» Science Fiction » The Double Moon, Amber Riel [books for new readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Double Moon, Amber Riel [books for new readers .TXT] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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pointing to the bum, who was on the ground, “almost took an innocent child's life last night in the woods.... My woods. Me and one of my pack members stopped him.” She grabbed his arm to reveal the bruises which she had left. “I dug my nails into his skin so I could show him that I wasn't afraid of him.” She was starting to grow angrier. “I told him, before I threw him, to come to the police station, because he didn't want me to attack him again.... He comes here....”
All the cops in the station stopped what they were doing and looked over at Millie, who was now ticked off.
“He tells you what happened and instead of locking him up.... YOU JUST LAUGH AT HIM AND LET HIM GO!!!”
Millie had all of the cops shaking in their boots. They feared Millie out of all of the wolves. They knew that she was the pack leader and she had shown it in her attitude.
“You cops let crimes go unless your out there in front of the people. You cops act like you're above the law. You're not above the law. You are the law. You're suppose to enforce the law, but you don't unless it's convenient for you. I have to come here and tell you cops.... You humans how to do your jobs.... This isn't my job.... My job is to be the leader of my pack and to make sure that nothing happens to my bookstore.... My father's bookstore. Now, you will put this child molester behind bars.... Or I will lock all of you cops up in the same cell.... I'll take the key.... Throw it into the dumpster and none of you will be able to get out.... Lucky for you all, I can't and won't harm humans unless they're a threat, like this human laying on the ground right now.... Lock him up.”
The cop moved from behind the desk. He made his way over to the guy. He helped the man get up off of the hard tile floor and walked him over to a cell and locked him up. He made his way back to the desk.
Millie kept an eye on him the whole time. “There.... That wasn't so hard now, was it?”
The cop shook his head. He was afraid to say anything to the two wolves.
“Come on, James, let's go.”
James was amazed at how Millie had talked to those humans. She may of lost her temper, but she didn't harm any of them, like she had done with Vickey. It was as if they were the dogs and she was the master. Lies & the Truth

Millie stormed out of the police station, angry. James followed. He was amazed by how Millie had handled the situation. “You have the police trained like a dog,” he told Millie.
Millie was so angry with the cops that she didn't hear what James had said.
“I bet that if you told them to jump, they would ask how high. How did you do that?”
Millie still ignored him. She checked to make sure that it was safe to cross, when a young six-year-old girl ran up to her and gave her a big hug. She looked down at the little, blonde, sweet girl. She recognized the lime scent that the little girl had smelled like the night before.
James couldn't believe what he was seeing. He watched a blonde, blue-eyes, 27-year-old woman walk up.
“MOMMY!!!” the child shouted with excitement. She broke out of the hug and grabbed Millie's left arm and dragged her to the 27-year-old woman. “This is the other wolf.... She's the one who actually threw the mean man into the trees.”
Millie wasn't expecting to get any credit for saving the child's life. She didn't think that the child would even remember.
The woman ran over to Millie and out of nowhere Millie found herself in a hug of a crying, human mother. “Oh.... Thank you.... Thank you....” The woman let go of Millie. “Me and my husband were so worried about her last night and we prayed to God to keep her safe and He did.... You and that pack member of yours protected our little girl. You wolves are our guardians....”
Millie wanted to cry. “We're not guardians.... We're monsters....”
The woman looked into Millie's eyes. “You listen to me.... You're not monsters.... God gave you this gift to protect us.... God works in mysterious ways....”
“It's a curse....”
“It's not a curse....” the woman insisted. “God gave you a gift and don't you ever forget that.” The woman grabbed her little girl's hand and walked away. “THANK YOU AGAIN!” she called back to Millie, then her and her daughter vanished.
“What happened last night?” James asked.
“Nothing that you would care about. Now, let's go.... I told Tom that I was going to be there before it was to late.”

Millie and James finally arrived at Tom and Jane's. They stood on the porch and Millie knocked on the door. Jane opened the door with a smile. “Millie, how are you?” she asked.
“I'm good,” Millie replied. “Can we come in?”
“We?” Jane didn't realized that James was standing there until Millie had said something. “Oh my gosh.” She gave James a hug. “It's good to see you again.”
“It's good to see you again too, Jane,” James replied. “How's Tom?”
“Oh. He's doing good. As a matter of fact, he just got home from work. I'll go get him, and yes, Millie, you two can come in.”
Millie and James walked in as Jane went to go get Tom. Millie closed the door and walked into the living room. She noticed a picture of the church where they had the open casket for her parents. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she was standing inside of a church. She turned around and seen herself as a child again, but this time the child was crying and standing in between two caskets. Her parents were in each one. The caskets which their bodies were in were black and their bodies were in nice outfits which hid the bruises. They looked peaceful. They looked as if they were porcelain-dolls.
Tom walked over to Young Millie and bent down to see eye to eye with the child. “I'm so sorry about what happened.... I wish I could do something to help you and your pack.... Millie, your father was like a brother to me....”
Millie placed her little arms around Tom's neck. Tom hugged the child and let her cry into his sleeve.
“Your parents didn't deserve to leave the world this way.”
Millie broke out of the hug and walked away. She went to see who all recorded their names into the guest book. Everyone who was there had filled out their names. There was one name which was missing. Every wolf who they had known was there except for one. She grabbed the book and carried it all over the place, looking for the wolf.
“I understand. Bye.” Tom hung up the phone.
“Who was that?” Jane asked. She walked over to her husband and gave him a hug because she could tell that he was stressed out.
Neither of them noticed that Millie was standing in the doorway, holding the big book.
“That was James.” Tom looked over at his wife. “He said that he couldn't make it....”
The news made Millie mad. She threw the book at a desk.
Jane and Tom looked over at Millie. They could see that she was angry and hurt. Tom took a step toward her. “Millie---”
She ran out of the room before Tom could finish what he was saying.
Millie forced herself to brake out of the flashback. “That's why you have to be careful who you trust,” she told herself.

Tom walked into the hallway and smiled. “Hello, James,” he said. “It's good to see you again.”
“Yea..... Same for you. So, you never told Millie the real reason why I wasn't at the funeral?”
“Never had a chance. She ran out of the room before I could tell her and now she won't listen. She's furious with you.”
“I know.... She'd rather deal with a cat shape-shifter than be seen with me.” James looked at the floor. “Can you, please, try and tell her right now?” he asked, looking back at Tom. “I think that you and your wife are the only two humans that she actually has no problem with.”
“Yea. I'll talk to her. Where is she?” Tom asked, looking around.
“In your living room.”

Millie had her claws covering her eyes to try and block out the memory. She felt the anger and hurt from that day come back.
Tom walked into the room. He could tell that she was hurting. He didn't think that telling her the truth was going to help. “You know.... James didn't show up to the funeral because....”
“He hated my father and he was glad that he was dead.” Millie turned to face Tom. She wiped the tears off of her cheek.
“No.... No.... Do you honestly believe that?”
Tom shook his head. “He didn't hate your father and he wasn't glad that he was dead.... That's so far from the truth.” He walked over and sat down on his couch. “He wasn't at the funeral because he felt guilty. He was mad at himself because he was so blind that he couldn't sense that Vickey didn't really care about him. She used him to get to your mother and father.” He stood up and walked over to Millie.
“He could of still been there.”
“Millie, he felt that if he went then he would of still just blamed himself.... He felt guilty and going to the funeral would of just made things worst for him.”
Millie believed what Tom was telling her and she knew that he was telling the truth, but she didn't want to believe him. The anger came back and she left the room.

Millie stormed into the hallway where James stood by the door. She didn't bother to look at him. “Is it true?”
“Is what true?” James asked. He knew what the answer was, but he wanted Millie to ask again.
“Is it true? Is it true that you felt guilty for my parents' deaths and that's why you weren't at their funerals?”
“Yes.... It's true.”
Millie wanted to cry. “Good.... Because it was your fault,” she said, looking up at him.
James didn't say anything. He was shocked, because even though Millie knew the truth, she still blamed him. He just stood there as she walked out of the door.

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