» Science Fiction » Broken Sun, renesmee411 [booksvooks .TXT] 📗

Book online «Broken Sun, renesmee411 [booksvooks .TXT] 📗». Author renesmee411

Broken Sun

They flew… the sky was a bluebird blue and they made it even MORE gorgeous. The one made the flowers bloom, the other made all of the animals’ spring to life with joy. But the one, HER, he was sure she was destined to be with him. She flew so gracefully in the air. With a flick of her wrist the sun shot right through the clouds and made the earth much brighter. She did a back flip in the air, and fluttered to land. As she hit the ground she formed into a Pegasus. No, its Pegasi, Leon told himself. Leon had just been sitting there, watching, like he really wasn’t a part of this. He stood up and yelled, “Hey!” The beautiful Pegasi quickly looked at him, and then evaporated quickly into mist. The sky turned dark. The other Pegasi got scared and flew away. Leon tried to run and help them, but his feet were suddenly planted to the ground. Thunder cracked and it started to pour. The rain poured down on Leon, but he wasn’t one bit wet. Then a voice cried out, “MR CORREND!!! LEON!!! WAKE UP!!!!” The thunder cracked again, but this time it wasn’t a loud boom. It was a chorus of laughter. Then appeared a giant, red, fiery hole in the middle of the Earth, and Leon was falling down it. Isn’t this so corny?! Leon thought.

Leon’s eyes snapped open. He looked around. Where was he?! The thunder of laughs turned into his classmates laughs, and his teacher, Madame Kishka was peering at him with her death stare. Oh yeah, he was in French class, his last period of the day. “Awww!!! Was little Leon dreaming about angels and Pegasi again?!” ugh. Tyson. The “big scary guy who always gets the girls.” Leon had been waiting for his chance to say this all this year (he doesn’t know why, exactly. Leon has a really boring life.). “Oh, yes Tyson! I was! Oh, what a shame of me. I should have been having manly dreams about Satyrs and wizards like you, right?” Tyson’s face turned red, and when he saw that his nose was flaring, Leon couldn’t help but to snicker. His whole class turned from laughing at Leon to snickering and giggling at Tyson. There were a couple echoes of “ooooooooooooooooooh’s” Leon looked around his at his class mates, and when he finally turned around to face the front of the room, he jumped. Madame Kishka was still giving her death stare. “Shut up Leon!!! Girly dreams are worse…” Tysons voice wavaered, like the big tough guy was on the verdge of crying. “Tyson, just the fact that you call them girly dreams is even worse!” Tyson blushed even more, and he gave Leon his trademark death stare. Leon WOULD be scared, but Tyson's stare wasnt half as bad as the one Madame Kishka was giving him. Her beady little eyes zapped right through Leon, like she was giving him an x-ray. Tyson and his little "possy" were still fussing over the comments. "AS I WAS SAYING," Madame began, "We will be having a group of new students will be joining us on Monday. They are from a special school in California, not from around here." Leon looked up. California... Group of students... why did this all sound like he's heard it before? "Madame, what... gender... is the group of students?" Ugh. That's Tyson. Wanting to get new boys for his little possy. THAT was definitly not new news. "Mr. Tyson Bonbare, the kids from school are all girls. SO, I expect you will treat them with complete respect. Is that clear?" Kishka was now staring at Tyson with her lazer eyes. "Yes, Madame Kishka." Tyson smiled and as soon as Kishka turned her back, everyone could hear Tyson say, "No girl is better than my Emily." He flashed his Golden Globe smile and flipped his hair and turned back around in his seat. Oh, Emily. Tyson's current girlfriend, with bleach blond hair and sparkly blue eyes and rosy red cheeks. Of course Emily blushed. She wasn't big on complements. Oh, Leon knew that Emily was pretty, beautiful, actually. But she just wasn't his type. He wanted a tomboy girl. A girl who loves to get messy and dirty and loves sports.


Publication Date: 12-20-2012

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