Life Ends, Kaitlyn Garlets [hot novels to read .TXT] 📗

- Author: Kaitlyn Garlets
Book online «Life Ends, Kaitlyn Garlets [hot novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Garlets
in the face and said, "I'm his decendent. I have the real copies of his work and everything."
"Is this a joke?" Mason asked, laughing.
"No. I do not joke around. This is for real, young man. If you want the information, you have to come with me," he said, getting up from the chair.
I couldn't believe that a man that we didn't even know told us that we could take a look at the REAL documents of Youk'e Magg! This was so exciting!
"Really?" Mason asked, looking at me like he just got slapped in the face.
"Yes," the old man said. "But the only thing that you may have trouble with is that his writing is in a different language and I only know English. So if you know what ever language it is that he had written, then that would be great," he said, walking out the library door.
We followed him and he began to walk to the parking lot where his car was parked.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think that it would be very good to get into a car of a stranger," I said, backing up when he opened the car door for us to get in.
"Come on, Jessie. Where's your sense of adventure? I can alway protect you if anything happens to you," he said with a smile.
"Fine. But only if I get to drive your car," I said, looking at the old man.
"Okay, but if you crash my car, I'll sue you."
"Deal. Just tell me where you live and I'll drive there."
I got into his car and Mason got into the back seat. God, what was I doing?
The old man told me where to go to get to his house, and when we got there, I was the first one out of the car.
"I didn't crash your car, so you can't sue me."
He laughed, which startled me. "I was just pulling your chain, kid."
"Oh, you could have told me that before you scared me half to death," I said, meaning ever word that I said.
The whole time, Mason was smiling from ear to ear, looking from the old man to me and then back to the old man.
I looked at Mason and said, "Oh, you think that this was funny?"
"Yes, I knew that he was joking the whole time. You should have seen your face, Jessie. Priceless!"
I gave him a mean look, but with him smiling so much, I just couldn't stay mad at him for very long. Not with that smile, anyways.
We entered into his blue and white house to see some really weird things in his house. For one, there was a bunch of fish bones hanging on the wall, and another, he had dead stuffed animals also on the wall with the names of them underneath them.
I grabbed Mason's hand without noticing. He smiled at me.
"The documents are in my library."
"You have a library?" I asked.
"Yes, its this way." He turned a corner of the hallway and opened a painted wooden door. I peeked in to see the place cluttered, with scrolls everywhere and papers with words or something written on it.
"Wow..." I said, breathlessly.
"I have been trying to decifer his work for over thirty years but got nowhere from it. Even the pictures he drew made no sense to me."
"Why didn't you take it to one of those people that knows how to?" Asked Mason.
"I tried, but they all wanted money that I didn't have. I'm not made out of money, you know."
"I never asked if you were. And I didn't know that you already tried that."
"That's okay," he said, waving it off. "Its all in here. All the other papers are mine trying to decode it, but failed. So you can go through anything you want to in here. Just don't steal anything or break or rip anything. And if your going to ask, its all th real stuff. Not fake."
"Why isn't it all in a museum?" I asked, picking up a piece of yellow parchment paper.
"Well, I couldn't decode it if it was in one, now could I?" He asked with a smile.
"Well, if you took it to a museum, I bet that they would take it off of your hands and decode it themselves, and pay you. I've heard of people doing that before."
"I didn't want to."
"Oh," I said, as he closed the door behind us.
I looked at Mason, who was already sitting down looking through the papers.
"So, what do you think?" I asked.
"Wow. This is so cool! Look at all this stuff! This one has weird writing on it. Maybe my Granddad could help us. He knew someone that knew someone that could read some language and it kind of looks like this."
"Cool. Maybe the old guy will let us take some of this stuff to your Granddad."
"I doubt that highly. We might have to call him and ask him to come here. I'll call him right now."
He took out his cell phone and dialed a bunch of numbers on his key pad and held it to his ear.
"Granddad! How are you?" Mason asked.
I could hear what the guy on the other line was saying because he was talking really loud.
"I'm good, Mason, how are you?"
"I'm fine. I just wanted to call and ask if you would like to come over to some guy house that I'm at right now and help us with something."
"Like what?" Mason's Granddad said.
"We are doing a project in science on a man named Youk'e Magg, and we need help decoding his work. Turnes out, this man we met at the library told us that he was a decendent of Youk'e Magg and told us that he had the real documents of him and his work. And the only bad thing about this is that the guy that is letting us look at the papers can't decode it, and I thought that you could come over and help us with it."
"Who is 'us'?" He asked over the phone.
"Oh, me and my project partner."
"Oh, well give me the directions and I'll come over and help you."
Mason gave him he directions to the old guys house and hung up his phone.
"Well, he's coming over."
"I'll go tell the old guy that someone else is coming over."
"Okay. I'll be here."
"I know."
I watched as Mason went back to looking at the papers and then went to go and find the old man and tell him that Mason's dad was coming over to help us.
"I thought that you were looking around my library, not my house."
I jumped, backing up. "Oh, you scared me."
"Sorry, and my name isn't old man."
"Sorry, what is your name?" I asked.
"Okay, Jeffery, I just wanted to tell you that Mason's Granddad is coming over to help decode the papers because he can read alot of languages or something like that and Mason has already given him the directions to here if that is okay."
"Sure, just as long as he can decode it, that's all I care about."
"Okay, thanks."
I walked back to the library and closed the door behind me.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," Mason said back.
"Figure out anything?" I asked, sitting in the other chair next to him.
"Let me think about that one. Nope. Nothing yet. But lets hope that my Granddad can read it."
We looked through a bunch more papers in silence.
After a while, I got tired of looking at something that I couldn't even read and thought that I should tell Mason how I felt about him until his Granddad got here.
He looked up, and asked, "Yeah?"
"Can I tell you something?"
"Sure, what?"
"I feel that I have to tell you that I like you too."
"I know."
"You do? How long have you known?"
"Since I asked you to be my science partner."
"How did you know?"
"Well, when I left for my next class, after that class and it was break, I over heard you and your friend talking and squealing about it."
"Oh, my gosh, how embarrassing."
"No, its not embarrassing."
"You think so?"
"I know so."
We looked at each other for a minute. Before we started really talking, I thought that I couldn't talk to him because I had nothing to talk about, but I can now that we actually have something to talk about.
I guess I was spacing out because Mason was leaning closer to me.
He was going to kiss me! I have waited for this moment for so long.
Just as we were going to kiss, a man walked in and coughed, making me jump or the third time today. Mason and I leaned back in our chairs and smiled at the guy.
I stood up and held out my hand. "Hello, I'm Jessie, Mason's science partner."
He shook it, saying, "My name is Mark." Then he hugged his grandson and said, "I can see you two know each other very well."
I laughed nervously and sat back in my chair.
"Yeah, Jessie and I have been going to the same school for four years now."
"Well, show me the papers. I hope this isn't some gimick."
"No, I don't think that these are fake, Granddad."
"Okay. Let me take a look at them."
Mason got up from his seat and let him sit down while he looked at the papers.
"My God. This...this can't be real. Wow. This...this is something. I thought that you were lying. But this is the real thing. I need a ton of paper and some sharp pencils."
I went to retrieve the things that he wanted while Jeffery and Mason looked over his shoulder.
I got the things he wanted and gave them to him.
"I need some quiet space while I do this, so please leave."
We left and went to the living room while he worked.
A few hours after getting to know Jeffery more and eating some cookies and milk, we went to check on Mason's Granddad and when we knocked on the door, but he didn't answer. Mason slowly opened the door to find his Granddad on the floor grabbing his chest, heaving.
"Granddad! Are you okay?" Mason asked, kneeling next to him.
He tried to talk, but nothing came out but a cough.
"Granddad! Jessie, he's having a heart attack. Take my phone and call 911."
I got into his pocket where he had out it last and dialed the three numbers.
"Hello, this is 911 line. What is your emergency?" A woman asked.
"My friend's granddad is having a heart attack and we need an ambulance right away."
"Okay I will stay on the phone while an ambulance is on the way. Where are you right now?"
I told her where we were and then I knelt next to Mason and his Granddad.
As the perimedics arrived and took Mark to the hospital, we rode in the back with him, holding his hands the whole time.
When we arrived to the emergency room, the nurse said that we had to stay in the waiting room until further notice.
We waited for what seemed like days, but finally the doctor came out and said that he did have a heart attack and it was good that we got to him when we did. The doctor also said that he was going to be fine except for that the side he had the heart attack paralized him on his left side, but otherwise, he should make it.
When Mason heard this, he wept in my arms
"Is this a joke?" Mason asked, laughing.
"No. I do not joke around. This is for real, young man. If you want the information, you have to come with me," he said, getting up from the chair.
I couldn't believe that a man that we didn't even know told us that we could take a look at the REAL documents of Youk'e Magg! This was so exciting!
"Really?" Mason asked, looking at me like he just got slapped in the face.
"Yes," the old man said. "But the only thing that you may have trouble with is that his writing is in a different language and I only know English. So if you know what ever language it is that he had written, then that would be great," he said, walking out the library door.
We followed him and he began to walk to the parking lot where his car was parked.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think that it would be very good to get into a car of a stranger," I said, backing up when he opened the car door for us to get in.
"Come on, Jessie. Where's your sense of adventure? I can alway protect you if anything happens to you," he said with a smile.
"Fine. But only if I get to drive your car," I said, looking at the old man.
"Okay, but if you crash my car, I'll sue you."
"Deal. Just tell me where you live and I'll drive there."
I got into his car and Mason got into the back seat. God, what was I doing?
The old man told me where to go to get to his house, and when we got there, I was the first one out of the car.
"I didn't crash your car, so you can't sue me."
He laughed, which startled me. "I was just pulling your chain, kid."
"Oh, you could have told me that before you scared me half to death," I said, meaning ever word that I said.
The whole time, Mason was smiling from ear to ear, looking from the old man to me and then back to the old man.
I looked at Mason and said, "Oh, you think that this was funny?"
"Yes, I knew that he was joking the whole time. You should have seen your face, Jessie. Priceless!"
I gave him a mean look, but with him smiling so much, I just couldn't stay mad at him for very long. Not with that smile, anyways.
We entered into his blue and white house to see some really weird things in his house. For one, there was a bunch of fish bones hanging on the wall, and another, he had dead stuffed animals also on the wall with the names of them underneath them.
I grabbed Mason's hand without noticing. He smiled at me.
"The documents are in my library."
"You have a library?" I asked.
"Yes, its this way." He turned a corner of the hallway and opened a painted wooden door. I peeked in to see the place cluttered, with scrolls everywhere and papers with words or something written on it.
"Wow..." I said, breathlessly.
"I have been trying to decifer his work for over thirty years but got nowhere from it. Even the pictures he drew made no sense to me."
"Why didn't you take it to one of those people that knows how to?" Asked Mason.
"I tried, but they all wanted money that I didn't have. I'm not made out of money, you know."
"I never asked if you were. And I didn't know that you already tried that."
"That's okay," he said, waving it off. "Its all in here. All the other papers are mine trying to decode it, but failed. So you can go through anything you want to in here. Just don't steal anything or break or rip anything. And if your going to ask, its all th real stuff. Not fake."
"Why isn't it all in a museum?" I asked, picking up a piece of yellow parchment paper.
"Well, I couldn't decode it if it was in one, now could I?" He asked with a smile.
"Well, if you took it to a museum, I bet that they would take it off of your hands and decode it themselves, and pay you. I've heard of people doing that before."
"I didn't want to."
"Oh," I said, as he closed the door behind us.
I looked at Mason, who was already sitting down looking through the papers.
"So, what do you think?" I asked.
"Wow. This is so cool! Look at all this stuff! This one has weird writing on it. Maybe my Granddad could help us. He knew someone that knew someone that could read some language and it kind of looks like this."
"Cool. Maybe the old guy will let us take some of this stuff to your Granddad."
"I doubt that highly. We might have to call him and ask him to come here. I'll call him right now."
He took out his cell phone and dialed a bunch of numbers on his key pad and held it to his ear.
"Granddad! How are you?" Mason asked.
I could hear what the guy on the other line was saying because he was talking really loud.
"I'm good, Mason, how are you?"
"I'm fine. I just wanted to call and ask if you would like to come over to some guy house that I'm at right now and help us with something."
"Like what?" Mason's Granddad said.
"We are doing a project in science on a man named Youk'e Magg, and we need help decoding his work. Turnes out, this man we met at the library told us that he was a decendent of Youk'e Magg and told us that he had the real documents of him and his work. And the only bad thing about this is that the guy that is letting us look at the papers can't decode it, and I thought that you could come over and help us with it."
"Who is 'us'?" He asked over the phone.
"Oh, me and my project partner."
"Oh, well give me the directions and I'll come over and help you."
Mason gave him he directions to the old guys house and hung up his phone.
"Well, he's coming over."
"I'll go tell the old guy that someone else is coming over."
"Okay. I'll be here."
"I know."
I watched as Mason went back to looking at the papers and then went to go and find the old man and tell him that Mason's dad was coming over to help us.
"I thought that you were looking around my library, not my house."
I jumped, backing up. "Oh, you scared me."
"Sorry, and my name isn't old man."
"Sorry, what is your name?" I asked.
"Okay, Jeffery, I just wanted to tell you that Mason's Granddad is coming over to help decode the papers because he can read alot of languages or something like that and Mason has already given him the directions to here if that is okay."
"Sure, just as long as he can decode it, that's all I care about."
"Okay, thanks."
I walked back to the library and closed the door behind me.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," Mason said back.
"Figure out anything?" I asked, sitting in the other chair next to him.
"Let me think about that one. Nope. Nothing yet. But lets hope that my Granddad can read it."
We looked through a bunch more papers in silence.
After a while, I got tired of looking at something that I couldn't even read and thought that I should tell Mason how I felt about him until his Granddad got here.
He looked up, and asked, "Yeah?"
"Can I tell you something?"
"Sure, what?"
"I feel that I have to tell you that I like you too."
"I know."
"You do? How long have you known?"
"Since I asked you to be my science partner."
"How did you know?"
"Well, when I left for my next class, after that class and it was break, I over heard you and your friend talking and squealing about it."
"Oh, my gosh, how embarrassing."
"No, its not embarrassing."
"You think so?"
"I know so."
We looked at each other for a minute. Before we started really talking, I thought that I couldn't talk to him because I had nothing to talk about, but I can now that we actually have something to talk about.
I guess I was spacing out because Mason was leaning closer to me.
He was going to kiss me! I have waited for this moment for so long.
Just as we were going to kiss, a man walked in and coughed, making me jump or the third time today. Mason and I leaned back in our chairs and smiled at the guy.
I stood up and held out my hand. "Hello, I'm Jessie, Mason's science partner."
He shook it, saying, "My name is Mark." Then he hugged his grandson and said, "I can see you two know each other very well."
I laughed nervously and sat back in my chair.
"Yeah, Jessie and I have been going to the same school for four years now."
"Well, show me the papers. I hope this isn't some gimick."
"No, I don't think that these are fake, Granddad."
"Okay. Let me take a look at them."
Mason got up from his seat and let him sit down while he looked at the papers.
"My God. This...this can't be real. Wow. This...this is something. I thought that you were lying. But this is the real thing. I need a ton of paper and some sharp pencils."
I went to retrieve the things that he wanted while Jeffery and Mason looked over his shoulder.
I got the things he wanted and gave them to him.
"I need some quiet space while I do this, so please leave."
We left and went to the living room while he worked.
A few hours after getting to know Jeffery more and eating some cookies and milk, we went to check on Mason's Granddad and when we knocked on the door, but he didn't answer. Mason slowly opened the door to find his Granddad on the floor grabbing his chest, heaving.
"Granddad! Are you okay?" Mason asked, kneeling next to him.
He tried to talk, but nothing came out but a cough.
"Granddad! Jessie, he's having a heart attack. Take my phone and call 911."
I got into his pocket where he had out it last and dialed the three numbers.
"Hello, this is 911 line. What is your emergency?" A woman asked.
"My friend's granddad is having a heart attack and we need an ambulance right away."
"Okay I will stay on the phone while an ambulance is on the way. Where are you right now?"
I told her where we were and then I knelt next to Mason and his Granddad.
As the perimedics arrived and took Mark to the hospital, we rode in the back with him, holding his hands the whole time.
When we arrived to the emergency room, the nurse said that we had to stay in the waiting room until further notice.
We waited for what seemed like days, but finally the doctor came out and said that he did have a heart attack and it was good that we got to him when we did. The doctor also said that he was going to be fine except for that the side he had the heart attack paralized him on his left side, but otherwise, he should make it.
When Mason heard this, he wept in my arms
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