» Science Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best books to read for self development TXT] 📗

Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best books to read for self development TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!

Author's Note

The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers were initially created by Saban Brands. The song "Overjoyed"

is written and performed by Stevie Wonder.

Welcome to the sequel to my rather unorthodox, and somewhat tragic, piece "There She Goes."

Many readers asked me to continue the storyline started in that fic, so I provided this. The story begins at the launch of Terra Venture, which is assumed to be February 1999, the airdate of "Quasar Quest."

Therefore, this takes place six years after "There She Goes."


And though the odds say improbable,
What do they know?
For in romance,
All true love needs is a chance…

The quiet glow of the winter sun slipped through the blinds. It crossed the dark carpet, barren save for a few suitcases and meager furniture, and stretched across a narrow bed against the wall, painting a band of light across the closed eyes of the room's occupant.

With a weary groan, the young man blinked at the bright light. Smacking his dry lips, he sat up on his bed. The movement caused the brass alarm clock sitting on his chest to tumble onto the floor beneath.

Eugene Skullovitch was not a morning person, and this morning was no different. He rubbed his eyes, trying to force coherence into his drowsy mind. His detached gaze passed from the bright light cutting through the window to the alarm clock sitting on the floor.

Blinking in confusion, he pulled off the pink earmuffs that kept his ears warm during the surprisingly cold winter night.

His jaw grew slack as the shrill scream of his alarm clock attacked his hearing. "Oh no..." he muttered, leaping from his bed. He fell on his knees beside the bed, grabbing the clock.

To his utter horror, it was twenty minutes after seven.

"No way," he whispered, rising to his feet, "This can't be right. It can't!"

He rushed to the window, throwing open the blinds. He pressed his nose against the glass as he stared at the sun, which had already climbed high enough into the sky to wash the neighborhood with full daylight.

It really was after seven.

"No, no, no!" he shouted, falling to his knees. He grabbed handfuls of limp raven hair, tears of frustration building in his eyes. "This can't be happening to me!"

It took several minutes of intense despair before a glimmer of hope entered his mind. "There's still time," he tried to convince himself, "Planes sometimes run late... maybe Terra Venture will too! Or... maybe Bulkie told them to wait for me! He must be wondering where I am!"

He stood up again and rushed to his closet. He pulled out the only outfit still unpacked: a neat suit with documents peeking out of the breast pocket.

"I'll make it," he assured himself, hurriedly tearing off his sleepwear, "I swore to myself... the rest of my life begins today

. I can't miss my big chance!"

Chapter One

"I just... can't believe it's over," the young man whispered, soulful gaze sweeping the docking area. He noted the trickle of passengers who bid their last farewells to loved ones, as well as those who had finished their good-byes, and entered one of the numerous space shuttles.

Their final destination, floating high above Earth's atmosphere, was Terra Venture: mankind's first attempt to travel to the far reaches of outer space. The first attempt to see the wonders of the incredible expanse of the Milky Way Galaxy, and perhaps further.

Finally, something for man to explore again.

But boarding Terra Venture was not for the faint-hearted. There would certainly be challenges, likely even encounters with alien life forms. Also, Terra Venture would be totally alone, far too distant from Earth or her newly allied planets to receive aid if ever damaged or threatened.

And finally, the explorers chosen to join the crew and company of the space station would have to bid farewell to Earth... forever.

There was no turning back. No homecoming. Ever.

The young man swallowed again, adjusting the blue collar of his uniform. Finally, he found the courage to look down again. His gaze met a pair of soft brown eyes that looked at him with infinite tenderness… as they always did.

As they did three years ago, when they first became friends.

She offered him the brightest smile she could muster. "Who ever thought we'd be saying goodbye at a space station launch, Trev?"

Trevor nodded, taking her hand and stroking her knuckles with his thumb. "You know... there's still time, Kim. You can come with me. I'm sure Commander Stanton will-"

Kimberly blinked back tears, reaching up and pressing her index finger to his lips. He promptly stopped speaking.

"We've gone over this for weeks," she reminded him, "and I thought we decided this was for the best."

He began to talk, but she interrupted him.

"You've been waiting for this all your life," she whispered, "You wanted to be somebody. A pioneer. You wanted to explore, and now you have your chance. You've gone through the GSA training program, and you're ready for this."

A strange, ironic grin pulled her lips. "Me? I've had my fill of adventure. I know Terra Venture isn't for me. I'm sorry, Trev."

As always, her reasons for not joining Terra Venture mystified the young man. But, he couldn't argue. After all, he couldn't force her to come with him.

Just like he couldn't force her to marry him.

Kimberly Hart had a mind of her own. She may not have known exactly what she wanted, but she did seem to know what she didn't want.

She didn't seem to want him anymore. At least, not enough to leave Earth behind.

Silence fell between the couple, as Kim's hands slid away from him, falling weakly to her sides.

The silence screamed finality.

'Terra Venture will be departing in one hour,'

the intercom alerted, 'All crew please board a transport shuttle immediately.'

Kim sniffled quietly. "Well, this is it."

"I guess so. Goodbye, Kim."

He leaned down, his lips lowering to hers.

She tilted her face to the side slightly, bringing his lips to her cheek in a chaste kiss. "Take care of yourself, Trevor," she breathed into his ear.

He frowned, hurt by her gesture. But what could he say? She was right; their relationship was over. He'd never see her again.

He leaned down and picked up his duffel bag. "You too."

Kim stood alone as she watched him approach the boarding ramp. He presented his passport at the final attendant.

The attendant delivered a stately salute to Trevor. "Do you have everything, Sir?"

Trevor cast one final glance to Kimberly. "Yes... I've got everything." He then steeled himself, and disappeared into the shuttle.

Kim sighed as she stared out the large glass window. She waited for nearly half an hour, until the shuttle finally lifted off the pavement, streaking towards the space station. Her eyes glistened, but the tears never broke free. "I'm so sorry I couldn't love you enough."

Unconsciously, her fingers toyed with the small charms that swayed from a delicate silver charm bracelet hanging from her wrist.

Chapter Two
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