» Science Fiction » "After Roswell", A.H. Roberts [the best motivational books txt] 📗

Book online «"After Roswell", A.H. Roberts [the best motivational books txt] 📗». Author A.H. Roberts

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pay the room. "That will be great. It doesn't bother me at all. When I get the time I'll take care of that for you". I walk out of the motel. Excited with the way things are moving along. Being human has taught me alot about the interactions that unfold when one person turns to help another. When you offer assistance. its wonderful how the return is something you never expect. But your glad you offered. I'm starting to enjoy living in a grand city like Albuquerque. With people having something to offer or need. My traits for helping others with the knowledge I've iccumulated over years makes me feel very wanted. I like the feeling with the rewards that follow. I only hope all or most of the human population is this nice. Once out the door. I walk toward the diner for a quick bite to eat. Put something in my stomach before I start work at the bar. Maybe I'll make a friend or two? As I'm eating my meal, bacon and eggs of course. I feel a sensation on the back of my mind. A prediction that something bad is going to happen. A reflection of a truck on the metal napkin holder alerts me. On my other side, out the diner window. I see a girl playing on the corner of the sidewalk. She is bouncing a ball not knowing the vehicle is backing up. She is align perfectly with the back of the truck. So the driver can't see her in his mirror. With lighting speed. I pull the girl off the street. With such quickness, the patrons had no idea I left my chair. Soon reaction is notice by the crowd for saving the little girl's life. The driver hears the commotion, coming out of the truck to investigate."Sorry didn't even see the girl behind the truck. Hope I didn't hurt your child". Its an odd response. I'm forgetting my masked appearance. But understood how he could be fooled."Not my child. Just here at the right time. I was in the diner watching you back up and the child playing behind your truck". Soon the mother comes to reunite with her child. Not knowing the girl had left her side."Thank you so very much. I was talking to a friend and the next thing she was across the street". In most cases I wouldn't engage in such a rescue. While at the same time exposing myself. My cover could of been blowned. But a child in the way of danger had an emotional impact. I felt that human nature arise within. With so much daily interactions between humans I become more like them everyday. I return to the diner to pay the bill. Once again a good deed has paid for itself. As the cook praises my alacritous rescue."Good thing you were looking out for that little girl. Hell of alot speed you got there young man to even get there in time". The cook behind the counter takes the bill and rips it in two."That one is on the house. For being the hero of the day". I put the wallet back in my pocket and head out the door. Next stop, the bar. A start of my first job on Earth. I arrive a little ahead of schedule. Thought I get here early. Maybe meet the lady I'll be working with tonight?
I enter the bar with just a little past five on my watch. Place looks empty? Yet again its still early. I'm sure the college students and tourist for the balloon races are just getting ready. I sit down, looking for the bartender or if that lady is working behind the bar. The owner of the establishment spots me down the counter."You still got two hours until work. What you doing here"? I'm kind of nervous. Not sure he appreciates me coming in so early. Replying with the best logical answer."Just thought I get a head start on my first day. If that doesn't bother you". He smiles. Giving me the feeling our work relationship is getting off on the right track. "No problem. As long you aint going to get a head start in drinking". He smiles again, filling a mug and sliding down to me."You get one on me kid. But you got a three drink limit until you start work. So don't get shit-faced and give the lady any trouble". I throw back a timid smile. A liking toward the humerous nature of this man."Don't worry. I only will have one. Thank you sir for the drink". He gets tired of my polite manners."My father was a sir. You can call me Thomas from now on". I slowly sip the beer. To make it last for the duration. Thomas engages in chit chat with the locals at the other end of the bar. Around six I finish the last drop of beer. Light from the open door turns me that direction. When the door closes. A beautiful woman, with medium length blonde hair appears. I look with careful stare, as she walks toward the end of the bar greeting the owner. She walks around the gentlemen sitting at the bar to give a hug and kiss to Thomas. It was hard to hear. But she refer to him as father before she hugged him. By the sight of things. That lady I was eager to meet. Turns out to be the owner's daughter. Its a surprised to me. This could make things uncomfortable. Since I had other attentions besides just working with her. Thomas makes his way toward me to exchange some words."Thats my daughter over there. You'll be working with her. Don't let anybody give her a hard time. Help her out and look after her. Thats your job". He puts his hand on my shoulder marking a sign of confidence ontop of me. I give him my word."You got it Thomas. Things are going to run well tonight". I make my way to Thomas's daughter. Where I introduce myself."Hi my name Lucas. Looks like we'll be working together tonight". I put my hand out to greet hers."Mary, nice to meet you. It gets pretty hectic on Friday nights. Especially with everything thats going on. So its good to get some help". Before things get started. She hands me a list of beer to bring up to the bar. Also to fetch some glasses in the storage room. After that those jobs are complete. My job now will be to assist her and keep an eye on the crowd. Which seems simple enough.
Its after seven and the bar begins to fill up with the locals. Some have the features of older folks who have lived here for awhile. Younger faces indicate new generation, with most being from the local university. Other people also arrive with many languages being spoken all at once. Many have came to see the balloon races that start tommorow afternoon. People begin sitting at the bar. I watch Mary move up and down the counter, filling drink orders from every direction. While Mary is running the bar. I make sure she has everything she needs. All night she is ordering me around, in a good way of course. To keep the customers happy and drinks filled. Most of the night. I'm clearing glasses from the bar and washing them for new service. Somehow my physical capabilities has caught her eye as she approaches me."You sure do move pretty fast. Its like you done this before". I'm listening to her and at the same time washing some glasses. "Want can you say. I like to work. Also I like taking orders". She smiles. Barely keeping it formed. As she is trying not to fall victim to my invisible charm."Well my father sure knows when good help is available. I'll tell him you did well tonight". Soon patrons are hollering from down the bar to get a drink. She goes and tends to the customers. During this whole night. I mentally noted everything in the bar. Watching the interactions of human society. Mating rituals were taking place and friendships were formed around the drinking of alcohol. I also couldn't help but gaze at Mary working the bar, serving the customers. How her figure was molded perfectly to the dimensions of this place. Her movement was on beat to the sound of the band playing in the background. I can tell she enjoys her job. I think she is meant to more in this world. After the last people leave the bar. I put chairs on the table and start cleaning the place. I head to the bathrooms. As I open the door. I'm disgusted to see how these humans have no respect. There is digested material purifried into a liquid that has spend all over the floor and toliet. What a horrible job for most who have to do this as a living. After the bathrooms are clean. She is waiting for me behind the cash register. So I approach her. "All the bathrooms are cleaned and tables cleared. Is there anything else"? She looks tired. But happy with the way business turned out."I think that will be it Lucas. Good job tonight. I'll see you tomorrow". Before leaving the bar. I decide to turn around breaking the nerve. I just decide to come out of the shell and say it."I was just going to ask. But did you need me to walk you home? I couldn't let you walk alone". She blushes."Well thank you. I'll call my father to pick me up. We only live a few miles from the bar". I feel better now. That I offered instead of walking out."Okay Mary. Well I'll be here tomorrow". I leave the bar. With hopes something could develop between us. But realize I'm getting so far from my real plans. That I should be finding a way to get rescued. Not find a way to be with Mary.
So busy about the job and meeting this woman. I never got to see about possible parts or radio sources. Since the city is large by square mileage and population. Has to be a station near this location? I'm in the heart of the city and yet still haven't made any effort to research more. For some odd reason. Being human has alot of emotional weight to carry with. The moods that these humans change into. I've experience most. But not love. Books I've read made love to be something relished. You must fight for it on rare occassions. Might not even know that person and still develop a paroxysm for that one you love. Last night in my sleep. I visualize fanasties about Mary with the blonde hair. Fixation arouses every muscle in my body. I don't know too much about her and still I have these feelings. Soon those images pass. I get focus on the mission. Today I will take a drive around the city. Going further away from the central location. Maybe I'll spot the radio source while driving? Design of the radio tower was depicted in many written literture, showing the advancement they took to invent such equipement. War photos from a few years ago showed many radio communication towers in those countries. Radio commucation played a major role during the war. Broadcasting valuable information over many miles. This exchange of information changed the course of the war. Finally I found what I was looking for. A few miles of driving. I see a sign showing the direction of the radio station. ALQ 88.3 is written below the sign. Must be the frequency? In view, a antennna appears mounted on the roof of the radio station. This station is in a secluded location. But reasonable drive to reach. By the calculations in my head. It reveals to me that this is the place where the broadcasting is coming
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