» Science Fiction » Skylit, Jordan Wadley [e book reader pc .txt] 📗

Book online «Skylit, Jordan Wadley [e book reader pc .txt] 📗». Author Jordan Wadley

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wrist twisted painfully up the center of his back. I placed my foot on the back of his neck and pressed down, watching the world around me fade as my anger took over. I jabbed him quickly in the face to stun him into silence.


"If you ever lay a hand on me again, you'll be living off life support for the rest of your pathetic life. Understand me now, Drake?" He shouted out in pain when I pressed my combat boot harder onto the back of his neck. With a nod of his head, I released him from the painful position and stood to my full height, leaving him gasping on the ground in pain.


"Damn, talk about a bad bitch." Lette looked down at Drake with a look of awe on her face, I couldn't completely comprehend the look.


"Sorry guys, is it okay if I have a hit now?" I looked expectantly at the joint still in Lette's hand, looking back at the three people that sat with her before. I didn't know if they approved of my show with Drake, they seemed to know him well enough.


"Hell yeah, you're our friend now!" The one who'd attempted to hide the contents before now spilled it all out on a textbook and began rolling another joint.


"Wasn't Drake your friend too?" I asked Lette curiously, wondering why he was here in the first place.


"He's pretty well known in the school so when he first started coming here, everyone welcomed him openly. He's an ass though, he thought he was always better than everyone else here and it tended to piss a few people off. He's not new to the school, but he just started coming with us around town and all that stuff because he liked to have fun. We could provide him with fun, but he was still an ass. Some people confronted him a few times about stealing their pills, hydro and xanex, the usual." Lette sat down and gently inhaled the drugs before passing it to her left, in the opposite direction of me. "But nobody really like him anyways, don't worry."


A joint, perfectly rolled, was waved wildly in front of my face from my right.


The boy had finally finished rolling the joint and sat down next to me, smiling as he waiting for me to take my first hit with them.


I took the rolled joint and placed it gently between my lips like any other cigarette, with two large hits from the gentle smoke I passed it to Lette. It seemed they always passed to the left, some kind of rule I'm guessing.


Once the joint reached the boy to Lette's left, I finally released the smoke slowly. My toes seemed to curl and my head throbbed with light headiness. My eyes became unfocused and dazed at the faces around me, I could almost literally feel my world spinning and tilting out of control.


The boy that rolled the joint suddenly laughed out loud.


"That was one hell of a hit, and the look on your face! Damn." He laughed, pointing his finger in my direction.


Some of the people in the group turned to look at my dazed expression and burst into fits of giggles. I didn't respond knowing my tongue wouln't want to cooperate.


"I can't even hit it that hard, how long have you smoked?" The boy asked, with all eyes on me again. His eyes were already glazed over with a light pink tinting slowly giving away his high.


"Since I was eleven, I'll be eighteen in about three months." I mutter dreamily, giggling at the end. Lette laughs at this and grabs my arm.


"Come on, let's get you to eat something so when you go back into the school you won't look so high." She giggled.


"Hold on!" I shouted seriously, startling everyone outside at the intensity of my voice. "I want another hit!"


Everyone burst into laughter and continue to watch me curiously, I didn't find how that was funny.


"Fine, but only a small one." As soon as the words left her lips I sprinted back to the boy and took the joint from his hand, earning a protest in return, before I inhaled the smoke as deeply as possible.


When I passed the joint back to him, he continued to stare at me wide eyed as did everyone else. After almost half a minute had passed, I slowly released the thinning smoke and turned to Lette. I loved showing off my amazing skills at inhaling the deep substance into my lungs.


I knew the hit was going to hit me harder than the last, seeing as I was almost too high to stand in front of Lette. My vision seemed darker than usual and in order to walk, I felt like I had to put all my concentration in my feet. I noticed sooner, that the more I focused on my legs the worse I walked and the more I looked high out of my mind.


"I seriously don't think going to school today would be such a good idea." Lette muttered, seeming to be worried about something.


"I signed myself up for myself anyways." I stuttered. "I mean, I signed myself up for school! Stupid words! I can go home now since Beth's passed out. The school don't care if I show or don't, Beth made it clear she didn't give a shit about the fat dude at the desk." I giggled.


I couldn't understand what I said and soon after the words left my lips I seemed to have forgotten what we were speaking about. I looked around and noticed we were walking to the front of the building where more students stood outside, chatting and laughing with one another. What felt like moments ago, I stood in the same yard only nobody was around.


"Holy shit man!" I say too loudly for my own benefit. "She looks like a fucking clown!" The laughter bubbles out of my mouth and into the now quiet atmosphere before I can stop it. I clutched onto Lette's tense arm and looked up at the face again, suddenly laughing harder.


Nobody seemed to be talking anymore, silently watching me and the girl glowering in my direction.


"Oops, I said that out loud didn't I?" I stop and look at Lette. "Talk to me Lette, I can't look at it again or I'll laugh. Did you see its' face?" I ask seriously with an audible whisper at the end.


"Who the hell is she?" The clown spoke.


"Holy shit! Lette, save me from the clown! Awe God, this is it. I'm going to die by a clown, I'm going to die. We got to run Lette, come we'll ride my motorcycle!"


The words were slurred and I noticed Lette staring at me curiously, struggling to hide her growing laughter.


"I'm not a goddamned clown! Stupid bitch I should whoop your ass!" She seemed to slowly walk in my direction with a growl.


"Are you walking in slow motion like they do in the movies? It's not looking so dramatic! Oh wait, you're wearin heels, that sounds more reasonable." I mutter to myself. Some of the people that stood outside laughed and giggled at the words that left my lips.


Again my world seemed to blur around me and I completely forgot where we were and what I was talking about. I continued rattling my brain for an excuse until I noticed Lette staring at something ahead of me, I remember talking about school.


I suddenly noticed a girl walking in my direction with a sneer on her face, followed by one guy and one other girl. She looked like an absolute clown!


"Who the hell are you?" I muttered and swayed on my feet, I pointed at the girl looking at me with a shocked expression on her face.


"Who am I?" She screeched. "Who the hell are you! You just called me a fucking clown!"


"When? Oh shit, am I in a new dimension? This is so fucking amazing!" I screamed up at the sky with a smile on my face, watching the blue sky twist above me in a complete circle. It was the only reasonable explanation, nobody can read minds unless we actually were in another dimension. Suddenly a hand grabbed my arm and yanked me gently into a stand-still position. The clouds slowly formed shape and I, once more, swayed lazily on my own two feet.


"I think we need to get you home Rose," Lette muttered worriedly in my face. Her eyes searched mine for a moment before sighing.


"Oh, no you don't. She's not going anywhere! She go to this school?" Asked the girl again, still glaring at me.


"Yes, but she's feeling sick from her meds so we're taking her home." Lette's shaky voice says behind me. "Come on Rose, we need to get you home."


"Look how pathetic that is, this lesbo is actually friends with this pill-taking pshyco! Maybe, what's her name again-Rose? Maybe she's a disgusting lesbo too!" Her voice echoed around me as laughter increased around me, I slowly noticed the sticky substance streaming down Lette's face with sadness.


"You know," I muttered with a sly grin. "I'm high as hell right now, and this lesbo is my friend." I snarled in her face, then laughed a sadistic giggle in her ear.


"I don't take too kindly to a two faced clown downing on those who aren't the same as you. I could beat the shit out of you right now, I don't give a fuck if I'm high." The others from the back of the building suddenly came running out front and stared wide eyed at the view in front of them. I stood face to face with the clown, a sneer on my face, and Lette stood behind me sniffling up her tears.

"I'd like to see you try." The girl laughs with some of the other students.


"You know that Drake kids' brother?" I asked knowingly staring at her curious blue eyes. "Yeah, Kyle right?"


"She's the one that put him in the hospital, and when Drake said something she nearly broke his wrist and he left because he had to check it out. I'm not kidding Clare, she's dead serious." The boy that rolled the joint stood next to me along with the rest of the group that stood out back.


"You were with the trouble makers?" Clare scoffs in my face. "Of course, I bet you learned from your parents or older brother am I right? All these trouble makers have family trouble, do you? Your a bitch because you don't have the perfect fairy tale life." Her laugh seemed to be the only thing in my mind, the daintiness of her eyes the only thing clear in my rage.


The happy high I felt moments ago suddenly disappeared and my vision seemed to intensify, just like it did every time I got the adrenaline of a fight.


I hadn't even realized I hit her until a slow dull throbbing sensation shot through my arm, blood that didn't belong to me dried slowly on my fists.


When I was sure the sudden attack stunned her enough, I wrapped my forearm around her neck and gripped my fists together in order to cut her airway off. She struggled and kicked with futile attempts, her head jerked back in an awkward attempt to headbutt me but I yanked her head down.


She grabbed and scratched at my arms, screaming at me in vein. I slowly grew tired of her deliberately trying to kick at my legs, and with a grunt I sent my knee sharply halfway up to meet her already bloodied face. She didn't even get a chance to scream before I'd pressed the pressure point in the base of her neck and she fell, immobilized to the ground.


"That was the fieriest clown I'd seen since my sixth birthday. Now that, my friend was a scary clown. He tried to eat my fucking cake, I still hate the bastard." I muttered, catching a few laughing yet shocked faces in the corner of my eyes.


"Okay, come on Rose. We need

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