thorn locked desperate eyes with me.         

I couldn’t bear to see him look at me like that so I drop my eyes back to the ground.         

The others in the group remained silent.         

“So now how are we supposed to deal with the mortals?” Elisa spoke with a hissing tone.  “They don’t know that we exist… to them we’re nothing more than science-fiction and creatures of evil.”         

I kept my eyes to the ground.         

“Maybe if we’re lucky the zombie didn’t bite a mortal so all we have to do is grab him, bring him back, then kill him,” Ziles suggested.  He was another werewolf and a part of the same pack as Wickham.  He was optimistic and kind hearted but sometimes his ideas weren’t too helpful.         

I looked up at him and then to Thorn.  I had figured Thorn was the one who had to explain since I had to call him.         

Bones sat down on the ground and let his head follow the conversation.  His eyeless sockets locked onto each of us while he listened.         

“It’s probably too late,” I finally spoke up.  “Zombies are always

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