» Science Fiction » Sylent Nyght, Amber Riel [bill gates books recommendations TXT] 📗

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day, Evlyn, Leanna, and Chris hung out at a small coffee shop, worn out from the crazy night before.  “Man I am so tired. Up all night looking for someone who blends into the night. One of the worst things to do. I’m ready to go home and hit the hay,” Chris told the two ladies.         

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep with images from last night playing in my head. Gunshot to the head but don’t die. That’s crazy. Or am I that tired that I dreamed that?” Leanna asked.         

“No it happened. Believe it or not. It happened. Something that only exist in movies. I don’t ever want to see that happen again.” Evlyn replied.



Nyght sat on the bed, holding the baby.  Raymond walked into the room and looked at his wife.  He had regretted everything he had said the night before, wishing he could easily take it back if he could.  “Look, honey,” he began.  “I’m sorry about last night. It’s just I don’t want to have to worry if he’s going to grow up and be like them. Especially his mother and father. They were annoying.” He walked over to Nyght and the baby.  “Can I hold him?”         

Nyght looked down at the baby then turned her attention back toward Raymond.  She knew that her husband wouldn’t stay angry forever and knew his heart would show him that.  She carefully handed the baby to the man.         

Raymond carefully took the child in his arms and held the baby.  “He is kind of cute.”  He began talking to the baby.  “Hi there. You’re probably wondering who we are but I’m Raymond Miller and you’ve met my wife, Nyght Miller. Sorry for yelling last night. It’s not your fault. It’s just Nyght didn’t do her job. We’re going to be you’re new parents.” He kind of smiled.  “Would you like a tour of your new home?”         

Nyght looked at Raymond and the baby, smiling.  The man looked at her and noticed the bullet hole on the right side of her head.         

“Nyght…. Did the cops shoot at you last night?”         

Nyght shook her head.         

“Then why is there a bullet hole on the side of your head?”         

Nyght acted the scene from the night before, using hand gestures to help.         

Raymond was ticked.  “No you didn’t.”         

Nyght nodded.         

“You weren’t supposed to do or say anything that could let them know that we’re not exactly human anymore. Now they’re going to be asking more and more questions. Why would you do that?”         

Nyght just stared at Raymond, without reacting.         

“I can’t believe this. I love you, honey, but you can make me so mad.”

Hopefully Nothing More Than a Nyghtmare

Cormick sat behind his desk, thinking.  The man had been lost in his thoughts.  The murderer was alive from a gunshot to the head and managed to escape the first night they had her locked up.  The man was confused and the events kept rewinding in his mind while he tried to figure it all out and understand what he was missing.  Who are you?  What do you want?  Why are you here in my town?  Murdering people…. People who don’t do anything to break the law. Why? He stood up and worked his way over to the wide window.  You don’t speak. You can’t die. You escaped from my jail. What is it that has you so mad?         

The phone which sat on his desk began ringing like crazy.         

The thoughts collected themselves in the man’s head while he shook it off and walked over to his desk.  He picked up the ringing phone and placed it to his ear.  “Hello…. What?” He closed his eyes for a brief moment.  “I’ll be right there.”  He placed the phone back onto the hook.  You were planning on getting arrested and placed in jail. Why? He closed his eyes again.  What am I missing?  You have a list that means death to people on it. Who’s on that list?  Why is it so important?  And now a baby’s missing. The parents are dead. Who are you?



Raymond stared out of the window, watching the cops arrive to the neighbors’ house.  Nyght sat on the couch, rocking the baby in a way which seem like she were singing to him.  The woman felt a happiness which she hadn’t felt in a long time while she rocked the child in her arms.         

“The cops are at the Willis’s house now,” Raymond said.  He turned to face Nyght.  “That baby can’t leave this house.  That means one of us will have to stay here with him at all times.  They’ll know something’s up because we didn’t come here with a baby and we don’t have adoption papers to have proof that we’ve adopted him.”  He moved toward Nyght and the sat next to her.  “Are you singing to him in your head?” 

Nyght nodded.  She may not have had a voice anymore but she had her way of seeming like she could speak or sing for a mute.         

Raymond smiled.  “I remember how you would sing to little Ray.” He closed his eyes, letting a memory pop into his mind.  It was a happy little memory dealing with his wife and their beautiful little baby boy.  “I loved when you would sing. You had a beautiful voice. Sometimes, when you were rocking little Ray to sleep, I would stand next to the door and listen.” He opened his eyes; kind of sadden by the fact that it was all only a far and distant memory.  “I miss your voice and I miss little Ray.”         

Nyght smiled at her husband.         

“Nyght…. How are we going to take care of the baby?” Raymond asked.  “He needs food, a crib, diapers, and other things that we’re going to need to get for him. What are we going to do?”         

Nyght’s smile faded, knowing her husband was right.  Neither she nor Raymond had human needs for food and such but the child needed to be cared for more than they could provide for a baby.  She stood up and headed upstairs.         

A loud police knock sounded on the door.         

Raymond stood up, walked over to the door, and opened it.  He made himself seem like a concerned living citizen to make the cop believe that he was a decent human being, knowing otherwise.         

Cormick stood on the porch.  The police officer didn’t want to be there but knew he needed answers even though he hated the fact that he had to bother the new doctor and his wife for such a horrible thing.         

“Hello….” Raymond began.         

“Raymond Miller?” Cormick asked.         

“Yea…. How may I help you?”  The man was putting on a good show with hiding the truth from the cop but from the years and centuries he knew how to act.         

“I’m Police Chief Robert Cormick.” The cop introduced himself, quickly jumping to the point.  “I understand that your wife is a mute and I would like to talk to her. There have been murders, a robbery, and kidnapping recently. We caught the murderer last night but she managed to escape. Like your wife, she was a mute. I’m not trying to say that your wife is the murderer but I just want to talk to her so I can mark her off of the list of suspects.”         

“I see.”         

“Is she home by chance?”         

“Actually,” Raymond replied, lying but spoke convincingly, “she went out to run some errands.  She won’t be back for a while, officer.”         

“Oh. Do you know when she’ll be back?”         

“I’m sorry but no.”         

“Well, sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your time.”         

“Not a problem, officer.”



Nyght watched through the window, keeping herself hidden from the cop while he walked away from the house and headed to join the others next store.         

Raymond worked his way into the room.  “I was right. He’s one of them. Nyght,” he began, “we’re going to leave for a few weeks. When we get back, I want you to kill him. But right now, we’re going to have to leave. I will tell you when.”         

Nyght looked at Raymond.         

“He wants to talk to you about the murders. He has you as a suspect. He’ll be back to ask you questions. We’ll leave after that so that way we don’t seem suspicious to him and the others. Let me look at the side of your head. I want to make sure that bullet hole is gone.” He worked his way over to his wife and checked the right side of her head where he had spotted the bullet hole.  “Good it’s gone. Next time though, don’t shoot yourself in front of the humans. It tends to raise questions when you don’t drop dead from being shot in the head. And the fact that we don’t bleed doesn’t help either.”



Leanna and Calvin sat on the long skinny couch in Leanna’s living room.  She tried to stay awake but couldn’t help the fact that she hadn’t slept at all and fatigue was starting to get to her.         

Her fiancé realized that the instant he had walked in but hadn’t said anything.  “Hey, Lea, are you alright?” he asked.         

“Yea just tired. Late night trying to find a criminal that can’t die. It’s hard work.”         

“What?” Calvin was confused by her words.  He didn’t know if it was the fact that she hadn’t slept and was seeing things or if she had watched some kind of movie that might have played with her mind.         

“She can’t die.” Leanna finally passed out.  Her eyes closed tightly while sleep overcame her body.



Evlyn was knocked out cold, sleeping in her own comfortable bed after the long insane night before.  It didn’t take her long to welcome the world of dreamland when she finally arrived home.  The phone began ringing.  She ignored the sound.  It rang again.  She reached over for the phone and answered it.  “Hello,” Her tired voice spoke softly.         

“Hey, Evlyn, did I get you at a bad time?” Riley’s voice asked.         

“Kind of…. I’m trying to sleep. Stayed up late last night; trying to look for an escaped criminal.”         

“Oh sorry.”         

“Don’t worry about it. I probably should be waking up anyways. What time

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