» Science Fiction » The Spectrum Force, Heather Ray [best free ebook reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «The Spectrum Force, Heather Ray [best free ebook reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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front door slamming abruptly forced her from her much-needed slumber. She blinked in confusion, pulling herself into a sitting position on the couch.

She stared in bewilderment when she saw Craig open his eyes as well, groaning slightly from the rude awakening.

"What's going on?" she whispered, rubbing her eyes. She was still startled that she had managed to fall asleep.

Jocelyn got her answer when Rachel stormed out of her bedroom, carrying her jacket to the coat stand near the door. Her movements were abrupt, and even from a distance Jocelyn could see the tears that still streaked down her roommate's cheeks.

"Ray?" Jocelyn asked, rising to her feet, "Are you...?"

"I'm fine," Rachel interrupted, pausing for a moment to lay her weary fingers on her forehead, "Just fine."

Both Craig and Jocelyn watched in amazement as Rachel then proceeded into her room. She reached to close the door behind her, but she paused for a moment, and turned back to her friends.

"If Chris comes looking for me, tell him I have nothing to say to him," she requested, before closing the door behind her.

Jocelyn and Craig traded confused glances. Craig's surprise quickly turned into anger, and his lips curled into a frown.

"If he did

anything to her..." he muttered.

"Don't jump to conclusions," Jocelyn warned, walking towards Rachel's bedroom door, "We don't know what happened yet."

Just as Jocelyn raised her knuckles to the locked door, a soft knock echoed from the front door.

Craig quickly rose to his feet, stretching out his neck and arms from the awkward position in which he fell asleep. "I'll get it."

Craig pulled the door open, and glared down at Chris, who couldn't help but swallow hard at the imposing figure Craig made.

"I... take it Rachel told you what happened?" he said quietly.

"She didn't have to," Craig muttered, folding his arms, "She said she doesn't want to see you, and that's enough for me."

Chris nodded his head slowly, pursing his lips. "Well, I guess that's fair enough-"

"Just a minute, Chris," Jocelyn called, squeezing past Craig and grabbing Chris' arm before he could depart, "Look, guys, the last thing we need right now is animosity. We're all friends here. And at a time like this, friendship is really all we have."

With that, Jocelyn gently shoved Craig out of the doorway, and guided Chris to the couch. "None of us should be alone right now," she affirmed, walking to the kitchenette, "Can I get you anything, Chris?"

Chris leaned forward, casting a single glance at Rachel's bedroom door. He then shook his head, and rose to his feet. "No, he's right Jocelyn. I feel a little awkward being here, considering I know I'm not welcome here."

"Chris," Jocelyn sighed, "don't be silly-"

"Rachel and I had a little... disagreement, and I was hoping we could clear it up now. But it's a very stressful time, and we all have things to deal with. I'll talk to her later... when she actually wants to talk to me."

As Chris moved towards the door, without warning a psionic call burst through everyone's consciousness. *Everyone, meet me at the girls' apartment pronto. I have something to say, and you all need to be there.*

Chris, Jocelyn, and Craig all froze in response to the message. Jocelyn ran her fingers through her auburn curls, and took a seat at the nearest kitchen stool.

"That... that was Keith," she whispered, gazing at Craig and Chris in concern.

"His psi-voice was so... bland," Chris commented, once again taking a seat on the couch, "I hope he's feeling better."

Then, everyone heard the sound of a door unlocking, and all eyes fell on Rachel's door. Moments later, the leader of the Spectrum Force stepped out of her room... a concerned frown marring her brow.

Immediately, Chris stood up from his seat, and fixed Rachel with an inquisitive expression. Rachel didn't pay him a second glance.

"Does anyone know where Matthew went?" she inquired, scanning the living room quickly.

"I thought he went looking for Keith," Craig answered, "but he's been gone for a couple hours."

At that moment, the front door swung open, revealing a very worried Matthew.

"Is Keith here yet?" Matt inquired, looking around.

"Where were you?" Jocelyn asked.

Matt shrugged his shoulders. "I was-"

Matthew stopped short when he heard footsteps behind him. Keith lumbered into the room, casting a flat smile at all his friends before closing and locking the door behind him.

"Keith, where have you?"

"Are you...?"

"What's going on...?"

Keith raised his hand, silently asking the inquiry to pause for a moment. In silence, the rest of the Spectrum Force all took seats, while Keith paced around the room, his hands still buried in his pockets.

"I know everyone's been worried about me," he started, "and I appreciate your concern. I'm sorry I've been so distant, but... a lot happened. True, a lot happened to all of us, but in my case... I really needed to be alone to sort through my feelings."

"Keith, you know

we're all here for you," Jocelyn whispered.

Keith smiled in gratitude. "I know you are. But... I'm afraid that won't be enough."

He walked over to the window, gazing out over the city, bustling with renewed life in the late afternoon.

"I've combed the entire city. I went to the river, the hospital, the airport... everywhere. And all that time, I've been thinking. My life has changed too much for me to just go back to routine and pretend the Nightfall never happened. I... I can't just put it behind me." He drew a deep breath, leaning against the windowsill while gazing at the assembled heroes before him. "I feel like I'm standing in front of a huge wall blocking my path, and I can't find a way to move passed it. So, the only option I can think of is to try a new path, and see where it takes me."

Craig wrinkled his nose. "You're being a little vague, Man," he pointed out, "Just come out and say it... whatever it is you're building up to. We're all friends here, and you can be open and honest with us."

Keith couldn't help but smile. "One of these days, Craig, you're going to make a great psychiatrist."

Craig grinned widely at the compliment.

"Okay," Keith said, taking a breath, "I'll come right out and say it. After a whole lot of thought, I've come to the conclusion that I'm lost. I don't know where my life is heading, and after the Nightfall, it looks bleak. I think I've come face to face with grim reality. This battle we're fighting- to save the world from the Denebian Empire- well, I don't think it's a battle we can win-"

"Keith," Rachel interrupted, rising to her feet, "don't think

that way! I know we're facing terrible odds, but if we don't have faith in ourselves, and our abilities, we have nothing. Confidence is a warriors best weapon."

"You're absolutely right," Keith said, stepping closer to his long-time friend, "A Spectrum Enforcer without confidence is nothing. And I can't just re-light the fire that died in me. It's not in my power to do it. I just know I'll never be the same. I can't fool myself into thinking that everything will be okay. That we'll win this war, and there won't be any battle scars. That this invasion will some day be a distant memory."

"I'm not saying there won't be scars, Keith," Rachel whispered, fear widening her eyes, "but we can't just give up."

"That's just the problem," Keith said, taking Rachel's right hand with his, allowing the light from the window to shine in the purple stone on her finger. "You see, Ray, you never give up. You face your problems. You believe you can make a difference. That's why Spectra gave you this."

He then rotated their hands, so his would be in clear view. Rachel, as well as the other Enforcers, gasped when they saw the red stone was nowhere on his hand.

"In my case... I think I've given up," Keith admitted weakly, "I can't be a part of this team."

"Keith, wait," Matt blurted, rising to his feet. In instant reaction, the rest of the group congregated around Keith and Rachel, with Keith still holding Rachel's hand.

"I'm not saying it's permanent," he continued, "but I've got a lot of thinking to do. A lot to heal from. And until I come to grips with all I've lost, I can't serve as the Red Enforcer."

"You don't have to do this," Jocelyn whispered, tears streaking down her cheek, "We're all hurting, Keith... you more than the rest of us, but this is a pain we're sharing. You can't leave us now!"

"I have other responsibilities," Keith explained, "I know there's someone out there with the right stuff to be the Red Enforcer. But I'm the only one who can fill my role in my family. I almost lost my father. I've been given a second chance. I belong with my family. I don't belong here."

With that, Keith dug his left hand into his pocket, and pulled out his ring. He held Rachel's hand open, and laid the ring in her palm.

"It seems like a lifetime ago, when you ran over to us on the beach, and we were attacked by Shadows," he said, "You gave me this ring, saying that I was a good fighter, and a dependable friend. You thought I was perfect to be the second-in-command of the Spectrum Force. I'm sorry, Ray... but you were wrong. I can't fight a battle I'm convinced I can't win, and I'm not very dependable. I've always been a loose cannon. And now, I don't even have a fighter's spirit."

He folded her fingers over the ring, and clasped his hands over hers. "Choose someone else."

With that, he let go of Rachel's hand, and stepped back so he could face the group. "I'm going back to Austin," he announced, "My flight leaves tonight, actually."

"Tonight?" Chris asked in amazement, "You're being very hasty here."

"No," Keith answered, "I'm not. I'm going home... to a place where I can leave this all behind me. My dad will be released from the hospital soon. He's made an almost miraculous recovery, and considering how many were injured during the Nightfall, the hospital can't keep him much longer. My family will be coming in a few days. I just need... to get away."

Keith swallowed hard, and walked towards the door. "I can't make you understand, but I have

to do this. I have to sort things out. I'm sorry."

The five remaining members of the Spectrum Force watched mutely as Keith walked through the door. He waved once, and then closed it behind him, slowly making his way down the hall to the elevator.

He didn't look back.

To Be Concluded In...

The Spectrum Force:


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