» Science Fiction » The Demon of Egypt: Nala's Side, Amber Riel [essential books to read .txt] 📗

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letting your brother walk around here so that you two can go together and suffer…. You know that scream you keep hearing?”

I nodded, kind of shocked that he knew about it. 

“It’s demons toying with the dead humans…. The same demons who are coming to talk to you, your highness…. They’re waiting for you…. And what they want to do is something that no human or saiyan has ever even heard of…. It’s torcher worse than anything that you could do to the living humans on this planet and what’s worse is most of those humans are humans who you have taken their lives away from…. Only God can create life and only He can destroy it….” Grim shook his head again.  “You are not a goddess…. You are not immortal…. You are just as fragile as those humans are…. You just don’t see it yet…. Your highness, if you were to ever understand what’s going on then you wouldn’t be doing half the crap that you’ve been doing.”

I just kept my eyes locked on Grim as he spoke.  I couldn’t believe have the stuff that he was saying but I was filling fear in my heart from the sound of his words.  I felt my heart beat faster and faster.  The pounding started to feel as if at some point and time my heart was going to burst through my chest.

“This is a serious matter, your highness.  If you don’t---”

“Stop…. Just stop talking,” I retorted.  I locked eyes with the skeleton and it felt like his eyeless sockets were staring into my sole.

“Feeling fearful?” he asked.

“No,” I denied, keeping myself as calm physically as I could.

“The devil fears God, child…. You do know that right?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Grim kept quiet for a moment then he sighed.  “I think you do.”

“No…. It’s nothing…. Look I need to get to my father…. Coming, Niki?”

“No, I’m going to stay here for a bit and check out this room.”

I nodded.  “Okay.”


I walked into the throne room and noticed that my uncle was there alongside Tommus.  They both stood in front of my father.  “Ramos,” my uncle spoke, “please we need to do something about this.”

My father shook his head.  “No.  I will not let anything happen to Nala.  I already lost my son; I’m not going to lose my daughter because you two believe that she’s a demon.”

“But hear me out, brother….”


My uncle shook his head.  “Then what’s going to happen when Egypt is completely destroyed?”

“Good question but I refuse to let you two get away with trying to murder my daughter.”

“You must do something to stop this madness.”

“I will do something…. I’m declaring war against you, Maxumous, and Tommus.”

“What?” Tommus asked in sheer shock.

“I will fight alongside you, father, to keep these two from doing whatever it is that they’re plotting against me,” I spoke up, letting them know that I was in the room.

“Ah,” my father replied as he smiled at me, “my daughter.”

“No, Nala,” Tommus whispered as he turned to face me.  I saw the worry in his eyes.

“Yes, I will fight along with Niki.”

My father, my uncle, and Tommus all stared at me in confusion but I didn’t know why.  I looked over to my left and Niki had been standing beside me.

“What are you talking about?” my uncle asked.

“Fighting in the war….”

“Not that…. Niki?”

Niki nodded and I turned my attention back toward the others.  “Of course,” I replied.

“Nala, Niki’s…. Never mind,” my father had cut himself off.

“You declared war against your own brother?” Ally’s voice asked, echoing through the room.  “How can you do that?”

“Stupid gator,” I muttered under my breath.

My uncle and Tommus turned their attentions toward her, both feeling the same way she had.  My uncle walked over to her and kneeled down, placing a hand on the left side of her snout.  “It’s unbelievable to me too,” he told her as if he were talking to a child.

Ally shook her head as she looked at my father.  “Pharaoh…. You’re making a big mistake.”

“Mistake?” my father asked, spitting out a laugh.

Ally nodded then her gaze moved over to me.  “And you…. If you fight in this war, princess, then the one thing of value to you will be lost.”

I raised an eyebrow in confusion to her words.

“I know you don’t understand but bad things happen in wars…. People die…. Just because you choose to fight doesn’t mean that you’ll win…. I don’t know the outcome but you must think of the consequence to your action…. If I must choose a side, then I choose to fight with Maxumous,” she told my father as her gazed moved back toward him.  “I’m sorry, pharaoh, but I will not fight with someone who has evil thoughts…. Plotting to murder others for the fun of it…. And I hope that this war is a lesson to you…. I hope that the one thing that you and your daughter don’t plan on happen happens…. Life will take control and no matter what you two believe invincibility isn’t going to be a part of it.”

I kind of smirked.  I didn’t believe a word coming out of the gators mouth and I didn’t believe that she should be able to talk for such a dumb animal which was basically blind anyways.  “You have no idea what you’re saying…. You’re just a fool for believing any different, Ally.”

“I’m a fool?  Your highness, you have no room to talk for such an evil princess who is just going to wind up in tomb…. I’m trying to warn you what will happen…. You’re foolish and naïve…. I hope you die…. Not for evil but for good…. I hope that the humans can go on living a normal life without fear of such an evil creature such as yourself…. You’re demon in human form…. You do the will of evil and could care less about anyone else…. I’m sorry you’ll have to learn the hard way.”

“GUARDS?!” I called, waiting for someone to come but no of them appeared which ticked me off even more.  “GUARDS?!”

“Ally’s right, Nala,” Tommus replied.

I shook my head at his words.  “She’s wrong and your wrong….” I smiled evilly as I locked eyes with my cousin.  “I want you to be the first one I fight in the war…. I have a good feeling about fighting you, cousin…. And I will enjoy watching you suffer at my hand.”  I laughed evilly then teleported myself out of the room.


          I stood on my balcony and looked around the quiet empty streets of my beautiful city.  I had no doubt in my mind that I was going to kill Tommus in the war.  He was going to be my first victim and the thought was enjoyable.  I hated him for his love and compassion which he would show to anyone he met.  It sickened me.

          “Your father declared war against your own uncle,” I heard Grim say behind me.  “You have no idea what you’re in for.”

          “Yes I do,” I replied as a smile grew on my face.  “I’m going to kill my cousin and I believe he’d be an easy target because of the fact that he’s so soft hearted and caring…. Pfft.  I’ll destroy the moment we’re face to face.”

          “You really think it’s going to be that simple?”

          “I don’t think I know.”  I turned to face the Grim Reaper with an evil smirk on my face.

          “Don’t underestimate your enemy.  I have seen the future, I know what’s coming and the end result isn’t what you’d expect.”

          I kind of laughed and rolled my eyes as he talked.

          “Take it as a joke…. But you don’t know what you’re dealing with…. Remember your cousin is just like you…. He’s inhuman too…. He will fight but unlike you he chooses when he needs to use his inhuman abilities…. Your time is coming…. You will not like the result.”  With that Grim was gone.

          I kind of laughed again as I shook my head.  I didn’t have to listen to that.  He was just trying to convince that I was wrong and of course I knew I wasn’t.  I always got my way and I wasn’t about to let some stupid skeleton in a dress tell me otherwise.


          A few had past and I walked into the dungeons, followed by four guards.  I stopped in front of Imhotep and Antinique’s sell as I smiled and crossed my arms.  “Guess what day it is?” I asked, laughing evilly.

          Imhotep and Antinique each glared at me with an evil look which meant that they wanted to kill me but for them it was too late.

          “You two get to spend the last few moments of your lives together as we walk into the mummification room which by the way I’m going to have these four guards kill you both…. Doesn’t that sound like fun?” I laughed devilishly.

          “You evil little brat,” Imhotep spat out.

          “Evil?” I continued laughing.  “Well I guess you can say that but if it wasn’t for your slip up the two of you wouldn’t be here now…. Would you?” I snapped my fingers at the guards to unlock the sell and place shackles around their wrists.

Justiciable Evil

          I led the guards toward the mummification room as Niki made his way toward us.  I stopped walking, making the guards slow down as the stopped moving as well.  “My dear brother, what are you doing on this fine delightful day?” I asked with an evil smile growing my face.

          “Heading toward the war room.  Imhotep and Antinique are finally going to get what they deserve?” he asked.

          “YOU TWO ARE EVIL!” Imhotep shouted, ticked off.

          My smile grew devilishly as I turned my attention toward the couple.  “I told you my father was going to find out.  And thank you.  I know we’re evil.  Niki, do you want to watch Imhotep and Antinique die?”

          “I would love to but I promised our father that I’d be there when he prepares for war against Uncle Maxumous.”

          “Oh…. Right…. I had forgotten about that.”

          “I better go.”

          “Okay.”  I turned toward the guards as they all just stared at me as if I had been talking to myself.  “Take them away.  I think we waited long enough.”

          The guards moved ahead of me as they dragged Imhotep and Antinique into the mummification room as I followed.

          “This will be fun.”  I hadn’t lost my smile from the conversation with my brother.

          “When I come back to life, I will kill you, Princess Nala,” Imhotep threatened as the guards threw him next to my throne as I sat down.

          “When will that be?  Tell me so I can be ready.”  I toward my attention toward the guards.  “You may start.  I’m going to watch.”

          The guards dragged Antinique over toward a stone bed and laid her down, locking chains around her arms and legs as she screamed for help.  I made Imhotep watch in horror as one guard took a metal ax and flung it into her waist, cutting her open.

          “Isn’t this fun, Imhotep?” I asked, laughing as we watched.  “You’re next.”

          “You’re an evil

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