» Science Fiction » The Double Moon, Amber Riel [books for new readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Double Moon, Amber Riel [books for new readers .TXT] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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Kyle told her.
“I can't have him here.... This is one of the places were I go to relieve stress.... I can't relieve stress with one of the people who causes me to have stress.”
“Here how's this? I'll take him around the town and leave him in the park.... What do you think about that?”
“He'll find his way back and besides that would make things worst for me.”
Kyle sighed. “I was trying to help.” He walked over to James and told him something. James followed Kyle into the back room and a second later Kyle walked out of the room and over to Millie. He kind of hugged her.
“Where's James?” she asked.
“I told him to move some boxes.... They're not heavy and the boxes are small. I figured that would give him something to do so you don't have to deal with him.”
A dirty-blonde, forty-four-year-old woman walked into the store. Kyle and Millie were too busy talking that they didn't even realized that she had come in. She walked over to them and placed a hand on the desk. “Excuse me,” her high pitch, annoying voice, which bothered the wolves ears, said.
Each of them cringed at the sound of her voice. Millie didn't have to look up to see who the woman was. She knew from the woman's annoying voice. The woman who was now standing in front of her was the human who she hated the most. She hated the woman more than James and Kat put together. She hated that woman because of what she had done to the pack almost eleven years ago. She stood up and looked straight into the woman's eyes. “What are you doing here, Vickey?” she asked, rudely.
“I'm here to buy a book,” the woman replied with sarcasm.
“DON'T USE SARCASM WITH ME!” Millie shouted.
“Don't talk to me like that.... Did you learn not to talk to your elders like that?”
“I can talk to you however I feel like because I'm older than you.... I was older than you when I was five.”
Vickey didn't have anything to say to Millie. She hated the wolves with a dark passion. She hated Millie most of all. “You wolves think that you're so special.... You're nothing but monsters.”
Millie was ticked off. She couldn't believe that Vickey would talk to her like that knowing that Millie wanted to kill her so bad.
“Why don't you just attack me then?” Vickey turned her attention to Kyle. “I dare you to lay a hand on me,” she said to him.
“Well, I would, but I follow the rules and I don't attack women anyway.... I know better.... Now, Millie on the other hand, don't really like to follow rules, and well, she will attack, so you got to the count of three to be gone.”
Vickey raised an eyebrow.
“By the way, Millie would kill you.”
Vickey looked at Millie, who was ready to attack. She just laughed. She didn't believe Kyle.
“One....” Kyle started counting.
Vickey just stood there. She really didn't believe that Millie was actually going to do anything.
Millie jumped onto the desk. She was ready to attack, but Vickey started laughing even harder. Vickey didn't think that the angry wolf would really do anything.
“Oh.... You jumped onto the desk.... So scary....” Vickey kept laughing as she mocked Millie. “You're not really going to do anything to me because deep down inside you're just as pathetic as your mommy and daddy.... I bet they can't wait to see how stupid they're little girl has become.”
Kyle looked at Vickey, wide-eyed. He couldn't believe that anyone would be so stupid to actually say that to Millie and he knew how much Millie hated to hear terrible things about her parents. What made things worst was how Vickey had laughed as she said it as well.
Millie hunched down, growling. Vickey had ticked her off.
“Okay.... Just remember.... I warned you,” Kyle told Vickey. “Whatever Millie does to you.... It's your fault.... Three.”
Vickey didn't take Kyle's warning. She just kept laughing.
Millie jumped off of the desk and stood in front of Vickey. She was so mad that she had a deadly look in her eye. She was really going to kill the woman and didn't care what happened to her.
“Oh.... Now you're standing in front of me.... I'm so scared....” Vickey was mocking Millie. She didn't realize that the wolf was like a built killing machine and her target was Vickey.
Millie grabbed her neck, digging her nails into Vickey's skin.
Vickey stopped laughing and started panicking. She knew that Kyle wasn't joking and knew that Millie would kill her. She grabbed Millie's arm and tried to pull the wolf's arm away, but Millie's grip grew tighter.
Kyle was shocked. He knew how much Millie hated Vickey, but she wouldn't try to kill her. It wasn't like Millie. She may of wanted to kill the human, but she knew better, especially with James in the next room.
Millie was ticked off that she had blacked out. She wasn't thinking straight, what was right was wrong, and what was wrong was right. Her main objective was to kill the human.
“Put her down, Millie,” James' voice said. He was standing in the doorway which led to the back room. He could tell that Millie had blacked out. He knew wolves who had blacked out and killed humans for certain reasons.... All of them dealing with murder.
“Why should I? Do you still love her?” Millie asked. She didn't bother to look at James and she kept holding Vickey's throat. Her nails dug even deeper and the blood started to drip.
“Just put her down,” James told her, calmly.
“Fine, but just remember.... Whatever happens to her.... It's your fault.” Millie threw Vickey into a bookshelf. She started walking toward the helpless human. She took her time making her way over to Vickey.
Vickey was afraid to move. She didn't stand, but she sat against the shelf. She was afraid and knew that she was dead meat. She thought that Millie would be like her parents, but she was wrong.
Kyle and James knew that Millie was planning on Vickey's death.
Millie now stood in front of Vickey, who had curled up into a ball. She looked down at the human. “A man takes a sweet, innocent, little girl into the woods, does unspeakable things to her, and kills her.... We could of protected her and stopped that evil man. A little boy walking home from school in the pouring rain, a drunk driver's car swerves out of control and kills the little boy.... Another life we could of saved. A woman, who had just put her children to sleep, walks into the living room, when her abusive husband walks in, he beats her to death, then the kids.... More lives that we could of saved.” She picked up Vickey again. “What do we do when two werewolves, the leader and his wife of our pack, go out for ice cream one night, gets ambushed by a bunch of humans, the wife has to carry her injured husband home, because he can't walk, when they get inside, the wife drops her husband on the floor, not because she wants to, but because she can't hold him up anymore, she falls face first to the ground, and two days later they both die.” She stuck her nails back into Vickey's throat. “They were kind hearted people.... They let you into our house.... They let you eat our food and how do you repay them? By conspiring against them.” She went to slam Vickey into the bookshelf. “You know 'For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.' -Romans 6:23. I know I sin, but you, you don't care you killed them anyways and you don't feel guilty at all. You call us the monsters because we're different from you, but the truth is, is that you're the monster. You kill your own kind. I'm going to kill you and I don't care what happens to me.” Millie slammed Vickey into the bookshelf.
“Millie, put her down. You can't kill her,” Kyle said, calmly.
Millie snapped out of the dark daze which she was in. She snapped back to reality. “I'm not going to kill you, it still won't bring my parents back.” She threw Vickey into the bookshelf one more time. “Now, I want you to leave, and I don't ever want to see you ever again. Now, leave.”
Vickey couldn't stand up that's how afraid she was of Millie. She practically crawled out of the store.
“And to answer your question,” James said to Millie, “I don't love her anymore.”
Millie eyed James. She was still ticked off at him and didn't think that he should of said anything. She didn't want to hear him or see him. She didn't even realize that he was in the room until he said that. When she blacked out, she would block out everyone and everything, but whoever she was releasing her anger on. She was still pretty furious.
Vickey used a brick wall to help herself up. She thought about what Millie had said and done to her. She wanted revenge but she didn't know what she was going to do. She was confused.  Millie had said that she was going to kill her, but then said that she wasn't. She was shocked by the way Millie kept slamming her into the bookshelf but none of her bones were broken. She was hurt pretty bad, but nothing that she'd had to go to the hospital for. She was starting to get her breath back as well. She placed her left hand on her neck, she felt the blood that was still trying to dry.
“Stupid human,” she heard another woman's voice say to her. “You underestimated the young wolf's attorney. Tsk, tsk, tsk.... You humans are so dumb.”
She turned to face Christina walking away. “Me? Are you calling me stupid?”
“Well, aren't you the one who's all beaten up. It's not hard to tell that a werewolf did that to you.”
“How do you know that?”
“Well, unlike you, I'm not human....”
“Are you a werewolf?”
Christina had to laugh. “No.... I'm the enemy of the wolves and vampires.... I'm a dog-witch.... I'm looking for revenge would you like to join me?”
“Sure.” Ghost From the Past

Vickey and Christina shook hands. “I'm Vickey.”
“I'm Christina.” Christina smiled at the fact that she had someone who she could use against the wolves. She noticed that Vickey's neck and had holes where Millie's nails had broke the skin. “You must of done something terrible to that werewolf.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well, werewolves won't attack humans.... It's in their code....” Christina knew that the wolves had laws that they had to follow and that harming humans was something that they weren't allowed to do. She could figure

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