» Science Fiction » Episode 1, Juliet Revenge [most inspirational books of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Episode 1, Juliet Revenge [most inspirational books of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Juliet Revenge

Author's note

Sorry for the bad english. It try to practice and improve my language skills. I need a hint. This sentences are correct or wrong? When it’s correct I try to translate more.

Episode 1: Abduction

This is my story. From the journey into wide universe and endless loops of time. A future lit up by glittering stars of hope; clouded by war, born from infinite hate. Interwoven intrigue, deep love and faithfulness friendship.
But let me tell at the beginning. Where I am precisely 16 years old.
Let's start with my abduction to the stars.


Publication Date: 05-14-2016

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