» Science Fiction » Sylent Nyght, Amber Riel [bill gates books recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Sylent Nyght, Amber Riel [bill gates books recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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blood still lingered in the air.  It was a nauseating smell that would make anyone with a weak stomach hurry out of the room.         

Evlyn walked over to the body with interest and curiosity, not knowing if she’d ever have the chance to see something so horrifying yet exciting again.  Her eyes examined the cut which had moved downward from the neck.  “It looks as if someone tried to dissect her like a frog in biology.  It’s quite interesting to see but how did they manage that?”         

“Jayden said that they were up here earlier to get finger prints for the forensic team,” Leanna stated.  “They’re supposed to let us know about the details.  Then a few people from forensic will be checking out the body.  It’s going to be difficult for them to figure out what kind of weapon was used.  If it were a gun, it wouldn’t be as hard because they find out the size of the bullet and from there they could figure out what kind of gun was used but a knife that could do something like this to someone. I don’t know. That must be pretty hard to figure out.”         

“Well,” Chris replied, “we know it’s not a butter knife.”         

Leanna rolled her eyes, looking at him.  “Really, Chris?”         

A blonde woman, about twenty-three, rushed into the room.  She wore a blue police uniform with a yellow badge on the left side of her jacket, under the shoulder blade.  “Captain, the reporters are here what do you want us to do?” she asked.         

“Officer Kiley,” Cormick asked, “can you and Officer Jayden try and get rid of them?  No one needs to know.”         

“They already know, sir.  They keep questioning about the body.”         

Cormick sighed, kind of stressed.  The downside of living in a small town was the fact that news traveled fast.  “Tell them that we don’t know anything yet and we don’t want to have this on the news.”         

“Yes, captain.”  Kiley left.



Nyght walked around the empty deserted house, waiting for Raymond.  He had left to some things to do which including checking up on the job she had done the night before.  She listened to the rattling door knob then heard the odd squeak of the door opening.  The sound of Raymond’s familiar footsteps filled the air.  She hurried to meet him in the small hallway but couldn’t help noticed he held his arms behind his back.         

“The electricity is working and the water’s running,” he told her.  “We just need to get furniture and fill up the rooms.  Oh and I got something for us.”  He stood in front of her.  “Close your eyes.”         

Nyght did what her husband had told her.  She waited with her eyes closed.         

“Open your eyes.”         

Nyght opened her eyes, smiling at the sight of Raymond holding a little tiny brown puppy.  The puppy had a black patch of fur around his left eye and a small but noticeable black spot on his back.         

A smile grew on Raymond’s face, knowing he had made Nyght’s day.  “Since we can’t have a baby, I figured that a puppy is close enough to one so I bought him.  He’s out new baby boy.  Like a baby, he needs love, attention, and food. Oh plus he needs to be potty trained.  I think that you should feed him and I’ll do everything else.  We can both love him and play with him.  Now what should his name be?”         

Nyght grabbed the newspaper which laid on the little brown table which sat next to the opening of the living room and pointed to a picture.         

“Sylvester Stallone?”         

Nyght sighed and shook her head.  She pointed at the name next to the picture.         

Raymond smiled.  “Oh…. Rocky…. Like the Rocky movies with Sylvester Stallone.” He held up the small puppy, looking into the small black eyes of the little guy.  “Rocky…. What do you think little guy?  Does Rocky fit?  I think it does.” He turned the puppy toward Nyght.  “Okay, mommy. His name’s Rocky.”         

Nyght smiled, slowly taking the puppy and hugging him.         

“Happy, honey?”         

Nyght nodded.         

“Okay…. Good…. Oh I noticed the cops were checking out the crime scene and a few reporters at Miss Kennedy’s house.  Good job, honey.  That’s one less we have to deal with. I think that we should go to the jewelers tomorrow because we have to check them out. Besides I want to see if they have something that would help me fix your voice box. I shouldn’t have tried what I did to save you. I wanted to keep you alive and I did what I thought would help but instead I destroyed your voice.  I should have tried something else.” 

Nyght turned her attention toward Raymond; a sad expression replaced her happiness.  She knew he had done what he thought was right at the time even though he didn’t know it would destroy her voice box.  If she could speak, she would have told him that it wasn’t his fault.         

“I blame myself for what I did to you and I blame them for what they did to destroy our lives. I should have stopped them. Done something before they did what they had done.  Not a day goes by I think about those two days.”



An attractive twenty-six year old man with a mixed skin tone tried to help Kiley shoe away the reporters.  The problem was that the reporters were persistent and kept trying to find a way in.  “Look we just want to do our jobs,” the man told the press.  “We don’t want to have to worry about what the people think.  We’re going to get to the bottom of this but we don’t need you reporters here trying to get inside.  It’s police business not the towns business to know what’s going on.”         

“It’s no use trying to talk to them, Jayden,” Kiley told him.  “They’re not going to stop and you know it.”   

“Yea but they don’t know what’s going on. They want to find out but it’s none of their business. We have to try to get them out of here.”



Evlyn and Leanna searched for any mistakes the murderer possibly made the night before.  So far their search efforts came up with nothing useful.  “Well,” Leanna began, “good news…. The crime isn’t about a cat. Bad news there’s a murderer here.”         

“Yea,” Evlyn agreed, “but this means that the town isn’t as boring as I thought.  Now we have a case to solve. Ooo…. Just like in CSI.  We have a case. A real murder mystery going on. I wonder how long it’s going to take us to find out who did this and why? Is it going to take thirty minutes like the black and white Sherlock Holmes or is it going to be an hour like Cold Case?”         

Leanna stared at Evlyn.  “You’ve been hanging out with Chris too long. Oh guess what?”         


“You remember Calvin’s cousin, Riley, who I introduced you to about a couple of days ago?”          

“Yea.... Why?”         

“Calvin was telling me that he wants to go on a date with you. Well to get to know you better.”         

“What?  Really?”         

“Yea….” Leanna smiled.  “I think he likes you.”         

Evlyn smiled at the thought.         

An idea popped into Leanna’s head.  “We should go on a double date.”


Raymond worked his way pasted some old but still standing well-built buildings while he walked around the small town when he bumped into Leanna and Evlyn.         

“Oh hello, Doctor Miller,” Leanna spoke with a pleasant tone.         

“Hello,” Raymond replied.         

“This is my good friend, Evlyn Green.”         

“Hello, young lady.”         

“Hello,” Evlyn responded out of politeness although her thoughts told her otherwise.         

“If you excuse me, ladies, I have to be off.  I bought a puppy for my wife and me. And I need to get a few things like food, a collar, and even a few toys for him, if you don’t mind.”         

“Oh no problem,” Leanna replied.  “You can go.”         

Raymond walked away without another word.  Leanna and Evlyn began walking in the opposite direction.   

“How can you be nice to that man?” Evlyn asked with coldness in her voice.  “He’s a….”         

“There you go judging him again,” Leanna stated.  “You know just because his wife is around our age doesn’t mean anything.”         

“Yea it does. He’s robbing the cradle and she’s robbing the grave.”         

“As long as they love each other it’s okay.”         

“Yea whatever. It’s still sick.”         

They worked their way into a coffee shop still conversing when they spotted Calvin and Riley.  “There’s the guys come on,” Leanna told her friend.  They walked over to the two guys.         

“Hi, guys.”         

“Sit next to me, babe.  Evlyn, you can sit next to Riley.  He doesn’t bite. Besides, he won’t mind sitting next to you anyways,” Calvin said.         

“I don’t mind,” Riley agreed, shyly smiling.         

Leanna sat next to Calvin while Evlyn sat next to Riley.  They began chatting. 



During the same day, Nyght stood outside in the wide fenced with a woodened tall neighboring fence hiding the backyard from the world.  She stretched, practicing fighting skills while Rocky wondered around, chasing small devious little brown and grey squirrels.         

Raymond made his way outside and walked over to his beautiful slim small wife.  He prepared himself for training and gave Nyght approval for her to start the exercise.         

Nyght ran and jumped, kicking Raymond in the chest but he blocked the attack.  They each swapped turns throwing punches and kicks while the other blocked.         

The puppy noticed the two fighting and tried to play with them.         

“No, boy,” Raymond told the puppy.  “We can’t feel the strength of each other’s attacks as well as our own.  We don’t know if we’re too powerful or not and we don’t need to hurt you.  Sorry this is training for your mommy and it’s for life or death to the living.  We could possibly kill you on accident. Not what we want.”



Chris sat behind his desk, leaning back in his chair, thinking.  Jayden walked over to him to see what he was up too.  “Hey, man, what’s

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