» Science Fiction » 2 0 7 7, Tilman-Otto WAGNER [read an ebook week txt] 📗

Book online «2 0 7 7, Tilman-Otto WAGNER [read an ebook week txt] 📗». Author Tilman-Otto WAGNER

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It’s the year 2077. Life is diversified in the city of Plutonanix. Plutonanix is an aethereal-floating city in zone T3 of Eurerica. Zone T3 covers an area of 11,400 square miles and 72 % of Eurerica’s surface. Plutonanix is entirely made of blue turf and white reed. Every android citizen is spending its entire durability with working. They are afraid of running out of life energy credits. Every android citizen of Plutonanix has to buy enough life energy credits to survive the night. If someone forgets about it or can’t make it to one of the 2,575900856300 life energy supply centers, it means the sudden death of the concerned citizen. Twice a year, citizens are being vaccined by the SPA pharma representatives in order to suppress their emotions and brain activities. What nobody knows is that the vaccine contains the T4-virus. Every single action, thought or word spoken by the citizens is being intercepted, censored, reprogrammed and reimplemented by the Supreme Power Agency. The SPA is the main datacentre of Plutonanix, where thousands of computer programmers and geneticists conceive in their life design labs every single detail of its citizen’s avatars.


Ot and Ve are partners in mind and sentient androids of Plutonanix, that are capable of expressing and receving emotions, like love, hate, pitty, compassion, anger, fear, despair, weakness, vulnerability, insecurity, intrinsincness, hope, etc. This morning, they are facing some troubles, finding the fastest possible vehicle for a ride outside the city. On Nomdays, Plutonanix is usually frenzy and energetic. Ot is wearing his indigo tweed suit, icy blue vinylic shoes and turquoise sun glasses. His ginger hair and eye colour are reflecting in the glance of Ve’s blood red stilettos. The crimson snug dress of latex covers her long legs. They stand in front of the aerocab-station, looking out for a ride.


Ve (shaking her long icy blueish hair): «What kind of a trip is this going to be?»


Ot (right hand in his pocket): «How would I know?! We’re just getting started …»


They keep on browsing around, every now and then looking in each others eyes. Ot takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lights one up. He closes his eyes and bows his head in feigned shame. Ve is gazing at him, her sea blue eyes wide open. A white aerocab pulls over. Ot and Ve hop on. Within seconds, the aerocab flys into the greyish sky. It is Rifday, the 117th of Guasat, 2077. At 55 pcaxm, Ot and Ve arrive at the cold and moisty edge of Plutonanix. A few dark plants are dispersed in their dilapidation around the two of them, without memories of the ancient lifestyle. The pavement of Plutonanix’ suburbian area - greyish cells of tar and concrete all over the place. They slowly explore the surroundings with their hungry steps, hoping to find a spot where the eyes can stare at without getting tired. Ve opens up the palm of her hand, in which a tiny green robot butterfly is waiting to be activated. She presses a poky button on the left wing of the butterfly …, and all of a sudden, it starts fluttering around in the static cold air.


Ot (left hand in his pocket): «There it flies away. Is it the new C3T24 prototype?»


Ve is looking at him in a puzzled manner. Even if she tries, she can’t bring herself to say anything. The tiny green robot butterfly is wheeling on top of their heads for a while, then it disappears behind the setting evening sun. An icy cold wind forces them to return to the aerocab-station. The surroundings are unbearable: carbon-dioxide and dust, lacking of any form of water or minerals. They hop on an aerocab and return to the blue and white city. It is Rifday, the 117th of Guasut, 2077. At 88 pxetm, they decide to nightdrift and take some orange pills at the local vaudeville club. It is opened, so they smoothly walk in and sit down at a sugar-table, on two crimson armchairs. Ot presses the green button on top of his armchair and takes a few orange pills out of the drawer that opens up. Ve takes two of the pills from Ot’s opened palm and swallows them down. She closes her eyes and sinks down into her soft crimson armchair. The green pill softly takes its twist around Ve’s head, swirling her perception of reality around and around … Ot looks at her mesmerized, gently recreating the atmosphere of 2050, the year they were both procreated in the suburbs of another place on Earth. Clayish remembrance of past memories sometimes glances Ve’s and Ot’s minds.


An early winmer it was, when they both came aborning inside a metro wagon on Route 786. How would they have known that so many years later, both reocurred the same paths, the same desires?!




Back in 2050, the Earth was a troubled place to inhabit. Twenty billion landlords, estate agents and mechanics, technicians, bankers, managers, TV-producers, sales agents, red oil platform engineers and workers populated the O8 and T3 zones of Eurerica, the Afrisian A7 and E4 zones and Antarlia‘s Z5 and K1 zones. The Blue Planet used to be a nutritious Garden of Eden, people loved living on, even if in the year 2023 three zones were at turbulence. Because of a few hundreds of presidents, royals, arm lobbyists, foreign ministers and trust chief executive officers the world was at trouble. Violent bloodshed, mass exoduses, dry times, poisoned oxygen and groundwaters deteriorated the worlds ressources and almost exterminated the human species. Nevertheless, a few years later, in 2042 Eurerica, Afrisia and Antarlia inked a treaty of amnesty, piece and mutual tolerance in the city of Petersburg 21. Afterwards, people were about to coexist in love, peace and harmony, except in one sector on Earth, named «Wotogor». It lied on the cutting edge of Afrisia and Eurerica, in zone A7. The 13 presidents and royals were insane enough to start an armed conflict with almost the rest of the world. It was self-evident that only one person on Earth could save the situation - a superhero of magnificent talents with a sparkle of love in his eyes, a rescuing angel named Dr. Slix. His reputation as a solver of problems and good doer during his 30-year career as a medicinie man, environmentalist activist and convinced humanist gained the trust of many sentient humanoids and humans all over the world. In the year of 2035, Dr. Slix drafted together with his close friend and health guru Kaura Kaibe and the support of the Love Warriors and Freedom Fighters Unions, the Constitution of Love, that was embraced by all human beings left alive. The constitution was a thorn in the side of the authorities, who tried to eradicate the entire range of its proponents.








Abolition of all authoritarian systems of government

Creation of a libertarian syndicalism and collective unions

Creation of an internationalist economy with state owned resources and an organised cooperative commerce

Abolition of the monetary system and creation of a collective credit system based on exchange of competencies

Everybody is free from taxes

Synergy of the educational and health care system into a spiritual mind community

Affordable housing for everyone

Creation of permacultural collonies for self-contained food supply resp. eco- and       agroutouristic purposes

Abolition of banks, stock exchanges and collection agencies

Declaring love, nature, peace, freedom, harmony, meditation, art, friendship, solidarity and music to the highest principles

Putting a preservation order on sports and culture

Self employees are allowed to barter

Nutrition is to be regulated by consumption of biological food

Solar and wind energy as renewable sources for a non-polluting environment

Deactivation of the earth-orbiting satellites and space stations

Abolition of military, arm industry and warfare apparatuses

One life elixir flacon is being provided to every human being in exchange for 10 gallons of drinking water

Mass production of androids and cyborgs for housekeeping, field work, transportation and medical care usage only

Socially deprived humans get credits and two caring androids for free



Ve looks at Ot with a glance of surprise in her eyes. They stand up and leave the vaudeville club, burning, burning with passion, love and desire, just like two blue birds taking to the air. Crimson raindrops start falling from the feverish sky. A forty-four children choir is singing in front of a neon supermarket-cathedral. A few straying dogs limp by, smelling of fishy cats and cheap fries. Only a newspaperman stops in for a moment, in order to bow in front of the children choir by means of a courtly salute. He opens up the literary magazine, he carries under his left armpit, reading the obituaries on page 13. Mischievously he throws the newspaper on the concrete, looking at Ve and Ot French-kissing under the shady roofage of a light blueish parasol. Back in their cabin cube, Ot and Ve are sitting on two frozen gellatine armchairs, counting their week-units of life energy credits.


Just like every citizen of Plutonanix, they have to buy enough life energy credits to survive the night. They know it‘s life-threatening to contact the authorities. Their camouflage suits in icy blue, crimson red, immaculate white, soft green and their teleportation capacities are their only salvation into another dimension of Galaxy 37. Therefore they start packing for a long trip back to the year 2038, where Dr. Slix was to be waiting for them at TeleporterGate13. Ot opens up the back of his head, pressing a few tiny buttons for reset. Ve is doing the same, thus with only one hand. Their bodies start trembling. Every inch of their limbs transforms into titanic dark matter. Ot screws off his feet, placing them inside the small silicon bag next to him. Ve is doing the same, thus with only one hand. Their mission is to pick up Dr. Slix from the year 2038, travel back to 2037 and find the Seven Magnetic Keys hidden somewhere in the «Wotogor»-sector. The Seven Magnetic Keys open the seven doors to the next dimensions. That way, a few selected citizens of Plutonanix can teleport themselves to the year 3013, respectively to a far distant planet in Galaxy 42, which bears in its core the antidote for the T4-virus they have been infected with by the SPA pharma representatives. The chondrite planet consists of amino acids and presolar grains, which deliver the active substance for the antidote.



Ot and Ve are waiting in front of TeleporterGate12. Crimson raindrops start falling from the feverish sky. It is Nomday, the 77th of Guasut, 2077. Time and space melt into an infinite spiral vacuum. Ot swallows two red pills, swirls his head twice and kneels down for a few seconds. Ve follows the instructions on the pavement. Within seconds, a transparent gate opens in front of them. They enter and disappear from the surface of the moisty concrete. A few seconds later, they pick up Dr. Slix in the year 2038 at TeleporterGate13. Dr. Slix, all dressed in a silver feather costume and wearing silver platform shoes, is welcoming them with a bouquet of perfumed flowers, named “Turnera diffusa”. He smiles gently, as the transparent gate opens in front of his tall silhouette and edged face under the silver-grey hair. Ot and Ve screw on their feet and hands, blandly elevating onto the fleshy concrete.


«Are you awaiting us?», asks Ve in a silent tone.


«Sure thing! Hicks tha’ pix. Safe trip?»


«Yes …», replies Ot.


«Shall we?», Dr. Slix asks akwardly.


They step forward at TeleporterGate13 and disappear within fragments of a second. Their mission to pick up Dr. Slix from the year 2038, travel back to 2037 and find the Seven Magnetic Keys hidden somewhere in the «Wotogor»-sector, is halfway-through.



The «Wotogor» sector is at war with elite troups from Eurerica, Afrisia and Antarlia. 200 snipers were sent to «Wotogor» in order to make sure that

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