» Science Fiction » Sylent Nyght, Amber Riel [bill gates books recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Sylent Nyght, Amber Riel [bill gates books recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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Nyght looked at Raymond and kind of nodded.  She was glad the other couple had finally left and that the night was over.

Puppet & Puppet Master

Evlyn, Leanna, and Chris were going over the evidence, trying to find clues.  So far nothing out of the ordinary popped out.  Nothing seemed to be out of place or odd involving the three recent murders along with the robbery.  “Man, still no leads. This is ridiculous,” Leanna stated with disappointment.         

“I think I know who might be involved with the murders,” Evlyn spoke surely it had been obvious to her who the murderer or murders were.         

“Really?  Who?”         

“The new doctor and his wife. It makes sense.”         

Leanna dropped her mouth in disbelief.  She couldn’t believe how Evlyn could make such a horrible assumption without even giving the new couple a chance.  She hadn’t figured either of the Millers as thieves, let alone as deadly or dangerous.  It had been strange that the murders had begun until after the doctor and his wife moved in but she just shrugged off as a coincidence and nothing more.  “You’re just saying that so you have a reason to place them in jail.  I see it as a conflict of interest.”         

“No that’s not why I’m saying that. Although I think that he should be in jail. But no. Think about it, Leanna. It makes sense.  They’re new in town and these murders didn’t happen until they showed up. It fits.”         

“Just because they’re new doesn’t mean anything. It could just be a coincidence.  It could be someone else. Someone who’s tired of living in a small town. Someone like you.”         

Leanna’s statement infuriated Evlyn.  “Oh you better not be saying that I decided to do any of this.”         

Leanna lost her temper in return.  “I said, ‘Someone like you.’ Not you. Why do you have something to hide?  Something like a confession?”         

“What?! You would choose to stand up for two people who you barely know over your best friend?”         

Chris glanced back and forth between the two girls.  Ooo…. This sounds like a catfight. Sweet. “Don’t do anything until I get back with some popcorn,” he told his coworkers, standing up.         

Both of the girls glanced at him with flames of anger raging in their eyes.         

“Good…. Hold that position.” He left the room without another word.



Raymond stared out of the window in the hall of the second floor and looked out into the starry lit night sky.  The night before with the neighbors had played in his mind.

Nyght stood behind him, waiting.  She was prepared and ready for her job but had to wait for his instructions.         

“Okay, Nyght,” Raymond told her.  “Now’s the time. And remember….”



Nyght worked her way into the jewelry store while Raymond’s voice played in the back of her mind, explaining what needed to be done.  “First things first,” his voice began, “I want you to go back to the jewelry store.”



Once Nyght was inside of the dark building with only the moonlight lighting the rooms, Raymond’s words continued in her mind.  “This time I don’t want you to take anything. You break in and make sure the security systems detect you somehow. I know that neither of us release heat like the living anymore but find a way somehow to make your presences known. Then once you do that, I want you to wait. You’ll wait for the police to arrive.”




Evlyn and Leanna continued arguing when the radio clicked on.         

“Calling for back up. The jewelry store is being robbed,” Kiley’s voice spoke.         

“We’re on our way.” Chris answered.  “This might be an answer that we’re looking for. Come on,” he told the two girls who had stopped to listen to the call.



Nyght stood, listening to the sounds of sirens arrive.  The loud obnoxious cop cars had surrounded the entire building.  She stayed inside of the building, waiting.         

“When the cops arrive,” Raymond’s voice spoke, “you’ll let them arrest you. They’ll bring you to the police station. They’re going to take your finger prints. They’re going to interrogate you. Ask questions, you will do what you can to answer them but whatever you do…. Don’t let them take your mask off to identify you and when you answer questions make sure not to give too much information away. Mostly about the past. Let them know about the murders….”         

The cops stormed into the building, carrying guns and wearing bullet proof vest for protection just in case the woman tried anything against them.  They surrounded Nyght so she had no way to escape if given the chance.  “Drop your weapons. You’re under arrest,” Cormick told the masked criminal.         

Nyght slowly removed her weapons from her swords to the shuriken, dropping them to the ground.  She raised her hands while Kiley rushed over to and grabbed her hands, placing them behind her back and locking them in handcuffs.         

Cormick was kind of shocked, wondering why she had given up without a fight.  That was easy. But why? He couldn’t believe how someone could have been willing to go to jail.



At the police station, Kiley took Nyght’s finger prints but the result had surprised her.  “Oh my gosh.”         

Evlyn walked over to her coworker and the murderer to see what was so shocking.  “What?”         

Kiley let Evlyn look at the piece of paper.  The result had been something of a shock.  “No finger prints.” 

“That’s impossible. Everyone has finger prints. There must be a trick.”         

“I watched her with my own two eyes. This was the result.”         

Evlyn and Kiley turned their attention to Nyght while she glanced at them.         

“Well hopefully she has a reflection.... Or we’re going to have a real problem on our hands.”



Leanna and Chris led Nyght into a small dark room with a projector screen in front of a plain light grey wall.  Chris had Nyght follow him to the screen.  He went to pull off Nyght’s mask.  “Okay. Now we have to see….” 

The woman quickly grabbed Chris’s hand, stopping him.

Shock took control of Chris while the woman’s grip kind of tightened around his palm.  The murderer’s hand was freezing cold almost like she had come out of a freezer and her grip was too strong for any human to have.  “That’s a strong, cold grip you have there, missy,” he told her while she released his hand.  “Fine. We’ll leave the mask on.”         

Nyght eyed Chris and Leanna while they stepped back to take her picture.         

“That’s strange. Her grip felt like I was touching a dead body,” Chris told Leanna.         

Leanna looked over at Chris, kind of confused.  She shook it off and turned her attention back toward the masked woman who stood waiting.         

“There’s something strange about this woman.  I don’t think she’s human. Well she’s not alive.”         

Leanna kind of laughed at Chris’s little joke, thinking that he was just trying to psychic her out.  She took a few mug shots while she laughed.  “Good one.”



Nyght sat behind a small table while Chris and Evlyn stood in front of her.  The room was small with a long pitch black one way window on Nyght’s right.  She couldn’t see out but she knew there were other cops on the other side watching.         

“Okay. So who are you?” Evlyn asked.         

Nyght stared at Evlyn.         

“Answer the question.”         

Nyght tapped on the table.         

“I said, ‘Answer the question.’ That doesn’t mean tape on the table. There is a major difference.”         

Nyght turned her attention back toward the female cop.  She pointed to herself.         


Nyght held up her right hand.         

“Maybe this is her way of pleading the fifth,” Chris replied.         

Nyght’s gaze moved from the female cop to the young male cop and she shook her head to answer him. 

“It’s not?”         

Nyght nodded.         

“Then why aren’t you answering Evlyn’s question?”         

Nyght pointed to herself again, moved her finger from side to side, made a mouth with her hand, and moved it in a way to make the hand appear like it was talking.         

“You don’t have any sock puppets.”         

Nyght looked at Chris, raising an eyebrow.  Clearly the young man cop had to be more intelligent than he appeared to be.

Evlyn stared at Chris like he was stupid.  “No you idiot. She’s saying she can’t talk,” she replied.         


Nyght tapped on the table again then acted like she was writing something.         

“Chris, go get her a pen and paper. That’s what she’s trying to tell us.”         

“Okay.”  Chris left the room.         

“He’s getting you something to write with. So that way you can tell us everything. Got it?”         

Nyght just stared at Evlyn for a few moments then turned her attention toward the table.  It hadn’t take Chris long to walk back into the room and hand the paper along with a pen to the mute.         

“Okay. Now tell us. Who are you?”         

Nyght quickly wrote something down.         

Evlyn read what was written and grew angry.  “Are you kidding me?”         


“She wrote that she can’t tell us…. Next question.”         

“Okay. Then we’ll just skip it and come back to it later.”         

Evlyn sighed.  “Fine. Okay. Can you talk?”         

Nyght wrote something else down and Evlyn read the reply.         



“She’s mute.”         

“Oh. Can I ask one?”         

“Yea go ahead.”         

“Are you responsible….?” Chris began to ask, trying to do sign language the best he could.         

Nyght stared at the guy, confused.  She felt that he was talking to her as if she were stupid.         

“What are you doing?” Evlyn asked.         

“I’m talking to her like her people would talk so she can understand me.”         

“She’s mute.... Not deaf. She can hear you. She just can’t speak.”         


Nyght continued to stare at the idiot cop.  Apparently he wasn’t that bright which she had figured out earlier.


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