» Science Fiction » "After Roswell", A.H. Roberts [the best motivational books txt] 📗

Book online «"After Roswell", A.H. Roberts [the best motivational books txt] 📗». Author A.H. Roberts

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has been looming overseas. There looking for recruits in joining the campaign. I would like to join the military with a chance at visiting new locations. Be nice to research their military strengths and technology. But anyway its not my place to interfere in their conflicts. It might cause a misdirection in their future. I could travel witihin the states. But lately my truck has been having trouble. I don't want to risk making a trip and become stuck out in the middle of the desert. I could get a new vehicle. It just that places for such commodities is out of range. At this moment I don't want to overburden myself. So I'll stick with the plan at the radio station. I head back to the motel to finish up the last of the renovations on one of the rooms. When the repairs are finished. I might look for a new place to live. Steps closer for a beginning to new life from the city. I've been here for long enough. Drawing a conclusion to isolate myself from their society. Human emotions seem to get the best of me, making things more complicated. While in love with Mary. I grew to like the attention their species gives to another. Either being for friendship or that of sexual gradification. Yet I got too personal with these humans. Wanted to know more about their society and gain positive intel to take back home. Closer examination of these humans improve my efforts in understanding about the emotional connection between one another. How so many species lost this instinct to love. I obtained detail information about the technology that surrounds them. Even with all this intel. I feel their is no way my people will ever know. Even with my technological discoveries, there is a depressing issue that lingers in my thoughts. That I'm stuck here for good. One thing is for sure. I won't put myself into a position that will overshadow this mission again. Being in a alien relationship was a new experience for me. Only problem with the relationship was the death of someone so close to you. Death drains every part from your body. It relapse a feeling when Hank died. Yet that wasn't as emotional as Mary's death. I only wish she was here to make the journey with me. At times I was going to show her my true identity and take her from this world. Bring her back to my planet. Start new chapter for her life and mine. Well no time to bring up such topics. I develop sadness when talking about her. After cleaning the renovated room. I head back to my living quarters to do some research. In the ten years I've been here on Earth my room is fill with specimens. Many samples for analysis research are stored in boxes. Carefully catalog and organized. The library constructed was a way to keep my mind busy and in touch with myself. Starting to grow more accustomed to how things operate around here. How the biological mechanisms keep everything stabled and balanced. I start to notice with all my equipment and lab set-ups. The confines of my room is making it hard to navigate through. A reason to look for new living quarters. More space would be useful in conducting more experiments, especially on a grander scale.
Its eight thirty in the morning and time to start my job at the radio station. Not too concerned about my wages being earned. Just need to get a hold on their technology. Connect my devices to their broadcasting equipement. It sounds simple. But I must carefully transport my devices piece by piece. So not to alarm suspicion. As I'm driving down the road, heading toward the radio station. I wonder in a mindless gaze. Wishing time wasn't so pressing. Knowing there is more than just Alburquerque. Other historical locations. That offer more of a glimspe into their past cultures. Better to visit these places that read about them. Right now I might have to wait. If I get rescued. Which I hope? I will return with my people to make first contact with them. Its too vital of a planet to overlook. Breaking from thought I see the anteni. Over the hilly rode I park up to the radio station. I once again ring the buzzer. Mr. Proxton answers the door. "Luke,. Come on in and lets get started". I follow Mr. Proxton down the hallway into the back of the radio station. He begins to give the tour behind the curtains of operation."Here in the back of the station. We keep the power breakers for operating the equipment". I look at the massive amounts of technological devices that power the radio station for broadcasting. Lights and buttons everywhere. Indicating the power that generates the station."Luke you'll be back here most of the time. Checking the meters and performing the usual maintence". I'm so fixated on the equipment. I barely realize Mr. Proxton was talking. I respond not knowing any instructions given. "Well it looks pretty simple to me. I think the job can be handle easily". Mr. Proxton hands me a clipboard."So here is the check list. Go over it and make sure the equipment is running up to par. I will be back in a hour or two to check up on you". With Mr. Proxton gone. I can hook up my first device to their equipment. Its small and won't be noticable. The device is a simple transponder that will mix their signals with mine. After the device is connected. I go over the checklist as told by Mr. Proxton. Even with the advancement in their technology. Its still primitive in my standards. I can't complain at this moment because its all I got to work with. The signal strength is weak. But has the ability to transmit. I just don't know how long it will take? At least until my comm systems become fully operational with their systems. This weak signal will have to do. If the broadcast makes it out into space. My signal will follow.
With my work duties done. Mr. Proxton comes back to see my progress."Well I hope everything has check out alright. Did you have any questions"? I look at the checklist again and back to Mr. Proxton. "Nope, I understand the basics of this job. So want else did you need"? He replies. "Usually you can just sit around the station and absorb your work environment. But the radio antenna on the roof has been getting some static. You might need to do some cleaning as a normal routine. Its from the droppings by the birds". My face shows disgust. So with toolbox in my hand. I head to the roof to look at the antenna. My dissapointment is short-lived. Because this gives me a perfect chance. I can get a close examination on the device that transmits the signal. When looking at the antenna it resembles something similar to want we used about a few thousand years ago. Now we use something more advance and sophiscated. I clean off the antenna with some washing fluid. Restoring the metal that lies underneath the excrements. With all the mess wipe from the antenna. It should get better frequency. This authority with access to the roof makes working here vital. Tapping right into the antenna. Knowing nobody but myself will be up here most of the time. Being employed at the radio station pathes the route in my rescue attempt. Showing good promise about the technology in this new location. I calculated about two or three months to connect all my equipment from the motel to the station. Ofcourse, it all depends on my schedule and other projects. I've been here about ten years. A few months isn't going to hurt. Yet the sooner the equipment is fully set-up. I'll be able to send a transmission. I come down from the roof returning the checklist back to Mr. Proxton. He looks over the list making sure all its correct."Well the antenna is clear and checklist complete. You can clock out if you want". I'm here for only a few hours and I get a full days paid."Sounds good. If you need me. Just call the motel". He lightly pats my back. A physical response for a good job. He leads me out of the office. As walking down the hallway I become curious. A piece of paper on a side table. I take the piece of paper. On the other side it reveals coordinates for radio towers nearby. Luck is with me once again. Looking over my shoulder for anybody around. I stuff it in my pocket. When I get back to my room a map will reveal the locations of all the radio towers from the coodinates. There could be a way of using multiple towers to transmit a stronger signal. Maybe a possible message? Finally a blueprint is forming. A way of sending actual detail information. Just need more space for such a project. More room than want I got back at the motel.
Once in my room. I take the map out, matching the coordinates of the towers. These towers from the information on the paper are owned and operated by the radio station. Also on the paper it has dates for the usual maintence on the towers. Gives me indication on a good time to visit the sites and create a complete network. Working in unison, emitting the message that will make it through the galactic abyss. Lots of time must go into this plan in using their technology. Now I need more detail on their constellations and charts of stars. Knowing this information. I can get more accurate direction to shoot a message toward the desire position. Lots of preparation must proceed. Need to get busy on obtaining the intel necessary to complete this project. Sometimes when alot of pressure is mounting on my shoulders. I like to get away from the bright lights of the city. Going east outside of the city there is hill that shows a beautiful sight in the distance. The Sandi Mountain range which the Puebloan people call, posu gai hoo-oo, meaning "where water slides down arroyo". Where the lack of lighting reveals a delightful scene of stars in the night sky. With all the planning ahead. I decide to drive to that place that gives me peace of mind. On the hill the Sun sets behind the range. Just like flashlights turning on in the dark. The stars appear. Big bright stars to the smallest dim ones. Sparkle different colors, performing a dance with no movement. I wonder if any of those stars are mine. Where my homeworld orbits. I've been coming out here more since Mary died. Never did I take her with me. Nor did she ask where I was going. After about two hours. I decide to leave with my mind finally absent of pressure. Usually the long pondering and driving puts me to sleep easier. Since the past couple of weeks I really haven't got any. Driving back to the city. I'm hardly able to see the road in the darkness. It takes my eyes a little time to adjust. My visual powers come into play, to better cope with the lack of light. In the distance. My lights hit a white square, tacked to a post. A "for sale" sign. My truck comes to a stall. Exiting the truck I move closer to the sign. Underneath the red blocked lettering. It says a house lies just down this road. Returning back to the truck. I take the path leading to the house for purchase. Several minutes pass. Soon the property is in view, flashing a memory. This property is a ranch just like Hanks. But its different. It has just one floor with no barn. Still it reminds
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