» Science Fiction » The Double Moon, Amber Riel [books for new readers .TXT] 📗

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climb in the vents,” Millie said, sarcastically.
“We're too big to do that,” Kat stated. “It's not like we're in a movie.”
Millie eyed Kat. “I was using sarcasm. You dumb cat.”
Kat was mad. “I'm not dumb.... You over grown mutt.”
Millie started growling. “You're just as evil as the two in there.”
The two girls almost started fighting, but Champ pushed them away from each other.
“Girls,” he said, taking turns looking at both of them, “stop. Look, I need the two of you to get along. We need to find out what Christina and Vickey are planning or we're all dead. Got it?”
“Yea,” Kat answered.
Millie didn't reply. She wanted to attack Kat.
“MILLIE?!” Champ exclaimed.
“Fine.... I got it.” Millie turned her attention to Kat. “But, if your girlfriend says one thing to me, then she's dead.”
Champ had found a dumpster, which was next to a window on the side of the warehouse. The two girls followed him. He climbed on top of the dumpster.
“You have to be kidding me.... We have to climb a dumpster?” Kat asked.
“What? You afraid of getting dirty?” Millie asked. “You're a cat, and cats climb into dumpsters all the time.... One of your family members are probably shopping in there right now.”
“That's not.... Oh, forget it.... You're horrible.”
Millie started to climb the dumpster and Champ helped her up. When Kat started to climb, Champ grabbed her arms and pulled her up.
Millie had already made her way up to the window. The window was dusty and it was dark inside of the warehouse, which made it hard to see what was going on. She started to check to see if the window was unlocked, and luckily, for them it was.
Champ and Kat made their way over to Millie. They waited for her to move.
“Can we get in?” Champ asked.
“Yea, but there's guard dogs....”
“We need to distract them.”
“I know.... Why don't your girlfriend transform into a cat and we could throw her in.... Dogs favorite food is cat meat.”
Kat dropped her mouth, mad.
“What? I was just joking.” Millie turned her head. “No I wasn't,” she whispered to herself.
Champ raised an eyebrow. He heard Millie and his expression had shown it.
“Fine.... I'll go.... Dogs love me anyways.” Millie slowly opened the window and made her way inside.
There was a dim light which shone in the warehouse. It wasn't bright enough to see the doors, which led to different rooms, in the building, but it was bright enough to see the good size guard dogs.
A guard dog stood a couple of feet away from Millie. He bent down growling at the intruder. He was ready to attack. It was too dark to tell what kind of dog he was, but she could sense that he wasn't small.

Champ and Kat watched from the window. Champ had stayed on the dumpster as he helped Kat up to the window. They were waiting for Millie to tell them that it was safe to enter.

Millie bent down, waiting for the dog to attack. If there were enough light, her and the dog would have had a stare down. Neither of them moved, they were waiting for the other to attack.
Finally, the dog jumped for Millie with his mouth wide open, ready to bite. Millie dodged the attack and hit the dog. She hit him hard enough so he wouldn't do that again, but not too hard to where she would injure the dog. Millie stood up and faced the dog. He was shaking with his tail between his legs and his head bent down. He whimpered as if to say sorry and that he was a bad boy.
“I don't usually do that to our kind, but you gave me no choice.” Millie walked over to the dog and started petting him. She noticed that the poor dog was wearing a collar. It wasn't just any kind of collar. It was a shock collar. That made Millie mad. “You need a good home.... Christina is mean to you....” She broke the collar off of the dog. “You're free, my friend,” she told the dog. The dog started licking her as if he were thanking her for freeing him.

“Come on, let's go,” Champ told Kat as he climbed up to the window and made his way into the building.
Kat followed.

Once Champ and Kat were inside, both of them made their way toward Millie and the dog. Millie stood up and turned to face them. She held the collar in her hand and clenched it. “All the dogs in here have shock collars on.... More reason to kill Christina.”
“Not yet,” Champ told her to keep her anger from exploding. “Wait.... 'Til we have the rest of the pack with us.”
“Fine.... But she's dead.”
They heard Christina talking. Her voice had filled the air. It was hard for them to understand what was being said, but they made their way through the dim room until they came to a door which was cracked open and they could see a bright light. They all looked into the room, trying not to be seen. They seen Christina sitting on a table, filing her nails, while Vickey looked out of the window.
“I want to get a dog with rabies,” Christina said.
“Why? Dogs are dangerous when they have rabies,” Vickey replied.
“Only to you humans.... I can tame a rabid dog as well as a normal dog.... I have a dog whistle and they work on any kind of dogs.... Small dogs.... Big dogs.... Young dogs.... Old dogs.... Healthy dogs.... Sick dogs.... Smart dogs.... Dumb dogs.... Funny dogs.... Boring dogs.... My favorite.... Lycanthropes....”
“Okay.... Then why do you want a rabid dog?”
“How else do you think we're going to get Millie to betray her pack? By persuading her with Scooby Snacks?”
“You think it will work?”
“Of course, all it takes is one bite from the rabid dog, and Millie's on our side.”
Millie started growling. Champ had to keep Millie from entering the room. “Let's go and tell the others.”
The two wolves and the cat made their way out. Millie was outraged. She didn't want to be bitten by a rabid dog. They had to stop Christina and Vickey before it was too late. Actions & Coincidences

A few days had went by. Tom and Jane were walking to the bookstore when they had ran into Vickey. The woman had despised them because of how they would offer to help the wolf pack instead of trying to get rid of them. She folded her arms when she seen them. "What are you two doing here?" she asked, rudely.
"Well," Tom said, "we're on our way to our friends' bookstore." Even though, Vickey was rude, Tom and Jane still showed kindness because they didn't like being rude to anyone.
"Oh. Those stupid mutts. Do you realize how much damage they can do to this town? They're demons."
Tom sighed. "I think that if they wanted to destroy this town then they would have done it along time ago. They're not bad kids, Vickey. They didn't do anything to you."
"How can you say that? They're not like us. They're different from us. How can you let those monsters tell you any different? You're a pastor and you actually listen to them."
"Well, they're not monsters. They're people just like us."
"People just like us? I don't think so." Vickey paused. The anger was starting to show in her eyes. "Do you realize how much damage they can cause?"
"Yes, but they choose to serve and protect. We have more faith in them than we do the police. Besides, God wants us to love all His creatures. They're actually good kids."
"Good kids? I've got bruises, because of Millie...." Vickey revealed the claw marks that Millie had left in her neck. "She had slammed me into a bookshelf in thier bookstore.... Do you realize she could have killed me?"
"Well, you deserved it," Jane blurted out without thinking. When she realized what she realized what she had said, she bit her lip. She shouldn't of said that, but she couldn't help it. In a way, she was glad that Millie had gotten back at her for what she had done to brake their family, but she was the kind of person, who had believed that violence wasn't the answer.
"What did you just say?" Vickey asked, rudely.
"She didn't mean it. Right, honey?" Tom knew what Vickey could do to them and he didn't want a fight to brake out. Now, he did agree with Millie and Jane, but he didn't want to cause any trouble with Vickey.
"Yea. It just slipped. Sorry."
"Whatever." Vickey left. She didn't want to argue with them anymore. The words that they were saying or would say had to deal with God and she didn't like to argue with Christina.
Tom and Jane didn't stay. They continued to walk toward the bookstore. "Can you believe the nerve of that woman?" Jane asked her husband. "Does she realized that Millie's hurt because of what she had done?" she paused. "Millie has anger because of her.... Bruises will heal, but knowing that...." She started to cry. She felt the pain that Millie and them had felt. Of course, it had almost been eleven years since Charlie and Kelsey had been murdered but the pain was still there. "Knowing that people who you were close to are never going to be there because they're gone.... Gone forever.... And you'll never be able to see them again.... That will never go away. It's her fault. She was the one who placed them in that position. She's the reason Millie has anger toward us humans, toward her uncle. We're just about the only two humans that Millie likes."
Tom placed his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. "I know, honey. Some people don't understand how they can have consquences to their actions, and even though, what Millie did was wrong, Vickey deserved it.... Millie was protecting her pack.... Vickey should have been in jail for man slaughter, but the judge was on her side." Once they arrived to the bookstore, he opened the door and let his wife walk in. "Let's see which three of the wolves are here today. It would help us a lot to see one of those good kids."
When they walked up to the counter, Lacy was sitting on the otherside of it. She was playing a card game on the computer.
"Ooo.... A scary game of solatire," Tom joked as he looked at the screen.
Lacy looked up and smiled at them. "Hello, Tom and Jane. How are you?"
"We're doing good. How are you?"
"I'm good." Lacy could sense that Jane had been crying. "What's wrong?"
"We ran into Vickey. She was telling us how evil you all were."
Lacy kind of laughed. "Really?"
"Yea. She hates you wolves."
"I know. Millie, Champ, and Kat found out that she's working with Christina...."

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