» Science Fiction » Sylent Nyght, Amber Riel [bill gates books recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Sylent Nyght, Amber Riel [bill gates books recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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up?” Jayden asked.         

“Just thinking about the case,” Chris answered.  “This is the first time we’ve ever had to deal with something like this.  Did anyone from forensic say anything about the body?”         

“Not yet.  It’s going to be a while before they figure out what’s going on.  Dude, this isn’t like looking for a missing cat for at least a few hours.  It’s much more serious than that and it’s going to be a while.”         

“I know. I’m still kind of shocked.  This is the first time something this big has happened in our little town.”  

“You can say that again.”         

Kiley walked with Cormick, lost in a conversation with the man.  “I didn’t find any finger prints so they believe that the suspect was wearing gloves,” she told her captain.  “They’re hoping to find some kind of DNA so they can find this person who’s responsible for the murder.”         

“Oh man that sucks,” Chris replied.  He couldn’t keep himself from jumping into the conversation.         

Kiley stopped in her tracks, turning her attention toward Chris.  “Yea it does and now we need to find more evidence that could help.  This is going to be a very long investigation.”



Raymond and Nyght sat on the floor in the living room because of the fact they still needed to get some furniture.  They stared at a black wall while Rocky lay in Nyght’s lap.         

“This is ridiculous,” the man told his wife, breaking the silence.  “We’re going to need to get a TV because staring at a blank wall is lame.”         

Nyght leaned against Raymond, smiling.         


Nyght’s eyes slowly began closing.         

“Oh so now I’m your pillow?  That’s nice.  Good thing we can sleep.” He kind of laughed.  “That’s the only thing we can do compared to all the other normal things that we should be able to do.”  He wrapped his left arm around her.  “Let’s go to bed and tomorrow like I said earlier, we’re going to the jewelry store.”  Raymond looked at Nyght, noticing she had fallen asleep.  “Good night, honey.”  He moved Rocky off of Nyght’s lap.  “Sorry, boy, but I don’t think that you want me to lift her up, while you’re lying in her lap.”  He picked his wife up and stood.  “Come on, Rocky.”



Raymond carried Nyght to the bed room, followed by Rocky.  He laid Nyght on the bed and covered her up.  “Good night,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.  “Sweet dreams.  I love you.”  He moved over toward his side of the bed, removing his shirt.  He noticed Rocky trying to jump up onto the bed.  “There ya go,” he told the pup, helping him up onto the bed.  “Now lay down.”  He went to climb into the bed when Rocky curled up into a ball on his side of the bed.  “Rocky, I don’t mind you sleeping in the bed but if I don’t get to lay down in my spot then one of us is going to be on the floor and it’s not going to be me.”         

Rocky’s black liquorice color eyes stared up at Raymond.         

Raymond sighed, kind of pushing Rocky into the middle of the bed.  “Stay there,” he told the puppy, climbing onto his side of the bed.  “Good, boy.”  He reached over and switched off the little lamp which sat on the table next to his side of the bed.  “Good night.”



The following day, Raymond and Nyght had found their way to the jewelry store.  Raymond met with the jeweler and began a conversation with the man who appeared to be about in his early fifties with short black hair which began vanishing due to a bald spot forming on his head.         

Nyght, on the other hand, worked her way around the jewelry store, checking out the jewelry which sat behind a glass case for protection from thieves.  She examined the jewelry, knowing that it was real, confused.  She knew that usually jewelry stores would showcase fact diamonds, hiding the real things in some kind of vault or case, but everything she was looking at was real.  She noticed a nice ruby red diamond which was attached to a necklace.  She moved over to Raymond, waiting for him to finish up the conversation with the other man.         

Once Raymond was done, he turned his attention toward her and she had him follow her over to the diamond, pointing at it.  He examined the unique diamond for a moment, taking in the sight.  “That’s something I need,” he told Nyght in a quiet tone.  “And I was right. The jeweler and his wife are them too.  Tonight is another night for ya, honey.”         

Nyght nodded.         

“Let’s get going.  You’ll come back tonight as well as going to their house.  It’s three jobs tonight.”



Evlyn found herself back at Miss Kennedy’s house, along with Chris and Leanna.  Their job was to search for any other clues which they might have missed earlier.  “Do either of you think that the killer might strike again?” Evlyn asked.         

“Don’t know. Maybe,” Chris replied.         

“Possibly,” Leanna answered.  “What do you think?”         

“I think it really depends. I just want to know why anyone would want to kill Miss Kennedy,” Evlyn replied.  “I mean she was a nice person and got along with everyone.  Why would someone want to kill her?  It doesn’t make any sense.”         

“Yea I agree.  It doesn’t make sense.”         

“Maybe she was a druggie or something and she didn’t have the money to pay for the drugs,” Chris said. 

“That would make sense,” Evlyn began to agree, “but I don’t think so.  I think if that were a possibility they would have had her shot rather than sliced opened.”         

“Maybe she was a spy and wanted to get out of the job but they didn’t want her to leave so instead they decided to have her killed so they wouldn’t have to worry about her giving away top secret information.”        

Evlyn and Leanna stared at Chris like he was an idiot.  “Yea either that or aliens experimented on her,” Leanna spoke with sarcasm in her tone.         

“I haven’t thought about that.”         

“It amazes me that you were smart enough to get this job.”         

Evlyn ignored the conversation her two collogues had while she worked her way upstairs, searching for anything they might had missed. 

Any Connections?

The jeweler closed the back door in the kitchen, revealing the dark outline of Nyght’s shadow, but the man hadn’t noticed.  She stayed close to the wall on the left of the door.  She blended into the dark space of the room.  She pulled out two small round flat disks from her belt and pressed a button on each of them, turning them in two shuriken.  She threw one, hitting the man’s stomach then threw the other one into his neck.  The jeweler dropped dead.         

Nyght slowly worked her way over to the man and removed the two small weapons from his lifeless body.  A noise came from another room which let her know that someone else heading into the kitchen.  She quickly and silently moved back into the shadows and waited.         

A woman about in her late forties walked into the room.  It wasn’t hard for Nyght to figure out that the woman was the jeweler’s wife.  The woman noticed her husband’s lifeless body lying on the ground and began to scream in horror.         

Nyght threw the two ninja stars, hitting the woman in the same two areas on her body like she had done to the man.  The jeweler’s wife dropped dead, landing next to her husband.  Nyght worked her way over toward the woman, removing the two weapons.  She looked around the room, listening for any signs of other people in the house.  Once she knew that no one else was around, she left.



Nyght arrived at the jewelry store, working her way inside.  She used the same two throwing stars she had used on the jeweler and his wife to destroy the security cameras she came into contact with.  She maneuvered around the security beams so her weapons couldn’t set off the alarm.  Once she arrived at the diamond, she opened the case and picked it up without a problem.  She knew it was real, knowing how the jewelry store workers hadn’t used decoys in the place of the real jewelry like most places would.  After she placed the diamond in a pouch along her belt, she left.



The following day, Cormick walked out of his office with grim news to tell his employees.  “There were two murders last night.  We have to go to the jeweler’s house and check out the crime scene.  He and his wife were found dead in the kitchen. One of their neighbors just called.”         

“Oh man.  Do you think that it was the same person who killed Miss Kennedy?” Evlyn asked.         

“Don’t know.  That’s why we have to go check it out.”



Raymond worked his way around the living room, thinking.  Rocky trotted behind like a shadow.  “What do you think we should do, boy?  We need to fill this room with something so it doesn’t look empty.  Besides when we have guests we don’t want them to think that we’re poor or lame.”         

Nyght slowly walked into the room, kind of sluggish after the night she had.         

“Awe good morning, honey.  Did you sleep well?”         

Nyght kind of smiled.         

“We should go and get some furniture today.  That way we can fill up these rooms and that includes a TV.  I’ve been missing football and I know that you want to be able to watch According to Jim and stuff.  And besides we should have a house warming party to distract them.  The cops are investigating the crimes.  We still need to meet the captain because I believe he’s one of them but I can’t prove it yet.  They don’t know what we’ve been through and what we’ve seen…. What we had to watch happen to our….”         

Nyght moved quickly in front of Raymond and covered his mouth with her pointer finger from one hand while using the other to cover her mouth.         

“I’m sorry, honey.  I know you hate thinking about what they did but it just angers me to know that they got away with it.”         

Nyght’s attention fell to her feet, sadness filled her eyes.  The memories were the hardest thing for her to think about.     

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