» Science Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Love Is Series, Heather Ray [reading diary .txt] 📗

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How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!

Author's Note

True love is something so rare many people never experience it. When I refer to true love, I don't simply mean an emotional connection, or even an exchange of vows. I mean a union of souls, a dedication to each other that is so complete, they might as well be a single person.

When a love like this is found, it must be celebrated. And that is the purpose of this tribute... to celebrate the romance of two young individuals who's love for one another grew into something so powerful, it changed their lives. I am referring to Tommy Oliver, and Kimberly Hart: the original Power Couple. Each story is written to a song, which I feel aptly describes what's happening through the various stages of their romance.

This is chronologically the first fanfic in my "Love Is"

series, and quite fittingly it describes the first time Kimberly saw Tommy. The Song "When I Saw You"

is from... Mariah Carey! It's kind of a theme of these stories


"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Angel Grove Martial Arts Expo!" the announcer declared, his voice drowning out the various sounds of grunting and swinging that accompanied the warming up exercises of dozens of teenagers. This annual martial arts event, this year taking place in Ernie's Gym and Juice Bar, always attracted a rather large crowd of excited onlookers, anxious to see some of the finest martial artists in southern California. Angel Grove, and the rest of the county, has always been into martial arts. Each region has their favorite sport, and the collection of fighting styles that go under the umbrella of martial arts is studied by a good percentage of the student populace. However one young woman who was in attendance never cared much for martial arts. She never denied its importance, since her martial arts training is what kept her alive as the Pink Ranger. However, she never thought of it as an art form, like gymnastics, for example. It served its purpose, but there wasn't any excitement to be had in watching a competition. In fact, she is only in attendance to lend moral support to a good friend of hers, Jason Lee, who is the defending champion. Not that he needs it. He hasn't lost a match in three years.

"Alright, Jase, remember," said Zack Taylor, massauging Jason's shoulder to warm up the muscle, "Think positive, and concentrate on your moves."

"Yeah, and focus your mind as well as your body," Trini Kwan added, glancing up at her friend. Kimberly sighed, taking a sip of the water bottle she was carrying. She was sure that, just like every other time, Jason would defeat his opponent easily. Probably without even breaking a sweat. And he'd win another trophy to add to his collection at home. Nothing special is going to happen this day.

"Thanks guys," Jason said, his dark brown eyes focused on something across the gym, "but it looks like I'm going to need all the help I can get."

All five friends followed Jason's gaze, and saw a young, lean man, with dark curly hair just reaching the base of his neck. He was deeply involved in some warm-up kata, his limber legs whipping through the air as if gravity had no hold on him.

All the rangers were deeply impressed by this stranger's grace and agility, but with Kimberly, the impression was something different. She duly noted his incredible speed and grace-- he looked more like a gymnast than a fighter. But she also was hypnotized by his face. It was clearly a handsome face, and it was so concentrated in the task at hand. He didn't look like a fighter. He gave martial arts an entirely different interpretation, as far as Kim was concerned. She found she couldn't take her eyes off him.

Chapter One

Soft heavenly eyes gazed into me
Transcending space and time
And I was rendered still
There were no words for me to find at all
As I stood there beside myself
I could see you and no one else...

"Man," Zack commented, "that dude is pumped!"

Billy Mitchell nodded in agreement.

"Who is he?" Zack inquired, turning to the cluster of friends.

"I don't know," Trini said, her hands on her hips, "Probably some new kid at school."

Kimberly didn't hear a word her friends said. Her entire attention was focused on this amazing athlete, his muscles pumping in a practiced pattern, unaware of the scrutiny he was under. He then stopped for a moment, and stretched his body in preparation for the match. His glance surveyed the whole room, and Kimberly, who watched from a distance, could amazingly see his eyes. His dark hazel eyes, powerful and paradoxically gentle. Also, a grin seemed to creep on his face as he looked in her direction. Kim felt her heart skip as she gazed at him. It was if his eyes-- those incredibly, brilliant eyes-- were looking directly at her. She was mesmerized.

"He's really cute," Kim commented absently. She then realized she said it out loud, and a gentle blush rose on her cheeks when she saw her friends bewildered expressions.

"Coming up next, a karate competition featuring Angel Grove's finest, and a new challenger!" the announcer bellowed. Trini, Zack, and Billy returned their attention to Jason, offering more advice and support. But Kimberly's gaze once again fell upon this new challenger. Her curiousity was piqued.

Chapter Two

When I saw you
When I saw you
I could not breathe, I fell so deep
When I saw you
When I saw you
I'd never be, I'd never be the same...

On the center mat was the final competition of the afternoon. Two incredibly skilled martial artists, one in red and one dressed in green, continued to dodge and attack. Everyone in attendance focused their attention to this incredible display of skill. It was the first time in three years that the reigning champion had ever fought against someone who appeared just as good as himself. Or perhaps better.

The challenger's attack of choice was the tornado kick, and he was indeed good at it. He had a vertical jump that would make Michael Jordon nervous, with his kicking leg easily reaching eight feet at its apex. The challenger used this powerful attack in a series, driving Jason backwards. Jason managed to find a hole in the challenger's mind-boggling offense, and delivered a punch, sending him to the ground. But the challenger rose to his feet, a spark in his hazel eyes.

Kimberly was studying the challenger as if he were under a microscope. She was probably the only one to notice the spark in his hazel eyes. It depicted admiration,and enjoyment.

He's probably as excited about meeting someone of his caliber as Jason is,

she thought, watching the two continue with their competition. Then the handsome one in green managed to get Jason on his back twice in a row. Kimberly couldn't help but feel impressed, although she noticed her friends cringe at Jason's likely defeat. Kim found she didn't really care who won this battle. She wanted it to last as long as possible, so she would have an excuse for watching the young man so closely.

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