» Science Fiction » Power Ranger Ninja Storm, Heather Ray [best classic romance novels txt] 📗

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not sitting this one out.
Chapter Thirteen

I skid to a halt in front of the waterfall, setting my bike against a tree. I wish I'd been able to give the Winds a head's up, but I don't have the frequency of their communicators, so I'll just have to surprise them.

I step through the invisible portal, and race down the stone steps leading into the secret lair.

"Cam? Sensei?"

I freeze when I see Cam standing in front of a computer monitor, holding a classic ready stance.

"Easy, Cam," I hold up my hands as I approach. "It's just me."

"I can see that," he snaps with an anger I can't fathom. And then, to my complete astonishment, he leaps at me.

I barely have the presence of mind to dodge the fierce snap-kick that would've dislocated my jaw. Since when could Cam fight? And why is he fighting me?

I block his fists, bend away from his kicks, and feel myself forced backwards. Soon I'll hit the wall, and then my maneuverability will be shot.

"Cam, what is wrong with you??"

"You're not taking my father," he snarls, grabbing my wrist and twisting me around. I grind my teeth as I try to break his shockingly firm grip.

"Why...would I take your father?" I hiss.

"Cam! Stop this at once!"

I gasp my relief as Cam finally lets me go. Glaring at the brainiac whose martial arts skills I've grossly underestimated, I fight the urge to rub my sore wrist. "Did I miss something?"

He meets my stare before turning to the guinea pig that broke us up. "We can't trust him, Dad!"

I blink in surprise, but keep my mouth shut.

"It is obvious that Blake is not here to hurt us, Son," Sensei Watanbe states firmly. "He announced his presence instead of maintaining the element of surprise, and he appeared un-morphed."

Cam snorts. "It doesn't matter."

"Indeed it does." Then, the guinea pig turns to me, his beady eyes holding a strange insight that makes me...uncomfortable

. "Why did you come, Blake?"

I shake off my sudden stupor, remembering the immediate emergency. "I need your help. I have to track down Hunter, and I don't have the equipment to do it. I think he might be on Lothor's ship."

I turn, watching Cam's eyes narrow. "You're kidding, right?"

Cam's stare sets me on edge. "What do you know that I don't?" I demand.

"For starters, you're guess about Hunter's whereabouts is way off," he mutters, turning back to his monitor. "He's not in orbit; he's in the city."

My throat closes. I stare, completely dumfounded, at the screen. The Crimson Ranger is there, laughing, throwing bolts of lightning at the Wind Rangers.

This must be a trick. This...can't be real. "This isn't funny," I snap.

"You don't hear me laughing, do you?" Cam snaps right back. "You mind explaining why your brother decided to go medieval on us?"

I take a few moments to scour my mind for any possible explanation. "I...don't know," I mutter, raking my fingers through my hair in frustration. "He was with me a few hours ago, but then I left to find Tori..." Horror widens my eyes, and I turn to Sensei. "Hunter and I were supposed to meet Choobo to get access to Lothor's ship. If Hunter went without it possible Lothor did something to him?"

"The powers of the dark ninja are diverse and mysterious," Sensei comments, rubbing his chin. "It is possible he has convinced your brother to serve his ends, either by blackmail or enchantment of some kind."

I look up, watching the battle over Cam's shoulder. I wince as Shane takes a staggering kick to his kidney, dropping him like a dead weight. Then, Dustin and Tori attempt to double-team my brother with colored lasers, but a web of lightning deflects their assault almost effortlessly.

Then, he blurs into speeds too fast for the naked eye, and uses the Thunder Staff to throw both of them into a nearby office building.

I know Hunter is tough. He's been a protective shadow over me for most of my life. When I was younger, I thought nothing was beyond him...and even now, I'm confident that he can rise to any challenge.

But this is unreal. He's just ferocious out there...and the Winds don't have a chance.

"I'm going out there."

Both Cam and Sensei stare at me, but I only fold my arms, proving my determination. "I've got to talk to Hunter. I have to stop him before anyone gets hurt."

I turn, running to the exit when I hear Cam's warning. "The others think you and Hunter are in on this together. Don't be surprised if they attack you when you show your face."

My face is grim as I nod to the monitor. "I don't think they're in any condition to attack me."

Then, I hurry up the rest of the stairs, activating my morpher. "Thunder Storm, Ranger Form!!"

The sizzle of navy power is usually exhilarating, but this time I don't register the feeling. Instead, the moment the transformation is complete, I streak towards the battle, letting the forest and the city flash past me in a blur as I follow the ominous column of smoke rising into the blue sky.

It takes me mere seconds to arrive on the abandoned street where the Winds have made their stand against my brother. Though..."stand"

isn't quite the right word. None of them are on their feet.

Dustin is lying atop a parked car, the crushed roof and shattered glass hinting at a very uncomfortable impact.

Shane struggles to pull himself upright, balancing most of his weight on his sword.

And Tori...I wince with every trembling inch Tori crawls as she reaches for her weapon. Smoke wafts from burn marks across her torso, and more than once she cringes, folding into herself and clutching her side.

And in the center of it all is Hunter, his shoulders quivering as he laughs mockingly.

He's... just laughing -- and the half-crazed sound pierces me right to the core.

"I think you've been humiliated enough, Rangers," he decides, his laughter stopping. I find the sudden quiet even more disturbing, and my eyes widen as he draws a metal ring from his belt.

A wind tunnel of sparking energy emerges from the ring before my very eyes. I watch, my jaw dropping as the funnel drops on Shane first, plucking the Red Ranger off the asphalt before he can even attempt to dodge.

What is he doing? A fresh wave of horror forces me out of my petrified stupor, and I race onto the street, screaming the whole way.

Hunter completely disregards me...or maybe the howl of the magical wind is too loud for him to hear me. The funnel skirts around him, and then whisks Dustin away.

"Hunter, stop!!" I scream. I don't even need to think about a destination; my feet are carrying me towards Tori.

Now, he can't ignore me. I'm gaining fast, and as he turns the potent spell on Tori, I'm in his line of sight.

"Get out of here, Blake!" he snarls at me. "This is over!"

Tori has managed to reach her Sonic Fin, but she doesn't get a chance to get a shot off. The funnel crawls over her, and she's gone.

I'm only two steps behind, and I don't even hesitate. My eyes narrow, I do the only thing I can think of.

I dive at the wind funnel right after her.

I hear the deep roar of the wind, and I'm almost certain I hear Hunter shout...but then the world twists and bends around me...and everything disappears.

Part Nine: Two Strikes

Tori and Blake meet again, but this time words won't be enough.

Author's Note:

This one is primarily in Tori's voice, but Blake gets a chance to throw in his own observations at the very end.

Chapter Fourteen

Hacking coughs escape bruised lungs before I'm fully conscious. Dry, heaving breaths drag in salty grit that a beach bum like me can instantly recognize as sand, aggravating my sore throat and aching chest even further.

Pull yourself together, Tori.

My top priority is to get my face out of the sand. Shaking arms lift my unwilling body to my side, giving me a little room to breathe.

Each move I make is cautious, fearful of the jagged pain that accompanies broken bones. My arms and legs respond with only vague pain, meaning that bastard didn't do severe damage.

Lucky me. From the force of those blows and the voltage of the electricity he smacked me with, there's no doubt in my mind Hunter wasn't holding anything back. But…why

?? And where was Blake during the fight?

I set the disquieting thoughts out of my mind, dragging my feet under my body and shaking off the lethargy like seawater. There's no time for distraction. No time for frustration. No time for…misery.

Pull yourself together!

Thankfully, I can function. I quickly take stock, surveying the rolling water, dark seashore, and jagged cliffs spotting the landscape. A taller rocky slope lies in the distance, beyond a dense forest.

No sign of anyone, either friend or foe. I'm…alone

? On a shore I've never seen before?

I clear my throat and

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