» Science Fiction » Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Heather Ray [read ebook pdf TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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/> She didn't kill me,

Jason realized, releasing a long breath. She held back!

He turned his eyes toward the burning fire that lit the end of the tunnel they'd come from.

Frustrated, he pounded his fist against the unyielding wall. "Dammit...she went back in there! And there's nothing I can do to help her."

Chapter Forty-Five

Kimberly dashed through the tunnel, passing the rising pit of lava, dozens of prostrating natives, and scores of worthless Piranhatrons. Following the sound of battle, she found a precipice, reaching out from the volcano and offering a magnificent view of the southern shore of Muiranthias.

Just by the rocky cliffs, the new Turbo Megazord furiously pounded the molten monstrosity Maligore. Her jaw dropped when a final swing from the Megazord sent the father of her evil into the cooling ocean below.

Kimberly trembled in outrage as the blasted Zord performed its predictable victory salute. I can't fight them by myself...

Her thoughts were savagely interrupted by a loud wailing, forcing her to cover her ears.

"No no no no no!! My Maligore!"

Kimberly peeked over the edge of the precipice to see Divatox throttling one of her mutant servants as she sobbed hysterically.

"The vol-cano!" Rygog warned, his voice coming out choppy due to the shaking. "It's erup-ting! We gotta get...outta here!"

"My plans!" the widow howled, "The money, the jewels, the universal domination! Oh, I didn't even get a honeymoon


She turned to her servant, and pointed her finger into the mutant's wrinkled face. "Rygog, you mark my words...someday the Power Rangers will pay for this. I never accept defeat!"

She released him and tilted her head into the air, shaking her fist furiously. "Do you hear me, Rangers? I will have my revenge


The last child of Maligore smiled.

Part Ten: The Truth

Chapter Forty-Six

Jason sat heavily on a tree stump, cradling his face in his hands.

I…I can't believe this. I failed


His little sister was gone.

Immediately after Kimberly disappeared, Jason had ushered the Liarians out of the cave. While his conscience ate at him through the entire retreat, he bowed to simple logic.

I couldn't stop her...the Flame of Destruction makes her nearly as strong as a Ranger. If I kept pushing her, she would've killed me.

That was how he convinced himself to leave. When they'd reached the bottom of the volcano, they'd found Bulk and Skull, still wandering in a detached daze, muttering about the "pretty go boom."

That innocent comment brought a world of terror into Jason's heart, as a bitter reality struck him. That's a volcano

! The entire temple could erupt!

And moments later…it did. The mountain erupted, its ferocious lava and ash swallowing all the Piranhatrons, Divatox, the natives… and Kimberly.

Had Jason eaten anything recently, it surely would've seen daylight again. "I should've followed her," he murmured. "Should've tried harder! She didn't kill me…maybe she couldn't bring herself to kill me? Maybe she remembered how close we are?"

He jumped when he felt warmth enclose his knee. Perplexed, he gazed into the large, friendly eyes of Yara, who gently rubbed his knee with her furry hand.

She gurgled something, yet Jason couldn't understand. "I'm sorry, I don't speak…whatever it is you speak."

She turned to her husband. Lerigot approached, gurgled something to her, and then beckoned Jason.

Jason obeyed, sliding onto his knees so he was approximately eye to eye with the Liarians. Lerigot reached out, touching his stout fingertips to Jason's forehead. Suddenly, he was once again staring into flaming eyes, so engulfed with outrage, fire actually leaked from the corner of her eye…almost like teardrops.

"You're right," Jason sighed, his shoulders drooping, "She was too angry with me to listen to anything

I had to say. If I'd followed her back into the temple, she'd have either killed me, or knocked me out…and then I would've been caught in the explosion. Either way, we'd both be dead."

Lerigot nodded assuredly, and pointed one finger toward the sky. Jason followed his direction, squinting against the brilliant afternoon sun.

"Divatox's ship!" he realized, a sudden weight lifted off his heart. "If Divatox made it, maybe Kim did too!"

Galvanized, Jason leapt to his feet. "Lerigot, can you watch Bulk and Skull for me? I'm gonna check the --"

His words died when the Turbo Megazord flew overhead, slowly approaching the ground. And suddenly, Jason's throat closed anew.

Chapter Forty-Seven

"Tommy," Justin reported, a frown pinching his young face, "I'm picking up a vessel just reaching Earth's outer atmosphere."

"It's Divatox's ship," Tanya noted. "Should we pursue?"

Tommy didn't even pause to consider. "No. She's moving away from Earth, so she's no longer a threat to us. Now we have to find Kim, Jason, and the Liarians."

Tommy's eyes slid toward the towering mountain at the center of the island, where a plume of thick smoke polluted the sky. He swallowed his breath. "Any reading yet?"

Katherine fought against a sigh. "N…nothing yet."

"The scan is thrown off by the lava," Adam contributed. "We can't make out any body heat."

Just then, a flash of light streaked across the view screen, directly into the sky. The Rangers watched as the streak then exploded into bright fireworks.

"Lerigot!" Kat realized. "He sent up a flare!"

"Tracing the origin now…" Justin stated. "Yup, I found 'em!"

The main screen focused on a small clearing over a mile away from the volcano. The Rangers released a collective sigh as they saw Jason on his feet, waving frantically to get their attention. The three Liarians were huddled together nearby.

A worried frown creased Tommy's face. "Kat, how many life signs are down there?"


Justin grimaced. "Six? How's that possible?"

"Maybe there's a native in the bushes," Tommy supposed, unlatching his seatbelt, "I'll get them."

Chapter Forty-Eight

Jason watched as the Megazord gently lowered to the ground feet first. No sooner did the titanic Zord touch down did a form in red emerge from the cockpit.

Jason's dark eyes followed as the Red Ranger dove for the ground, landing easily on his feet as if he had just taken a step.

"You okay, Jason?" Tommy asked.

Jason keenly felt the distance his best friend maintained between them, so he did nothing to close the gap. "The Liarians and I got out long before the volcano exploded --"

Tommy's breath hitched at the connotation. Whirling on his toes, he quickly scanned the entire area.

He frowned in disbelief when he saw two familiar people lingering in a tree branch nearby. "Is that Bulk and Skull?"

"Yeah, they, uh… were kidnapped by Divatox first. When she realized they weren't… 'pure'

enough… she nabbed Kim and me instead." He cleared his throat. "Bro --"

"Don't call me that," Tommy murmured. "Where's Kim?"

Jason swallowed the lump that clogged his throat when he heard Tommy's answer. The words were spoken without anger…only a deep hurt. Jason instantly knew he would've preferred anger.

"She fought me, Tommy. She woke up, demanded I let her go, and ran back to the temple."

For a long moment, Tommy didn't even breathe. He stood perfectly still, his helmet angled towards Jason, yet his eyes were indiscernible.

Then, he slowly inclined his head toward the remains of the mountain, smoldering under rivers of lava and columns of dense smoke.

"Tom, listen to me," Jason said sternly, "Divatox got away. I saw her ship! So if she survived, Kim probably did."

After another eternal moment, Tommy slowly lifted his wrist to his mouth. "Do you read?"

^Justin here.^

"Send down the Megazord hand, and pick up Jason and the others. Once they're inside and secure, I want you to follow me with the Megazord."

^Follow you…?^

^…with the Megazord. And I want you to keep searching for life signs. Run every search

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