» Science Fiction » The Double Moon, Amber Riel [books for new readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Double Moon, Amber Riel [books for new readers .TXT] 📗». Author Amber Riel

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shot to tell James to come in. “Don't tell Millie, but you can come in.”
James walked in and looked around. It was different from the cottage that he knew. The one where he had grew up in with his brother. “New place?”
“Oh.... Stina burnt down the other one on accident and Tom was kind enough to get help from his church to rebuild it.... We have a television now.... You can go in the living room.”
“Okay....” He knew where the living room was because the cottage was the same as the old one as far as the rooms. He took a step in the door way and turned to face Lacy. “Oh yea.... I'm sorry to hear about your parents.”
Lacy smiled at him. “Thanks.”
James walked into the living room as Lacy headed toward the kitchen.

Shawn looked over to see who had walked into the room. It was James. He didn't have a problem with James, but sometimes he would wonder why his uncle was the only wolf who hadn't shown up to his parents' funerals. It didn't make any since to him.
“Hello, Shawn.”
“Hi.” Shawn looked around. “Sit down, Uncle James.” He felt weird calling James uncle but he didn't understand why. Maybe it was because James wasn't really around.... Maybe it was because he hadn't seen James since he was six.... Or maybe it was because Millie didn't call him uncle, she just called him James because she was so ticked off at him.... “Did Millie let you in?”
“No. Lacy did.” James sat next to Shawn on the couch. “If it were up to Millie, I'd be out in the cold. She really hates me.... I understand why though....” He had to pause. “Do you agree with your sister?”
Shawn looked over at James then to the TV. “No.... I think that you should have been at the funerals, but unlike Millie, I forgive you.”
Wagner and Stina walked into the room.
Stina rushed over and gave James a big hug. She felt that, even though, she wasn't related to James, he was like an uncle, and although, Millie despised him, she thought that he was awesome.
“Hello, Stina.”
“Who are you?” Wagner asked. He was the only one who didn't know James.
James looked over at the younger wolf. He stood up and walked over to Wagner. He knelt down and held out his hand to shake the child's hand. “I'm James.... The head of the wolf council and.... Millie and Shawn's uncle,” he introduced himself.
Wagner shook James's hand. He had no clue that Millie and Shawn had an uncle. He hadn't heard any of the others mention anything about them having a relative, but he did know about the wolf council and that Millie despised the head of the council. He just didn't know who or why Millie hated the head of the council. “I'm Wagner.... The youngest wolf in the pack.”
James smiled. “I can tell.” He stood and looked at the kids. He realized that in his human form he was the only adult, but when they were werewolves, they all were adults, even Young Wagner.
All of the wolves would go by their older ages, even in their human forms. The humans, who didn't know them, wouldn't understand that they were much older than they looked.
Champ and Kat walked into the living room. Champ stopped Kat from continuing to walk into the room, when he noticed James. He remembered that James would disapprove of him dating Kat. “Hello, James.”
“Hi, Champ....” He looked over at Kat and started growling. He hated other creatures who weren't human or wolves. Millie had gotten her anger toward the other creatures from him. The creatures who they both hated the most were cat shape-shifters. “What is that creature doing in this house?”
Champ took a deep breath before answering James. He knew that James was going to be furious. He understood that James's temper was a million times worst than Millie's and he also knew that there was a really good chance that James would kill him and Kat. “She's my....” He didn't want to tell James, but he knew that he had to. “Girlfriend.”
“WHAT?!” James was furious. He couldn't believe what he just heard.
Lacy walked in at the time and was worried about what was going to happen. “Supper's ready,” she said as calm as she could be.
James closed his eyes for ten seconds. He opened them. “We'll talk about this after dinner,” he told Champ and Kat. He turned his back to them. He couldn't believe that his niece had let that happen. Millie had changed the code without talking to the council first and that was what came from her version of the code. He needed to talk to her more than to Kat and Champ. She had let that happen.

James, Wagner, Champ, Kyle, Lacy, Kat, Stina, and Shawn were in the dinning room waiting for Millie so they could eat. Kat felt uncomfortable sitting across from James. She knew that he despised her and the fact that she was dating Champ made things worst for her.
There was a long and awkward silence. No one wanted to say anything.
A knife wouldn't even be able to cut the tension that was how bad it was. James was an unexpected guest and no one knew how to react.
Millie stopped dead in her tracks when she seen James sitting at the table. She glared at him. “What are you doing in here?” she asked, rudely. “You're suppose to be out in the cold, not in here.”
“I let him in....” Lacy answered for the man.
“Why?” Millie turned her attention to Lacy.
Kat was relieved that Millie wasn't talking to her for once. She just didn't understand why Millie was so rude to her own uncle.
“You can't be that cold hearted to let the head of the council and your.... Uncle out in the cold.... He's one of us, Millie.”
“My uncle and the head of the council is dead.... He died a long time ago,” Millie denied. “I'm going back to my room.” She fixed a bowl of beef stew for herself, grabbed a cold can of Dr. Pepper, and left the room.
The room went back into silence. No one dared to say anything that could possibly make things worst than they already were.
“So....” Shawn said, breaking the silence. “Let's eat.”

Millie set the empty bowl on her desk. She had turned on her radio and listened to the soothing music, which made it sound like she was in a forest. The birds were singing and a waterfall was close by. She sat on the floor of her bedroom with her legs crossed, her arms were resting on her knees, her back was straighten, and her eyes were closed. She imaged being in the forest because of the CD. She had too much stress which she needed to get rid of and that was the best thing for her. She took a few deep breaths to help her calm down.
She was forgetting that Christina was back. She was forgetting about all of her problems and for a moment she felt peaceful and calm. She was slowly relaxing. She was actually feeling pretty good.
Someone started knocking on the door. Millie's eyes flew open and the problems had came back. She was no longer at peace. She wasn't calm and the stress was back. She slouched down. “Who is it?” she called, anger growing.
“IT'S ME, LACY!” Lacy called through the door. “CAN I COME IN?!”
Millie rolled her eyes. “Yea.”
Lacy opened the door and walked in. She closed the door once she was inside. “It sounds peaceful in here.”
Millie stood up. “It was peaceful, until you knocked on the door.”
Lacy could tell that Millie was angry. “Millie---”
“I don't want James inside this house.... He doesn't deserve to be in here....” Millie picked up the can of Dr. Pepper and took a sip. “I don't care if he lives out in the cold.... I don't care if he dies out in the cold.... He could get frost bite for all I care.” She closed her eyes. She didn't care what happened to James. She didn't care if he lived or died. She didn't want to deal with him.
Lacy knew that Millie was angry at James. She knew why Millie hated him, but she didn't understand why Millie wouldn't forgive him. “Millie, I don't know why James wasn't at your parents' funerals, but I think that he has a good reason....”
“A good reason?” Millie raised an eye brow. “Lacy, he wasn't at his own brother's funeral.... Who does that? Why would someone not go to their own brother's funeral? I don't care why they don't show up, but they should because that was their family member and they don't bother to show up.... That's not respectful....” Millie started to choke on her words. She knew some where deep inside she had forgiven James, but she was fighting herself. She didn't think that he deserved forgiveness, but she figured that God was making his way. She was saved a week before the death of her parents and as strange as it was she and her pack were all Christian werewolves. “I have to get out of this house.” She walked out of the room and shut the door, leaving Lacy alone. Vickey

Millie put her coat on and went to open the door. Kyle was ready to go.
“Where are you going, Millie?” a man asked.
Millie rolled her eyes. She didn't turn to face him. “Me and Kyle are going to the bookstore.”
“You can't go anywhere without me.... I'm suppose to keep an eye on you for most of the time. That means if you leave this house, I have to go with you.”
Millie kind of growled. She didn't want to deal with James. She was so ticked off at him. She rolled her eyes, opened the door, walked out than shut the door as soon as Kyle was about to walk out of the door.
Kyle turned to face James. He wasn't mad, but he wasn't happy either. “Thanks for that, man. My girlfriend shut the door on my face.... You shouldn't have said that.” He turned back to the door, opened it, and walked out.

Millie was sitting behind the desk. She was bored and ticked off that James had to go with her and Kyle. She didn't need to be babysat while she was working there was no point.
Kyle was standing next to her and James was walking around. James noticed all of the new books that they had gotten in the past few years. He picked up a child's book and smiled. He looked over at Millie and then back to the book. He remembered that it used to be one of Millie's favorite books when she was younger, but he figured that she probably would rather read the chapter books instead.
Millie glared at James. She didn't want him there.
“Millie, just relax,”

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