» Science Fiction » And Atlantis had existed tomorrow, Justin Mader [snow like ashes TXT] 📗

Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow, Justin Mader [snow like ashes TXT] 📗». Author Justin Mader

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metal, coins of the same metal, and items that looks like they were made from fossilized bones."

"Now we can bring them here, maybe we can still use it."

In addition to us both, Dr. Rosenberg and Dr. Sanders, Members of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, had followed us in the corridor and marveled incredulously now the artifacts of our ancestor.
"So dat had found you'r grand vadder. Olle chicken bones and few kleene metal pieces!", While speaking his mustache was jumping up and down over his fat face.

We ignored him and looked at our artifacts more closely again and realized that some of these metal plates had engraved often the same and other times different pattern in its surface. All plates were 5 cm long, 1.5 cm wide and about 3 mm in height, but in this peculiar iridescent metal that was as hard as steel, but at the same time as light as wood or paper and shone as if it were made of silver.

And the alleged chicken bones were when we looked more closely, not really bone, but light brown sticks in bone color that had a conical widening at the end. And these widening, and now we were very surprised, all ended in a kind of hinge. There was a total of three different types of bone chopsticks. Either they ended in a kind of hinge, or in a tiny bulge, where three teeth with pointed prongs you could see. And the hinges, and that was precisely that had so astonished us, could be stuck with each other, so a peculiar rhomboid figure emerged, which could be moved in the middle. Does this bone grating make sense in some form? We examined again the figure of Neith beside the text, and finally when we had examined every millimeter with fingers, brush and scraper blades, we discovered, that in the area of ​​the mouth, a 1.5 cm wide and about 3 mm high gap was present.

"Eureka, we have found it!" exclaimed Paul and put a metal plate in the opening. But nothing happened. He could slide the plate about 4 cm far in the opening of the mouth gap, then he could feel a resistance. "Hmm," I said, "there are numerous different slides! Maybe we should try another." After all, already after the eighth plate, there was a reaction. However, different from what we had suspected.

Then the plate completely was drawn into the mouth slit of Neith, as if it was pulled by an invisible hand, then we heard a dreadful squeaking sound rising and falling like an alarm siren and the door through which we had entered in this corridor, tried to close.

"Not in this way," I said smiling, thinking, "as smart as you we are too."

But obviously, I had reckoned without one's host. First, the rock door began to creak and rattle pathetic, as it tried to overcome the resistance of our clamped steel beam therebetween. But after all, it managed to bend it by a few centimeters, as then a triangular wedge jumped out from the bottom and threw away our steel girders like a piece of rubber. With a thud, the door closed and cut us so away automatically from our Power Supply and our way back. Silent darkness surrounded us all at once. Then suddenly I felt that it started to crack in my ears, obviously, the air pressure inside the corridor was raised. Then all of a sudden, a red oscillating beam stung from the ceiling and crawled slowly to us, like a red rag. Scared we tried to dodge the beam, but the light took no prisoners. About each of us it wandered away. Then at once a squeaking noise rang out and the inscription, with the prophetic text in the cartouche was folded to the side and I could look into the face of a beautiful young blond woman staring at a straight. In her face, there were mounted peculiar sticks and this gave the whole scene a bit unreal. Then she opened her eyes, and finally her mouth, but I could understand nothing except the rise and fall of the squeaky noise. However, it was obviously not real, because after some time she closed her mouth and eyes, and the whole scene was repeated.

It was like in one of these modern movie theaters. Only with the difference that this scene was reproduced in color and moreover plastically as in real life. If I had a look few from the side, I also could see and recognize her in another perspective. I saw that she wore her hair curled on the one side of and that her hair fluttered around her ear.

Another peculiarity was, that on the right side of this unreal scene a red dot pulsed above in accordance with the squeaky noise and from the bottom an artificial green snake lowly curled upwards. If this snake had sneaked up till to the red dot, then something would happen, we were aware. The scene with the pretty blonde had repeated three times, as at least ten peculiar pointed lance-like rods were lowered down from the ceiling with a crack. All aimed at us like guns, but stopped after three seconds. But this was nothing reassuring, because all of a sudden, all the rods began to glow white-red at the tips. Finally, when the scene was already started the fourth time, the North German doctor cried out pitifully. "We mussen do something, but what!"

"I never hit on that! But stop. She has an odd frame of peculiar sticks in her face. I think I know of what this reminds to me. To these bones that we have here in the vase. We just only have to assemble them right and then even push us to the face."

No sooner said than done, Paul and I had still managed it in the same, fourth circle and pressed us this sticks in the face in the same form as the Neith. In the next moment, I wanted to tear out the sticks immediately. I cried in my pain, because from the bulbs of the sticks teeth drilled itself deep into the meat of my face and ... all of a sudden, the pain was gone and I heard the voice of this woman, right in my thoughts.

"I am the Neith, who comes from the large, colorful city called Atlantis. Yet ye have not survived all the tests in order to can make me look face to face! First you need to imitate all the words that I speak and all facial mimics that I will do exactly from now on, after you have placed the face-astrolabe. Then when I show you certain metal plates, you have to inserted this into the wall slot in a very specific sequence and confirm each with the open palm on the intended site. And then come near towards my face and look with the right eye on the flashing light."

"I am the Neith, who comes from the large, colorful city called Atlantis. Yet ye have not survived all the tests ... "

Quickly we obeyed and did so like she had said.

Twice she repeated yet this spell, then she fell silent and just the rising and falling tone and squirming green snake stopped all of a sudden.

"Authorization gamma delta two nine fourteen retrieve. Retyping zeta five four four, as of now.", she said, we spoke the words exactly aloud and we served well the peculiar facial expressions.

Suddenly you hear a male voice that was announced in a commanding tone: "Confirmation of zeta five four four with essential authorization chip is necessary!" The blonde beauty showed us a small metal plate with a certain pattern. We searched and indeed we had such a plate and pushed it into the mouth slit of Neith.

"Confirmation sequence Zetha accepted!" Neith sowed us a further plate and a next slide wandered into the slot and was confirmed.

"Confirmation sequence Five accepted!" And yes, we had all kinds of plates in our pool, although it was a bit tight when, because once we had exactly only one of this piece.

"Confirmation sequence of zeta five four four now full accepted. Biometrics data now will be recorded. You have ten seconds for time." As a stylized hand emerged from the scene, we knew what we had to do, and put our hands in succession in this area and looked in succession with the right eye in the flashing light. Suddenly flashed us a sharp pain ran through all our fibers of the brain.

"Authorization License Omega one two and Omega one three awarded. Saved login information imprinted on the astrolabe and on the two biological structures."

The head of the blonde beauty turned to us and looked at us directly, as if she would really see us. "Good luck for your duties and I thank you for everything you have done and will do for me!", she said while she smiled and wink at us, as if she knew us very well. The peculiar spear disappeared into the ceiling and the corridor looked harmless in light of our carbide lamps. Dr. Rosenberg and Dr. Sanders sat huddled in the other corner of the hall, the two we had totally forgotten.

"And now was that all?" I asked the two.

"From the moment when you have placed these chicken bones, you have spoken only in a peculiar, unknown language, a few times you pressed your hands there to the Neithtext, put a few metal-plate into the stone and at once there was silence, and now you're asking us what was going on?"

Paul wanted to tell about, but I waved him off, they would not have believed us in any case. But still we were caught in this corridor. I stood up and pressed me against the gate. Suddenly the red oscillating beam from the ceiling reappeared and touched me softly ...

... and then, like a miracle, the two-meter-thick stone door disappeared into the wall.

We walked through the door and in front of us was spreader a wide, gigantic, miracle valley, glittering in all colors of the rainbow. All colors looked so unreal, so very different from what we were used to it.

We stood on a mountain and numerous golden steps leading down into the valley. And on the other side stood a gigantic temple. However, not an Egyptian one, but it corresponded a lot more to the classical Greek temple. The tympanum was decorated with a sculptural group of the purest gold. The pillars on the other hand had a very special character. They were obviously made from the same material as the metal plates, which we owed our salvation. However, they were not all of a piece, but it looked like a snake who turned up around an invisible tree, where you could not see what really stuck in their midst. From there shone forth only an all scarfed black. The columns looked like a metal spiral spring packages of a industrial production machine.

We were so captivated by the sight that we did not noticed that Dr. Rosenberg and Dr. Sanders emerged from the corridor too. They strode forward out of the corridor automatically like a non-stoppable steam locomotive and continued to the abyss into which they rushed, without that we could do against something quickly enough. Then we saw that a large charred hole gaped in their back. Suddenly we heard the male guardians voice: "No authorization license found in the biological structures!" and stopped saying, as all would have been told now.

How could that happen? But then, we think about it. We had identified us before the guards, but they had not done! This fault we could not do again. This incident let our euphoria fade away quickly. We knew that we were moving on dangerous ground.

As we stood on the other side of the valley on the platform with the temple, we saw that even its interior was very luxurious, when we entered. It looked like the Temple of the Poseidon, Plato had described it so well. With the only difference being that in the center stood a sarcophagus.

While we cannot read the characters, but in our thoughts, arose at once all the answers that tormented us. It was actually the sarcophagus of Neith and it told us about the destruction of Atlantis, of intrigue, of great battles, of alleged traitors who were the good guys and of apparent heroes who were the bad guys, of auxiliary peoples, of triremes that could fly into the oceans of stars, about many evil and good deeds ...

It was just too much, which stormed here to us, our brain does not make it easy to process all at once. We failed to understand all this image assailed to us, all was just too much, too technical for us.

The stories were silent all of a sudden. Only that, Neith had come to this country finally, married a local prince and had built with him a great empire.

In our minds a question arose: "Is there this kingdom even today?"

"No, unfortunately, there are different kingdoms and they will soon lead again war with one another.", we had

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