» Science Fiction » Eftos-Epos S01E24 Jo-Syntari, Eftos Epos [free novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Eftos-Epos S01E24 Jo-Syntari, Eftos Epos [free novels to read txt] 📗». Author Eftos Epos

Eftos-Epos S01E24 Jo-Syntari

Eftos-Epos Bio (EN)


Due to bankruptcy of the genre Eftos started 2009 to write his own sci-fi saga.

Unlike the competition, Eftos intentionally uses no voodoo like time machines, beings of light or other rubbish.

These facts led to the original creation of the


Tunnel Sci-Fi Trilogy (Eftos-Epos) Kingdom of a thousand


This trilogy is a science-fiction saga consisting of the following original books:


(I) Kingdom of a thousand

(II) Halfworld

(III) The last crisis


It tells the adventures of three friends: Prince Henley to Westerburg, Patchara Petch-a-boon and Svinenysh Galactic.

The story takes place 213, 216 & 219 NET mediantime in the Kingdom of a thousand.

Each book consists of the adventures of the children, embedded in a futuristic sci-fi world of old.


That is the reason why each book comes as youth- and adultedition.

Certain sci-fi details are mentioned only in the books of man.


Kingdom of a thousand™ the first sci-fi epos.

Kingdom of a thousand characters, names, places, technologies & indicia are absolute © & ™ Eftos Ent. All rights reserved.


 (XXIV) Jo-Syntari Quick Rocktar docking platform for the employees of the tunnel Gamma II is reached. Andra will connect to Comm board with the electronics and squints one time knew exactly when it's your vehicle, such as on invisible rails, he goes down to Syntari, the capital of the Pak Prime. Henley's home port. Curious and peeps at the same time overweight Svinenysh the Ruba from his cockpit. What he knew was not so much that it may well be that he is the first of its kind that has ever put his foot in Indi system. The more one ponders it ... Yes. Why should one take a cheap cleaning power over to the new world? Unless the time for the deep shot missions. One thing is certain: In any case, he is the first tunnel travelers of his species, though highly unofficial. Andras Rocktar goes to glide. The dawn begins. The shining city lies at your feet. The aircraft joins a chain of other one of the evening rush hour. Among you splendid streets and boulevards. The Rocktar pans right to land. A house is particularly striking, it's pretty neon. , Linaesu Sports' flashes in every color. So this is the fun sport shop by Andras man Svinenysh jumps out first, and considered the business with big eyes. 'Here's the original Jo's is' obvious. All four entered the store. A bell announces this in indoors. But instead of her husband Andras rattles off an obviously older bot: "Welcome dear customers ... what's that for one?" He looks toward Svinenysh, its CPU-matrix glows, he shakes his head slightly, "when Linaesu sport." "All our products are backed by artificial DNA. Are you able to leave the store without prejudice so we make you trace until we pin down. We are still not escaped unscathed. In all other cases: Welcome! Yes, but here's the latest hand-signed jumper pro-x. " Andra is for the children: "It seems like my dear husband is once again on home visits. Terribly spoiled these rascals of the nouveau riche. They're too stupid to take care of yourself to your jumper. " "Let me introduce our good old Bot Alpha-Mech Tec class. He holds the position here. Even if he sometimes forgets to charge itself: the benefits outweigh. Oh, and luckily there's you! "No emotion in robots. Patchara looks around. Among other unusual sporting goods are actually too: The ominous Jo-jumper. There are simple jumping boots with a spring below it. With a little imagination, see this from normal mode as a J, it jumps back to you as it is more or less a small o. "These three gentlemen here, my dear Botty" Andra points to the children "are our latest beta testers. Take a pair of three for you finish. " "Very good," rattled the addressed. Henley and Patchara are cared for quickly, then Svinenysh's turn. The Ruba on big feet. At least now this is worth a mention, because the poor bot almost desperate. All boots are too small. Finally, he digs up from the bottom, the final package with the largest size produced. With difficulty, he went over the foot and ankle of the alien. But then it fits like a glove. It almost looks as if running Svinos apparatus adapts flexibly to the shaft. He looks around: there is certainly Henley, now 30 cm higher. Patchara wobbles suspect, but after all, you already upright without holding on. Svinenysh is already one with his new boots. Ready to leave. Botty further rattle: "In this new prototype is it's the latest spring geometry. Nanotechnology is the finest processed in your. On the side of the boot Spring are three buttons. Running, sports and endurance mode. By default, when shipped, they are currently on going. " "Sport is pressed quickly," shouted Svinenysh between and starts jumping up faster and higher. Soon he was juggling or bouncing on the ceiling. He quickly loses control. "Waaah" he roars between each jump. Botty is on the spot. He jumps at the Ruba, pulls him from the feet and ends up with him along the corridor. He quickly pressed the run button. Svinenysh shakes and shakes himself. Then he struggles to his feet. He braced his hand on the nearest shelf. "Energy too brutal," he finally stammered. His audience is between laughing and crying. Patchara said only: "And with these things we should skipping two miles?" "Outside it's better," Henley replied, "will see". He goes on Anda and thanked: "You know what, I'll buy three! Your credits are in the account tomorrow. Thank you for your help. If I can even do something good, let me know. " Only the young diplomat's daughter thinks a little further, she goes on to Andra and asks: "Are you gave me your Comm's number? Because I have a feeling that this might sometimes be important. Also, I could tell you then send over recipes from the country of the rising sun. " Both had reasons for Andra hands and feet, so this was clarified. They also would have helped the children in each case. Patchara thanks, but you know that you have thus created a wire into the home. A combination of all authority over. A secret channel Andra Njall-Nef Mikkel and home to the Petch-a-boons. Svinenysh the incident just been forgotten, hobbles out first. Higher and higher he bounces around, somewhere. Henley must intervene, "you know where to go?" "? Soo wu, hääh" addressed the question between each jump, then the Enlightenment: "Aah, right, yes. As you first! " He calmed down, Henley sets off slowly, then Patchara Svinenysh and lastly. Henley looks around. With a grim face behind him his best friend. Amazing how quickly you learn to jump. Not three minutes later, you already have the hang of it. "Time for a shortcut," Henley calls and turns into a backyard. "Now there's course!" Zack over garbage cans and parked between Flycas's go over a fence. Svinenysh now makes art jumps, holds suspect Patchara as good. "Watching people back there is this stupid yapper, but it is the shortest path ..." Henley jumps to the next plot. "Wow arrrhh rrrrowwa uu!" Immediately comes the poison mushroom shot. "Oh no!" Screams Henley "he has given a boost." A second, more toxic journeyman rushes frantically out of his hut. The barkers are so stupid, so you immediately pick out the weakest link! Both are now pursuing Patchara, whenever you end up trying to fight both skein pack. Knapp's is in a panic, you start to cry. Bad, the only incites the the crazy pair even more. But Svinenysh is on the spot. From the nearest tree, he plucked a fruit slushy. Zack in the face of an attacker. The citrus bullet bursts, whining to make the hit of Dannen. Appear to contain much acid, some fruits here on Pak Prime. The second beast is out of control. He blocked the way Patchara. This haphazard jumps up and down, no bite abzubekommen single goal. Svinenysh observed, then he takes precise measurements and jumps him from behind on his tail. The claimant howls terribly beaten and goes off to lick his backside in his stall in the last corner. Finally, the young diplomat's daughter Henley follow in his direction. In this secondary courtyard jumps so high it goes on and on and what's over there trying mitzubekommen going on. Relieved, he notes that now follow both unharmed. "Was something wrong?" He asks in the round. His best friend there is no mistake, the answer is ready: "No, what should it be? Let's go, go on! Or do you live here, little prince? " So the trio hops briskly towards further Regent Avenue 1, Svinenysh now calls between each jump "Jo Syntari!" Or something similar. The environment will open. Free park-like areas are the flying children. In the distance, already an imposing building is visible. Henley's home. Patchara is impressed, but it cleverly hidden. The rear entrance is reached soon. Henley indicated by his friends to convert to running, after a few somersaults Svinenysh does so well, with a slight murmur. Only specially authenticated visitors have access to those upscale home to Westerburg. So no problem for Henley. The stow three jumpers in your backpack and put on your normal footwear. Henley then holds his Comm across goal and our three heroes are entering.


Eftos-Epos Bio (EN)


Due to bankruptcy of the genre Eftos started 2009 to write his own sci-fi saga.

Unlike the competition, Eftos intentionally uses no voodoo like time machines, beings of light or other rubbish.

These facts led to the original creation of the


Tunnel Sci-Fi Trilogy (Eftos-Epos) Kingdom of a thousand


This trilogy is a science-fiction saga consisting of the following original books:


(I) Kingdom of a thousand

(II) Halfworld

(III) The last crisis


It tells the adventures of three friends: Prince Henley to Westerburg, Patchara Petch-a-boon and Svinenysh Galactic.

The story takes place 213, 216 & 219 NET mediantime in the Kingdom of a thousand.

Each book consists of the adventures of the children, embedded in a futuristic sci-fi world of old.


That is the reason why each book comes as youth- and adultedition.

Certain sci-fi details are mentioned only in the books of man.


Kingdom of a thousand™ the first sci-fi epos.

Kingdom of a thousand characters, names, places, technologies & indicia are absolute © & ™ Eftos Ent. All rights reserved.




Text: Eftos
Images: Eftos Ent.
Editing: Eftos De
Translation: Eftos-Epos
Publication Date: 10-03-2013

All Rights Reserved

Kingdom of a thousand™ the first sci-fi epos. Invention of sci-fi. Kingdom of a thousand characters, names, places, technologies & indicia are absolute © & ™ Eftos Ent. All rights reserved.

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