» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/X-Men, Heather Ray [best black authors .txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/X-Men, Heather Ray [best black authors .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Now they all slept, except Tom. He couldn't bring himself to stop thinking about Kim, and what he would do if something had happened to her. Although they were no longer romantically involved, he still loved her deeply. He loved Kat, of course, but he loved Kim in a different way. Not quite as a sister, nor as merely a friend. Kim was more like a kindred spirit.

I'll never be able to fall asleep,

he thought angrily, I'm gonna make some tea. Maybe that will calm my nerves. No, I doubt it. I don't think even Valium will make me feel better!

Tom slipped out of the living room as quietly as a shadow, so as not to awaken Jason. He entered the kitchen, and started the kettle. He then searched for the tea bags, when a small flash of blue light from the living room drew his attention. He dropped the box of tea bags and ran into the living room, staring at a small glowing disk that had appeared on the ceiling. He watched in anticipation as the small disk got increasingly larger, until finally, two human beings dressed in colorful armor fell from the portal to the ground. Tom immediately switched on the light, and shook Jason out of his deep sleep. Jason opened his eyes, and jumped when he saw Trevor Monroe, still dressed in the red and blue armor of Solar, and Kimberly Hart-Monroe, dressed in some kind of yellow space suit. Both Tom and Jason ran to their friends, who were just now standing up.

"Kim!" cried Tommy, lifting her into the air and giving her a welcoming hug. "You're alive!"

"Of course I'm alive. Everything went great! Trevor's back, Onslaught's dead, and the young Power Rangers are all okay!"

Tom put Kim down and walked over to Trevor extending his hand.

"Welcome home, Pal," he said, shaking his hand. Trevor smiled and gave Tom a hug.

"It's great to be home."

Jason had hugged Kim also, and soon the other rangers ran down the stairs after hearing the commotion. They all embraced one another in a massive group hug. When they all parted, both Kim and Trevor were swamped with questions. The group sat down in the living room, and Trini made tea for everyone.

"So," said Tom. "What happened to Nate?"

"Nate stayed in 1997," said Kimberly, sipping the steaming tea. "That's where he belongs."

"What was it like to see yourself as a teenager, Kim?" asked Aisha.

"Well, it was weird. I mean, I kept a mask on to hide my identity from the kids, but Billy figured out who I was immediately. I had to show myself to Kim, and somehow, Tommy figured it out. It was tough, because the first thing they wanted to know is what the future held."

"You didn't tell them, did you?" asked Will. "It is very dangerous for one to know too much about his or her future."

"I told them a little," Kim admitted, "Nate had introduced me as Annie Monroe, Trevor's wife. So when Billy found out, the first question was -- 'what about Tommy?'

Then Kim had asked me the same question."

"What about me, er -- Tommy?" asked Tom. "What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything until I forced it out of him. He was angry with me."

"I can imagine," said Katherine quietly. "Were Tommy and Kim still a couple in that dimension?"

"Yes, they were, and Tommy felt that my coming was a prophecy or something, dictating that he and Kim would break up, and there was nothing he could do about it."

"Poor boy," said Trini. "It must be so horrible to be confronted with a probable future you don't want to happen."

"I told him that the future wasn't carved in stone," said Kim, "I hope he takes that to heart."

"Guys," said Trevor, standing up and stretching, "I'm really exhausted. I think I'll turn in."

Trevor bent down and kissed his wife, and then slowly ascended the stairs. He was still wearing the Solar armor, and quickly changed into his bathrobe. As he walked down the hall to the bathroom, he passed Anthony's bedroom. Trevor peeked through the ajar door, and saw his son sleeping peacefully in his room, which was lit by a nightlight. The walls were covered by posters and pictures of various television super heroes, as well as many newspaper clippings of the Power Rangers. Trevor smiled and quietly approached the bed, which was decorated by comic book heroes. Trevor bent down and gently brushed Anthony's sandy-blonde bangs from his eyes. Anthony's eyes fluttered, and he smiled at his father.

"Daddy," he whispered sleepily. "Izzat you?"

"Yeah, Pumpkin, its me," he said quietly, his aqua eyes shining with tears, "I'm home."

"Where did ya go?" Anthony asked with a yawn. "You was gone for a long time. Ya missed Christmas, my birthday, my school play--"

Anthony continued the list, his voice getting weaker and weaker. Soon, Anthony was sound asleep again, and Trevor sat on the side of the bed, tears streaming down his cheeks.

I missed my son's entire life!

he lamented, standing up quietly. What kind of a father am I?

Trevor snuck to the door, but before he left he heard his son yawn.

"Daddy?" said the little boy, rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, Tony?"

"I love ya."

"I love you too, son," said Trevor, going back to Anthony's bed and hugging him tightly. Kimberly watched from outside the room, tears shining in her eyes and a smile on her face. She was happy, for the first time in two years. Finally, after years of emotional anguish, all's right with the world. For her, her family, and also for Tom. They were all happy now, and Kim prayed that they'd stay that way.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

February 14, 2009

In sunny Angel Grove, a wedding was about to take place. Hundreds of people filled up the church, as the groom played anxiously with his bow tie. He adjusted the shimmering red rose on his white jacket pocket, and smiled. Beside him stood his best man, Jason Lee, who seemed as nervous as Tom. Jason rocked on the soles of his black shoes, glancing occasionally at his wife Emily.

In the front row on the groom's side, Trevor Monroe sat next to his son Anthony. On Trevor's other side is an empty seat, where Kimberly, the maid of honor, would sit. Beside Anthony was Zack, Rocky, and Adam, with an empty seat beside him. On the other side was Eddie Drew, with two empty seats beside him. Then sat William, with an empty seat beside him. The other guests at this party included friends and colleagues of both the bride and groom, old karate students, the bride's mother and brother, and the groom's adoptive parents and sister. Then, Aisha Drew, one of the bridesmaids, poked her head through the door and signaled a thumbs up to the pianist.

Eugene Skullovich, world famous classical musician and composer, began the ceremonial march theme, adding a few of his own improvements.

At the sound of the piano, Tom and Jason stopped fidgeting and stood still.

The priest stood at the podium and watched as the two large mahogany doors parted, and a small, dark, young girl entered the room.

Regina Drew had a basket of flower petals, and she began sprinkling the pink and white petals on the red carpet. When she was half way across the room,

Katherine entered the room, holding the arm of her father.

Behind her marched Kimberly, who was wearing a beautiful pale yellow gown with yellow roses on the hem and hair. Kim held the tail of the magnificent wedding gown that Katherine wore.

Behind Kim walked the other bridesmaids -- Aisha Drew, Tanya Sloan, and Trini Mitchell. All were wearing pale yellow gowns similiar to Kim's but without the flowers. They each carried bouquets of yellow roses.

When Regina reached the altar, she walked gracefully to her seat beside her father Eddie, who gave her a big hug.

Then, Mr. Hillard left Katherine at the altar, and sat down beside his wife.

Kimberly stood beside Katherine, and Aisha and Trini both took their seats.

Eugene stopped playing the song, and the room fell into a calm silence.

"Dearly beloved," started the priest, "we are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman in the bonds of holy matrimony..."

As the priest uttered the familiar speech, Kimberly's doe eyes scanned the room. She noticed how closely Aisha and her husband sat, as well as how adorable Regina was sitting between her parents. I've always wanted a girl,

she thought with a silent sigh. Well, we'll see.

She then noticed her other friends, all dressed so elegantly, and many of them wearing Hart fashions. Wow, we really have grown up. It's hard to believe we were ever as young as the rangers from 1997. We always had such fun back then, at the Youth Center, or the park, or the beach. It's been twelve years since I've been to Ernie's. Gosh, it's amazing! It's funny, you always think you'll be young forever, and then one day it hits you -- you're an adult.

Tom stood beside Katherine, listening as intently as he could to the priest's speech. Of course, it's the same one he gave during the practice runs,

he thought, I can't believe it, I'm actually getting married! I'm over thirty years old-- I didn't think I'd ever tie the knot. Not since Kim -- why am I thinking about this now? I'm here, beside the woman I love, living the last few seconds of my bachelor days, and I'm thinking about Kim dumping me! Well, I have to admit, that was probably the most important occurrence in my life, besides becoming a Power Ranger. After we broke up, my whole life changed. I don't know if its for better or worse, but I do know that I'm happy now. Happier than I've been in a long time.

Tom glanced at Kat, who returned his glance with a shining smile.

For Katherine, this was the happiest moment in her life, the moment she had dreamed about for over thirteen years, since the day her eyes first fell on the gallant leader of the Power Rangers. I can't believe its really happening! I'm actually marrying him! I was so shocked when he first kissed me, and even more so when he asked for my hand. Still, I always had this lingering fear that somehow, Kim would take him away from me. When Trevor vanished, I was certain that Kim would fall back in love with Tom, and his love would be rekindled. I was wrong, though. In the end, I got what I wanted the most out of

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