» Science Fiction » The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 4, Heather Ray [kiss me liar novel english txt] 📗

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feared, he saw smoke pouring out of his smaller laboratory, where his most precious treasure was kept. Coppelius dashed into the flames, being cautious not to let the actual fire touch him. The smoke couldn't harm him, but since he was a creature of sand, direct fire could melt his form, and transform him into glass.

"Tanya?" he yelled into the flames. "What have you done?!"

Tanya cringed when she heard the anger in his voice. She forced herself to her feet, and looked the enraged creature in the eye. At least, where the eyes would be.

"I did what I needed to do to survive," she said in a weak voice. "You were planning to exchange my life for hers!" With that, she pointed to Ligeia, who now lay upon the flaming floor, engulfed in flames. Her glass chamber melted, and the chemicals that preserved her made her flammable. Coppelius' fists tightened, and he turned back to Tanya. He roughly grabbed her shoulders, and held her at arm's length.

"You killed

her!" he roared into her face. "You killed the only person that ever mattered to me!"

"She's been dead," Tanya said quietly, "Ligeia died two hundred years ago. There is nothing you could do to bring her back. Let's say you can somehow switch her mind with mine. Then, you would have a woman who looks like Ligeia, and maybe even has her memories, but she wouldn't be

Ligeia. Her spirit -- what made her an individual -- is long gone. You can't replace it."

Sandman put Tanya back on the ground. Tanya felt dizzy, and leaned against the wall. The smoke was still surrounding her, and she didn't know how much longer she would last.

"If you loved Ligeia," Tanya whispered, "you'd let her rest in peace. You are being selfish by trying to re-animate her. Let her rest."

Chapter Twenty

"Hello!" Jason yelled at the top of his lungs, "Mr and Mrs Sloan! Tanya! Answer me!!"

The Black, Silver, and Blue Rangers continued up a flight of sandy yellow stairs. Suddenly, the Silver Ranger stopped in his tracks.

"Guys," he said, "I think I smell something!"

He pulled off his helmet, and breathed deeply through his nose.

"Smoke," he said finally, sniffing at the air. "This way."

"Our helmets protect us from fumes," said Katherine, "but at the same time, they limit our sense of smell."

Zack led the rangers to another tunnel, where two human beings were standing against the wall. The man stood protectively in front of his wife, and he wore a threatening scowl.

"Get back!" he yelled. "Whatever you are, don't come near


"Relax!" said Zack, his helmet under his arm. "We're friends of Tanya's!"

Henry peered at the young man in silver in confusion. He did look human, although his uniform was as alien as possible.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"We're the Power Rangers," the Black Ranger answered. "And you're Tanya's parents?"

"Yes. I'm Henry, and this is Agatha."

"You've gotta help Tanya!" cried Agatha. "She's trapped in Coppelius' lab!"

"Where is the lab?" the Blue Ranger asked.

"Down there," said Henry, pointing in the direction from which they came. "Be careful! There are flames everywhere!"

"You two take the Sloans outta here," said Katherine, running down the hall where Henry had pointed, "I'll get Tanya!"

"Are you sure?" asked Jason.


Zack strapped on his helmet, and took Agatha by the hand, who was quaking with fear over the predicament her daughter was in. Jason grabbed Henry's hand, and together they led the reluctant parents safely through the maze of hallways.

"I just hope we can find a way out!" muttered Jason.

"We should let the others know we found the Sloans," said Zack.

"You're right," said Jason, bringing his wrist to his mouth while not slowing down, "Tommy, you read?"

^I'm here, Bro,^

came the response. ^What's up?^

"We've found the parents, and Kat's going after Tanya right now. Get your team outta the palace! We'll meet you outside."

^Got it. See ya soon.^

"Once we get far enough away from the palace, we'll be able to teleport back to our base," Jason told Henry. "You're in good hands."

"I just hope your Blue friend finds my daughter," Henry said quietly.

Chapter Twenty-One

Katherine followed the strong scent of smoke, and soon found her way into Sandman's main laboratory. She was surprised to see that Tanya was lying unconscious on the stone floor, with no fire around. The smoke still poured from a chamber next to the main lab, and as soon as Kat stepped near Tanya, Coppelius appeared at the doorway to the burning chamber, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Who are you?" she asked. He smiled sadly.

"A lone, broken-hearted soul who has finally seen the light," he answered. "Here is your friend, Blue Ranger. She was right -- I have no right to lay claim on her life. You are my witness -- I hereby release the Sloan family from my curse. I shall no longer interfere with their affairs, nor those of any human beings. You need not fear me any longer."

Katherine watched in confusion as the strange sand-colored man raised his hand above his head.

"I have teleported your friends and Tanya's parents outside the palace," he explained, "I shall also teleport you outside. You can find your way to the surface without my aid, correct?"

Katherine nodded mutely.

"Then farewell," he said, turning back into the flaming lab. "Oh, and I apologize for almost killing you."

"Sandman --?" Katherine whispered, as she and Tanya slowly dematerialized. In the blink of an eye, Katherine found herself outside hte palace, within the vast caverns beneath Switzerland. All of the Power Rangers were there, as well as Tanya, Henry, and Agatha Sloan. Everyone looked around in confusion.

"What happened?" asked the Green Ranger.

"Sandman teleported us out," Katherine answered. "He...apologized for everything he did."

Henry and Agatha quickly knelt beside their daughter, who was still unconscious.

"Will she be okay?" Agatha asked, biting her lower lip.

"I'm sure she will be," the Red Ranger answered, raising his wrist to his mouth, "Billy, do you read?"

^Tommy, is that you?^

said Billy's voice.

^Are you guys okay? Did you get Tanya?^

asked Adam's voice.

"Yes, we're all okay. And we saved Tanya and her parents. Can you teleport us back?"

^You got it.^

The nine people vanished from the dark cavern in beams of gold, silver, red, black, blue, green, and three of white light.


Three days later, in the Hillard family's house, Tanya was busy packing her belongings. Katherine's parents were nice enough to let the Sloans stay with them for a few days, so they could get organized. Now, it was time for them to return to their native Kenya, and Tanya was going with them. While Tanya packed in her bedroom, her parents and Katherine's parents talked in the living room.

"I can't thank you enough for taking care of Tanya these past few months," said Agatha.

"She was a delightful houseguest," said Richard Hillard. "We were glad to have her."

"It's absolutely amazing that after all this time, your expedition was found!" said Marie Hillard.

"Well, it was all thanks to the Power Rangers," said Henry. "It's been a decade since we were trapped on that uncharted Pacific island, and a storm completely destroyed our ship and equipment. We just had to stay strong, and hope someone would find us."

"Remarkable," said Richard. "So, are you going back to Africa permanently?"

"No," said Henry, "Tanya loves Angel Grove, and it's not fair to take her away. We just need to go back for a few weeks, and get things organized. We need to settle accounts, and see what belongings we had may still be around, like our savings. Once we're all set, we'll find a house around here."

Just then, there was a knock at the front door. Marie rose and opened it, and a young Korean-American man with a green shirt smiled at her.

"Hello, Adam," she said cheerfully. "Come in."

"Thanks, Mrs. Hillard," he said, closing the door behind him. "Hi, Mr. Hillard, Mr. and Mrs. Sloan."

"Good morning Adam," they all said.

"If you're looking for Tanya, she's in her bedroom with Katherine," Agatha said. Adam nodded his thanks, and walked down the hallway. He stood quietly at the door, and watched as Tanya and Katherine taped shut a final cardboard box.

"I guess that's everything," Tanya said, stretching her back. "Thanks for your help."

"Don't mention it," said Kat, "I'm so happy for you! I can't believe you actually got your parents back, after all these years!"

"Yeah," Tanya said with a smile, "I've never been happier --"

Tanya looked up and saw Adam in the doorway, watching her. He blushed slightly. Kat noticed him too, and smiled to herself.

"I think I'll leave you two alone," she said, standing up. She walked past Adam, and winked at him. Adam stepped into the room, and wrung his fingers nervously.

"Do you need any help?" he asked.

"No, I'm all set," Tanya answered, standing up. "How're you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm fine," he said. "Well, as fine

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