» Science Fiction » My Story, Alice Cullen [easy books to read in english TXT] 📗

Book online «My Story, Alice Cullen [easy books to read in english TXT] 📗». Author Alice Cullen

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Neptune, place were humans are just beginning to travel to other planets Neptune is there next stop. The year 2030 a man named Steve Charles and his 4 men are traveling to every planet in this solar system. The humans back on earth have created a space craft that can travel the speed of light and runs on salt water. Professor Livingston had arranged this 15 year trip, they are still traveling and they are almost there.
“We’ve arrived to our next stop on the planet Neptune, and we will be taking some rock samples from to soil and studying them here,” noted Steve as he talked into the video recorder.
“Finally, I’m starving,” moaned Stan.
Jack yakked, “Let’s get some chow.”
“Come on guys we need to set up camp first, if we are going to stay here for longer than a month. We need to get settled in then we can search the planet, but if you do you need a partner you never know what is out there,” Steve lectured.
Sam and Ben go and look for different rocks and things to collect and bring back for studying.
Steve implies, “come on lets make a good video for the folks back home at NASA.”
“Yeah, yeah,” mocked jack.
Sam and Ben come back empty-handed because it’s getting too cold for them to be out there for too long. Plus they need protection from alien life.
“Let’s set up camp here,” replies Sam.
“Yeah this spot seems fine, I'm exhausted,” shouts Ben!
“I guess this is fine, we’ll just start now and then we can sleep,” replies Steve.
The 6 men set up the laboratory, tables, chairs, chemicals, and inventions. Then of course the beds in the tent-house, then they slowly drift to sleep.
“Yaahh, my sleep was good what part of it Stan wasn’t snoring,” raved Jack.
“I’m… I’m sorry, my doctor says I have something wrong with my throat glands,” replied Stan.
Now the men all but the professor set out to find rocks and things to study. They put their safety gear and oxygen tanks on, and grab their chemical guns, and set out to find what ever they are looking for. They come back with many samples and other things some kind of radio life form; they must get studying it soon they don’t know what lies ahead of them.
“I can’t figure out how there is nothing here but rocks dirt and these radio life forms,” shouts Ben.
It gets later in to the night and every one but Steve has gone to bed, Steve is up studying the radio life form but there is nothing! All it is is the same thing they saw at the last planet.
Steve begins to get frustrated he slams his glasses on the table and says, “There must be something more.”
All of a sudden he hears a thump, “Hello… is any one there.”
Then CRASH, beakers of sodium and cyanide fall to the floor.
“Is ANYONE there?!?”
BAM, the big test tube of pyloric acid falls and spills on some one, but he didn’t see any one there before. All of sudden he sees a much larger alien form bigger than the radio life form. He grabs the chemical gun but holds fire.
“Who are you?” he asks.
“I am Zinatallia Ronbauck Vandukel an alien in the hands of Darth Qwina and trying to escape.”
“Well can I call you Zina for short?” he asked.
“Yes if that is what you recommend, what may I call you?” she asked.
“Steve,” he replied.
“Why do you say you are in the hands of whoever and why are you trying to escape?” asked Steve.
“Because Darth Qwina has captured 20 of us from the arctic circle and taken us to the Darth place to be his servants, he has the power to chose which one of us he wants to marry and be his wife,” replied Zina.
“And who did he choose?” he asked.
“He chose me, I don’t want to marry him because I feel as if there is some one else out there for me.” Zina replied.
“I think you will find him soon,” he said solemnly.
“Well… well what are you to do with me?” she hesitated.
“Just come with me and we’ll find you a place to stay,” he replied.
Steve took Zina and they went and stayed in a different tent-house than the others. He didn’t think Darth Qwina would be searching for her, it totally slipped his mind. To think that she could be safe when practically a madman is after her. He wakes the next morning, but to see she has left, but her foot prints mark her trail in the Neptune dirt. He quickly dresses and goes out for her.
“I can’t believe she left, and I can't believe I’m going after her!”
“I.. I.. I think I'm in love with her!”
He fallows the footprints just to find her in this unknown place called the arctic circle, she goes in and meets up with what looks to be like her friends, Steve stays hidden till she comes his way. Then he goes and talks to her.
“Hey! Why did you leave this morning?”
“Because I had to speak to my three friends, Mila G onto, QuiKi Zoca, and Konquinee Peap,” she replied.
“What about?” he asked.
“If they would help me defeat Darth Qwina!” she replied back hastily.
“Well since we are here, why not explore the city?” he asked.
“OK!” she replied back still hastily.
They explored the city filled with many different aliens Steve had not seen before. Also filled with ice, covered in ice Steve begins to get very chilled the winds in the arctic circle are about 200 mph. He is almost blown away. Zina wonders if she is in danger with Steve or with Darth Qwina, or both. Steve wonders why she wants to destroy Darth Qwina and not just send to alien jail or something. They are done looking at scenery and Steve takes Zina back to his tent-house and stay there for the night, but this time she doesn't leave. But when they both wake up they encounter a madman, a raging beast, Darth Qwina. He is there to fight for the one he loves, but so is Steve. Once Zina wakes the first thing that she does when she sees Darth Qwina is she turns invisible and runs away.
“Who... who... who are you?” Steve asked scared.
“I am Darth Qwina ruler of all of Neptune!” he shouted. “Now who are you?!?”
“I.. I'm Steve from the planet earth,” he mumbled.
“Ah your the idiot that is in love with my precious Zinatallia!” “Aren't you?!?”
“Yes, and I'm not afraid of you!!” Steve shouted!
“Then I must eliminate you!!”
Then Darth Qwina flings chemicals at Steve before Steve can grab his chemical gun. The chemicals burn his skin but that doesn't stop Darth from doing it. He keeps going but misses a couple times but not much, then Darth picks Steve up and throws him in a vat of chemical compounds that will turn him into a powerful alien but not on the outside yet. But in order for the imbalance to work Steve must kiss an alien, but Steve doesn't know it yet. The chemical imbalance could lead to death.
“I think I'm finished with you!” replies Darth Qwina as he leaves.
And he sets out for Zina but so does Steve, now Steve agrees that Darth Qwina must be defeated. Steve is quiet and slick he leaves after Darth but he takes the fast hover car. He sets out for the arctic circle, and Zina. He gets there still looking for her. A few hours later he finds her scared but unharmed. He's relieved that she stayed safe.
“I have something I want to tell you!” he stated.
“Steve, I'm sorry I left but he could have killed me!”
“I know but I just want to tell you that... I love you!” he mumbled.
“I love you too. But it can never be, I'm an alien and your a human. I'm sorry Steve!” she apologized
He kissed her before she left and hummed,”don't ever forget me!”
“I wont,” she whispered as she looked up.
And saw he was now like her, an alien.
“Your a... a... an alien!” she gasped.
“I am?!?” he wondered and asked.
“Yes” she replied.
“Now it will be less of a challenge to defeat Darth!” he stated.
“lets go round up an army” she replied.
So Zina and Steve round up their small army of Jack, Sam, Ben, Stan, Professor Livingston, Mila, QuiKi, Konquinee, and some other aliens from the arctic circle. They all set out for Darth Qwina and his army with their chemical guns at the Darth place. They arrive in a hover car, they get out but stay hidden, guns ready for anything. They all charge in full speed, and Steve fights against Darth the others fight against Darth's army. Darth slashes Steve's arm and he falls but is still able to reach his chemical gun, and shoots Darth with potassium cyanide and he goes down. Zina helps Steve up and he injects a deadly poison into Darth's tentacle arm it makes him unconscious hard for him to breathe. Once the leader of one side of the war is down it is over. A few hours after the battle Darth dies becomes uncontrolled and return to their once normal lives. Darth's body however goes way, way, way down far under the Darth place and never to be heard of again. And as for the rest of Steve's army they return to their normal lives. Zina and Steve Still love each other and on a star lit night he asked her to marry him.
She replied, “YES!!!”
They were officially named husband and wife a month later, Steve's new alien name is QuinTopila KinQu. QuinTopila and Zina now live in a place called the water palace. It is a beautiful place that is made of water and everything inside of it is made of water. The scientists did go back to earth after the battle, but they haven't stopped studying how Steve became an alien from the chemical compound. Life became more easier for QuinTopila because he found his love even though he gave up being human.
(A year later)
QuinTopila and Zinatallia started a family at the water palace of 2 children, their pet muffinnuff (alien dog), and of course themselves. They enjoyed all their lives together with little tussles here and there, but for whatever they stuck it through. So I guess they were wrong that it could never be, because for a long time it had been and it never ended till death do they part.

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