» Science Fiction » Ultraman, Doc Lee [fantasy novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Ultraman, Doc Lee [fantasy novels to read txt] 📗». Author Doc Lee

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The Science Investigation Agency

A clear night in the April of 2008, the stars are glowing peacefully in the sky and all is quiet. 

At the city of Tokyo, Japan, five people were staying up late at night. To be precise, 4 men and 1 women. 

They are staying inside a peculiar-looking structure. The base of the structure looked like a trapezicular prism, stretching out with a volume that covered the area of a football field. The building itself went up for 15 stories, with another one right beside it. 

On the outer surface of this building, there encrypted a large symbol. It consists of the upper part of a goblet, and in the place of its bottom, there instead is a single star. Other than that, the entire shell of the building is made with silver metal-like material. 

Those 4 people are staying inside the lowest floor of the building. Each of them wore a blue suit with a badge, showing the same symbol on the outer surface, and wore grey trousers and shiny black boots on their legs. 

Staying up at midnight.......Such hard workers! 


 The Science Investigation Agency, or Science patrol, is a worldwide organization formed by the most expertised of each area, formed to explore and develop new implications on science and technology. It had an incredibly strong foundation, supported by the United Nations, also some of the most powerful governments in the world today, and built its base in Paris, France. 

As a branch of the SIA, the Japanese subsidiary is formed by 5 members of the Science patrol. They were handed the responsibility of any sudden emergencies or strange events, including invasions from outer space, natural disasters, and the supernatural. It has the best techonologies of the entire Science Investigation Agency, and is always ready and alert for any dangers that might appear as a threat to humankind. Their badge, consisting of a star and a cup, symbolizes safety and trust, like angels shooting their light down when there is darkness. 

They are lead by their captain, Toshio Muramatsu, a calm and peaceful man, on to many episodes. Then, there is Shin Hayata, a brave, handsome young man who is the pioneer on many missions. The communication monitor of this team is a beautiful woman with short hair named Akkio Fuji. Other than that, there are 2 extremely good friends named Mitsuhiro Ide and Daisuke Arashi. 

Tonight, the science patrol is on duty, as the same in every day and night. Hayata is driving a flying vehicle around the country for patrol, while Fuji sat on a chair, staring at a large computer screen. Arashi was busy drawing maps on the board, as the captain and Ide are resting. 

It is a peaceful night, as in every other night in Tokyo. As the engine hummed soothingly, Hayata causually looked outside the window. 

The sky is black, embedded with crystal-like stars. Small housings below created a glowing image with their orange lights. 'What a great job this is!' thoght Hayata. 'Sometimes I just think that I am on vacation instead of working whole day long on duty.' 

Cozily he watched the buildings below as he passed. What harm could happen here? 

Then, Hayata saw something strange. Something that should have not been possible on Earth. Something that has gone against the basic laws of common sense. 

On top of the large forest he was piloting across now, the appeared 2 distinct lights, neither green, black, or the color of the vehicle. As Hayata looked up, he saw them. 

Two balls. 

They are floating on the sky, one orange and one blue. Those are gigantic spheres, the diameter even larger than 5 men standing on top of each other. As they glided over the sky, without any other support or force, Hayata frantically held up a device. 

"Hayata to base......" 

"Yes, base here." came through Fuji's voice. "Where is your location?" 

"I am on top of Ryun-Ken pool. Detection of UFO." 

"Good, keep on following , and remain communication with the base. We would send reinforcements when neccessary." Came the captain's reply. 


Hayata kept on flying, and the captain turned to Fuji. "Record what is happening." 


She walked to a long table, which were set with 4 gleaming while helmets. At one end there are three buttons on the side, the middle, with the word 'start' which of she pressed. 

 A part of the table slid away to reveal its hollow inside, and a tape recorder rose to the surface. 

Its wheels started turning as Hayata called with more news. 

"The blue sphere suddenly descended. Speed: mach 1.2. I am preparing for an emergency descent to keep track." 


Smooth music played on the side of the pool, at the edge on the forest. A man played his ukelele while people walked by and sang along. It was a picnic for the campers. There was a fire set up beside their tents and everyone talked happily with one another. People sat on mats, or grass. 

Then, blue lightning stunned everybody. People turned their heads in shock and ran to the beach to see a blue light coming out of the blue. 

"What happened? A shining blue figure!" 

"Quick, go get a camera and take a picture!" 

"I'll go get it." 

The figure slowly descended into the pool. That man who went to get the camera stumbled and fell. By the time he got to the beach, the ball had dissapeared entirely, leaving only bubbles on the top. 

 "Ah! Too late, stupid." 

The bubbles kept coming up to the suface. 

Meanwhile, Hayata followed the sphere to the pool, but suddenly his plane is enfulged in a red light. He stared in horror at the great red ball coming straight at him. 


Exactly two seconds after the blue ball had disappeared, the campers below witnessed another flash of red light. 






Nebulae M78

1- "Hi, this is base of the Science Investigation Agency." 

"I am the patrol of the Saitama county policeforce. Urgent news, urgent news!" said the low, grave voice of the patrol leader. "15 minutes ago, at the Ryun-Ken region, a blue sphere and a red sphere glowing with strange lights arrived here flying." 

"Strange lights?" 

"Very strange. It was glittering and shining as it flied. The blue sphere fell inside the pool, and the red sphere suddenly collided with a flying vehicle, then fell into the forest." 

"Flying vehicle? Hey, did they really collide?" asked the surprised voice of Arashi. 

"The campers witnessed it all." 

The captain is immediately alert. "Fuji." 


"Contact Hayata!" 


The air of tension is rising inside the room. Ide stood at the side of the wall, looking worried. 

"Ok then, what about the site?" asked Arashi to the patrol leader. "Right, 1.5 kilometers away of Ryun-Ken pool." 

Captain Muramatsu watched anxiously. Quick and quiet are the words he muttered to himself. 

"Base to Hayata. Base to Hayata." 

"Understood, please protect the site." 

"Hayata, please reply. Hayata, please reply." 

"Yes, yes. Understood." 

"Hayata, please reply. Please reply." 

"I understood. We will be heading there immediately." 

"Base to Hayata. Base to Hayata." 

Arashi placed the telephone back onto the stand. 

"Base to Hayata. Base to Hayata." 

The wheels on the tape recorder were still turning. 

"Hayata, do you hear? Hayata. Hayata. Please reply. Please reply. Base to Hayata. Base to Hayata." 

The captain looked around the room. 

"Time to go!" he shouted. 

That was the signal. All the members stripped off their blue coats and grey pants, revealing the orange suits inside. They went to the long table, each towards their own spot, and picked up a helmet each. 

On the deep blue night sky, a streak of light appeared. A flying plane, with blue flames shooting out and trailing behind, glided gracefully towards the site of the crash. How handsome it seemed, reflecting the light of the moon against its white and orange surface. Easily it flied away toward the dark forest. But, urgent and worried the are the people inside, thinking of their dear friend and collegue in danger. 


2- Hayata felt himself floating. He knew he was just lying on the cold, wet ground of the forest, but he got a feeling. He felt......tired, so comfortable, like just waking up from a good sleep. With a boost, he would be full of energy, but otherwise nothing overcomes the urge to stay down. 

His eyes were closed, but in his mind's eye, there is something......Something that cannot be seen or described by the naked eye, but it is there. In this soft and wonderful realm, Hayata saw lights. Lights. Lots of light. There were red, blue, green, purple, orange......they were everywhere, everywhere he could 'see'. 

Then in the middle of all the light, the middle of his 'sight', a figure appeared. It is not human, nor anything Hayata had ever know in his life. It is like a miracle, a god, or a messenger from another world, covered by mist. 

"Who is in front of me?" thought Hayata. 

As if hearing his thoughts, the mist cleared, then clearer and clearer the figure appeared to Hayata. 

"Who are you? Why are you here?" thought Hayata 

The figure slowly moved. Husky and piercing like a spear, his voice echoed through Hayata's head. It is not a language of Earth, but the meaning of each syllable appeared in Hayata's subconciousness. 

"I am the spaceman from nubulae M78." 

"The spaceman from nebulae M78? " asked Hayata, communicating by thought. 

"Yes. Just then, I have been chasing the space culprit Bermula in the far universe, but it escaped to this Earth. I am sorry to have disrupted and caused inconvinience for you, Mr. Hayata. For repayment, I would wish to give my life to you. 

"Your life? What do you mean, your life? What about you?" 

"I would fight and protect the safety of Earth alongside with you. Bermula has opened the gateway for other inhabitants of the universe to pass through the atmosphere of this planet, using his powers. 

Hayata is still inside the sleepy trance, but his subconciousness started to become alert. "The gateway for other inhabitants of the universe? What does that mean?" 


After his phone call to the Science Investigation Agency, the patrol leader led a group of campers inside the forest. The cracking and crashing of their shoes stepping on fallen leafs sounded like firecrackers exploding. The flashlight in the leader's hand shone its light steadily, but their trail is mainly illuminated by the moonlight. 

Cautiously the group reached a small clearing. They were surronded by trees, and as the moon dropped it's light down in the middle of the clearing, they saw a figure lying in the middle of it. Wearing an orange suit, symbolizing the Science Patrol. 









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