» Science Fiction » The visitor saved the world, Lalit Jain [red scrolls of magic TXT] 📗

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                                          By: Lalit jain









The great scientist Albert Einstein proposed the possibility of time travel. But it was difficult for common people like me to believe in time travel until we experience it. And the day came when I experienced time travel.


On 21st June 2020


It was Sunday morning and as usual I went for playing on the ground. Coming back to home I saw a unknown boy with a gadget. My eagerness to know about that gadget took me to him.


What kind of device is it? I haven’t seen it before..... I questioned him .


Ohh! This is my phonobook , I am doing my homework on it.


I got surprised to see him doing homework on a device which I have never seen before. I asked him what kind of device is it??


It is a book commonly used in our era..


Our era ! I exclaimed.


Ohh! Sorry I forgot to tell you that I am a visitor from future ...


Ha, Ha ,Ha ..I laughed and said “Do you think I am a fool”??


Believe me I am really a visitor from future.


Looking at his dress I inquired “you mean people in future wear the same clothes as of now”


He shouted No , I have changed my attire so that I look one of you.


You’re really a deceiver,I claimed.


Ok , you don’t believe me, I will take you with me to the future.


With a cunning smile I said let's go


Then he removed a device (something like a remote) from his pocket and pressed some buttons. Within a second or less I saw something came in front of us.


This is my time machine ,he said


You are really a time traveller?? I questioned in a frisson.


Let’s go,he said


Would you really take me to future,I asked in excitement.


Before sitting in time machine I asked him some questions like his name.


He was calyx.


I told him about myself and he opened the door of time machine.


We entered in time machine.



It was an oval shaped machine with a couch to sit. It had a panel with lots of keys and a lever. We sat on the couch and automatically a sit belt tied us. Then calyx pressed some buttons on the panel and pushed the lever.


Within a blink of an eye,we were in a new world . We landed on a grass where I can see trees and only trees to four sides.


I ran in excitement and tried to hug a tree but soon I realized that the trees are virtual. Calyx told me that it is a virtual garden for children’s to see and learn about trees.


What do you mean by see trees , there are no real trees here? I interrogated.


Due to over exploitation of trees , all the trees are vanished from this world.


Then what about oxygen ? How are we alive?


There is artificial oxygen here, it is...


Let’s go out , I asked in excitement cutting him.


Then we both went out, it was a complete new thing for me. The tall buildings with completely different structures as of ours were looking awesome. The metallic streets were filled with humanoid robots. There were few humans on the streets who were looking at me strangely. I guess they were looking at my clothes . So I asked calyx , if he can help me with my clothes. He gave me a jump suite just like everyone there were wearing. It has many features like I can run fast, jump high using that jump suit .


Then we both moved ahead and sat in a elevator, calyx murmered some number and the elevator started. It dropped us at 110th floor . It looked like an restaurant . We both sat on a digitally equipped table, calyx pressed some buttons on the table. Actually he ordered something for both of us. A humanoid robot bought two dishes of some tasty food . It was delicious.


Then we went to calyx home. It was a big house with scientifically equipped gadgets. I met calyx mother Anie who worked as a head of robot designing. We then went to calyx father Mr Henry who was the head of artificial oxygen producing team. He looked worried so calyx asked him the reason behind his tension.


He tried to avoid or change the topic but calyx forced him to tell the truth.


Mr Henry told us that before hundred years from now there lived a man named Jerry . He was a very good speaker. He wanted to rule on the planet. So using his speaking skills he emphasised people to trust him and listen him. Due to which there became people of two different mindsets. They use to fight every now and then. So leaders decided to send them on different planet. They were send to chetra planet. But now after hundred years they have exploited their nature and they want our oxygen supplier, for which they are planning to attack on us.


It’s really dangerous, I said.


Mr. Henry said , you don’t need to worry, we will find some way out of this.


Then I and calyx went out to play and explore. I enjoyed the whole day out with calyx.


At night while sleeping I got a thought that , why don’t this people use their time machine and kill Jerry in the past.


In the morning , I went to Mr. Henry and asked him the same .


He said that it is not possible as we can change the future but not the past.


It’s too bad... I said and left the room.


Thinking upon the same that if Jerry and his team will take the oxygen supplier, the people on earth will die and it will be the end of earth.


The same day I again got an idea and I ran to Mr. Henry. I told him that what would if I go in past and kill Jerry. I am from past and I can change the future.


It’s a good idea , but it’s too much risky, Mr. Henry said.


I am ready for it don’t you worry, I can do anything to save this world.


Ok, then we need to go to the administrator and tell him the plan.


Then we both went to administrator and told him everything about the plan. He agreed and ordered his men to train me physically and mentally so that I can drive the time machine and understand the functions of gadgets used by Jerry to stop me


After the training of 3 weeks I got ready for the mission. I reached in the year 2955. It was 16th day of September.


I immediately started searching for Jerry. As he was a public figure it was easy to find him. But he was always crowded by people and guards.., so it became difficult to kill him. So I decided to wait for a chance.


On 20th september 2955 I got the chance to kill him. He was alone in his room. But the problem was that his home was guarded by security gadgets and robotic guards. But I decided to kill him the same day.


So using the knowledge I hain during my training I hacked all the security gadgets of his house and switched them off. But it was not possible to hack the robots. So I entered the home hiding from the robots just like a spy. I entered his room and shot him to death.


Before I leave the room the robots sensed my presence and they came inside. They caught me and called the robot police. The robot police arrested me and take me to the court.


It was a fully automated court working through holographic video conferencing. The court processing started. The government lawyer who was a robot blamed that I killed Mr. Jerry. I opposed him saying that I killed him but to save the world. I am from future. But despite of me saying that I saved the world by killing him, no one believed me as time machine was not invented in that time.


The judge ordered me the life imprisonment but I was still happy that I saved the world.







Publication Date: 08-30-2020

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