Life Ends, Kaitlyn Garlets [hot novels to read .TXT] 📗

- Author: Kaitlyn Garlets
Book online «Life Ends, Kaitlyn Garlets [hot novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Garlets
Its the end. I just know it. My world and everything in it is going to end any minute now. How can I save it? I knew that I couldn't.
I lay on the ground, coughing up blood, wondering when it will be over so that I do not have to feel any pain or taste the terrible taste of blood in my mouth every few minutes.
"Its going to be okay, Jessie, just hold in there a few more minutes. Okay?" Said Mason.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Lets go back to the beginning before this all happened so that you know what is going on. It all started back when I was walking down the high school hallway when I bumped into a senior that I have had a crush on since I first got into high school.
"Oops, I'm sorry, Mason," I said, not looking at him straight in the eyes as I dropped to the ground to pick up my belongings.
"Its okay. I wasn't looking where I was going either," he said, as he picked his things up.
I smiled and stood up, fixing my bag so that it wouldn't fall off of my shoulder again.
"Your name is Jessie right?" He asked, pointing at me as I turned to leave before he could start a conversation with me, but it was too late for that.
"Yes, why?"
"Just wondering. How come we haven't had a conversation before today if you count this being a conversation."
"I don't know. Maybe because we are always busy or something. But I have to go and get to class before I'm late," I said, again turning to go before I can't think of anything else to say to him because if I couldn't think of anything to say to him, then I would start to get really nervous and the last time that I got really nervous, I vomited all over my brother. And that was not a pretty sight.
"Wait. Your in my fourth period class, right?" He asked.
"Yes, why?" I asked again, thinking, why won't he stop talking to me? I mean, I like it when he talks to me, but when I do want to talk to him, I never know what to say to him and then I would get all freaked out if I just went up to him and started babbling to him about nothing or if I had nothing to say to him.
"Do you want to be my partner for the project? I haven't asked anyone else and I don't think that anyon else would want to be my partner."
"Why wouldn't anyone want to be your partner? I mean, your popular."
"Popular? That's what you think of me?" he asked, looking kind of hurt by what I said.
"Well, kind of," I said, looking at my watch to see what the time was.
"Well, I'm not. Just because I talk to alot of people here doesn't mean that I'm popular. Half of the people that talk to me I don't even know very well or even like."
"Oh. I didn't know," I said, feeling like a jerk.
"Its okay. Alot of people think the same thing. But now you know that that isn't true about me."
"So will you?"
"Will I what?" I asked, confused.
"Be my partner for the science project."
"Sure. You can come over to my house today if you want to start working on whatever our topic is."
"I was thinking that we do our project on that one guy that had visions about the future and stuff like that."
Mason started walking and I followed him down the hallway. "You mean Youk'e Magg? The guy that had predictions about the future and stuff like that?"
"Yeah, that guy. Well, if you want to do someone else..." he said, looking at me.
"No! I think that he's a great guy to do the project on. In fact, he's one of my favorite guys in the world. I know alot about him, so that should be good for us, right?"
"Sure. When should I come over?" He asked, looking at me again. Everytime he looked at me made my heart race faster than it had been the last time.
"After school is fine. The only person that will be at home is my older brother and he won't bug us."
"Okay. I better get to class. See you then, Jessie," he said, parting ways to his class, with a single wave as he entered his classroom.
As I went to my next class, I thought, why would he want me for a science partner?
During the next break, I grabbed my best friends arm and pulled her over to me.
"What?" she asked, already knowing that there was something that I wanted to tell her since I was smiling from ear to ear.
"What about him?" she asked, leaning in closer.
"He asked me to be his science lab partner!" I said, squealing.
"No way!" she said, laughing and hugging me.
"I know! I'm just as suprised as you are!"
"The last break."
"This is so cool! Maybe he's finally seeing you. And I mean really seeing you!"
"Maybe. I have to go. I just thought that I should tell you. Oh, and I haven't even told you the best part."
"I told him that he could come over to my house after school!"
"No way!"
We squealed some more and then we parted to go to our last class of the day.
After class, I went to my locker and shoved my books and my binder in the already too full locker.
"So, you ready to go then?"
I jumped and scraped my arm on the locker door as I looked to see who was talking to my behind the locker door.
"Mason! You scared me!" I said, looking away from him.
"Sorry. Just wanted to come over and see if you were ready to go."
"Yes, but I was thinking that we could go to the library first so that we could get some books on him."
"Sure. I called my mom and told her that I was coming over to your house, and she said it was okay,as long as I was home by ten tonight. Is that okay?"
"Sure. My parents won't be home for a few days. They are on a business trip in Brazil."
"Really? What do your parents do?" He asked, looking interested in what I was talking about.
"They travel around the world looking for new plants that can heal the human wounds and diseases."
"Wow. You must be really proud of them."
I shut my locker door and we began to walk outside in the beautiful sunshine. "Well, I am proud of them, but I hardly get to see them since they are always on a trip to some place in the world."
"That sucks."
"Tell me about it."
"I just did."
"Oh, ha ha," I said, smiling in spite of myself. "So, what's your parents like?" I asked.
"Mine?" He asked, looking at the ground.
"Yeah. I told you about mine, so I want to know about yours."
"My father is in jail and my mother past away when I was twelve."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't-"
"I know you didn't," he said, cutting me off from an apoliogy.
"Its okay. Can we talk about something else?" He asked, not making eye contact.
"Sure. What do you want to talk about?"
"How about we talk about you."
"Me?" I asked, suprised.
"Well, what do you want to know about me?"
" what?"
"What's you favorite color?"
"Mason, why do you want to know stuff about me?" I asked instead of answering his question. I kicked a rock as we walked.
"Well, I just feel like I have to know you for some reason."
"What would the reason be?"
"I don't know. But a few days ago, I was walking down this street and saw you walking. You looked all alone. And I thought-okay don't laugh at me-that you were beautiful."
"Whaaaat?" I asked, my voice breaking as I said that.
"Yeah. That's what I thought. Your different, Jessie. Not like anyone that I know of. Every girl that I talk to or know always wants to date me or use me. But not you. You just act like I'm not even on this earth. And I like that about you."
"Please don't tell anyone else this. They would think that I'm weird or something."
"Okay." I could hardly believe what he was telling me. Here I was, talking to the guy that I have liked for what seemed like forever, and I haven't told him that I liked him, but here he was, practically telling me he liked me because I was different than other girls.
"You don't try and be pretty by wearing makeup or flipping out because your hair isn't the way that you want it to be. Your just yourself."
"So...your saying..."
"...that I like you, Jessie. And not just because I wanted a lab partner, either."
"Yeah," he whispered, still looking at the ground. Maybe it was hard for him to tell me that or something is why he didn't look at me when he told me he liked me.
We walked in silence the rest of the way to the library. The whole time, I just kept repeating those words that he said in my head over and over.
Mason opened the door to the library for me and I walked in as he followed behind.
"Thank you, Mason."
"Your welcome."
We went to the front desk.
"May I help you Ma'am?" the desk lady asked.
"Yes, my partner Mason and I were looking for some books on Youk'e Magg. Do you have any of his books? Or at least something on him?" I asked nicely.
"Let me go look. I'll be right back. It will be a minute or so. So if you want you can sit down in one of our sofa's and wait," she said and left.
I sat down in one of the green uncomfortable seats and folded one of my legs over the other.
Mason sat in a blue seat, facing me.
I looked around the room, remembering that I used to come here every Thursday to read to little kids after school. When I looked back in front of me, I found Mason looking at me.
"What?" I asked, smiling.
"Nothing, I was just looking at you."
"You know why, Jessie. Don't deny that you do know what I'm saying."
"Fine," I said, raising my hands up in the air in defeat.
We laughed, but quit when the librarian came back.
"I'm sorry, but I couldn't find anything about Youk'e Magg anywhere in the building. I'm sorry," she said and walked away.
"Well, now how are we going to get information on him?" I asked.
"We could always use the internet," suggested Mason.
"I hate the internet. The internet lies all the time. I guess we will have to pick a different guy or someone."
"Wait," said a voice behind a giant sofa with the back turned to us.
Mason and I turned to look to see who it was that was talking to us.
It was an old man with no hair on his head at all and he was really short.
"Can we help you?" I asked, looking at Mason.
"I can help you with finding out information on Youk'e Magg."
"How?" Mason asked.
He turned to look us
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