» Science Fiction » And Atlantis had existed tomorrow, Justin Mader [snow like ashes TXT] 📗

Book online «And Atlantis had existed tomorrow, Justin Mader [snow like ashes TXT] 📗». Author Justin Mader

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to admit.

"Then your people have not learned anything new too!", the bitter response, "But one thing is outrageously important" the voice told us without words, "you have to notice the following coordinates, because Atlantis is located there and it will be there in your future. There you have to go to allow your and our people to survive!" Some numerical values were irretrievably burned into us.

Then suddenly everything went very quickly. A rotating maw surrounded us all of a sudden, we were in a corridor, as if drawn by a chimney and were suddenly back in the desert, near our expedition camp. In our hands a large burlap sack with numerous metallic plates and a pile of peculiar bones and some amulets with the ankh-sign.

The other participants surrounded us and asked what we had experienced, but it was pointless to tell today about it, we were tired and lay down soon. On the next day, we had enough time to explain everything in detail.

But when we woke up the next day, there was a terrible commotion and suddenly stood in front of our tent two strange people with black dress suit (middle of the desert!), White shirt, black tie, black patent leather shoes, black hats and black sunglasses.

They said: "We are Smith", and, "Give it out to us, immediately!" "You have something that belongs to us!" Suddenly they both pulled out of their pocket an about two meters long rack and pointed it at us. We did not know what was happening to us, then outside the tent a big commotion broke out. At that time, a large crowd of peoples from the village nearby went off to the Smith's and tried to stab them. But all of a sudden, from one second to the other, the Smiths were gone. The villagers who had become aware in the morning, by shots and screams on our expedition today, just come to our aid. After all, many of their neighbors had worked with us.

But outside the tent waiting for us a cruel reality. Our entire expedition team had been murdered, apparently by the Smiths. We were saved by the pure attention of the villagers. Only, we could no longer returned to the German embassy. This would have no more sense for us now absolutely, because who would believe us the loss of the whole expedition in this form.
But for the villagers, the situation was clearly. Djinni had raged here and done this evil deed. And this declaration was as good as our own.

Time Flash!

11.632 AD Somewhere in the Solsystem three

Brutal she was pushed out of the sluice of the feeder-Vrils into the Nostremu. And she probably would have fallen to the ground there. Only there her deputy Konfe Luitz was waiting for her. And in whose arms, she landed now. Finally, a familiar face. "But ...", he stammered, "... what they've done to you, that's terrible, had they even lay their hands on you...?"His silent and anxious glance were focused to Anata Snofus half-dressed state, to the red welts on her back, to the bruises on abdomen and other body parts, as well as the weeping and to the blue-colored eyes, that had absolutely nothing to do with a makeup. Then after moments of weakness, although it had been so good for that hug, she bucked up and pushed him away defiantly: "Let me, it's all right, I'll be fine, I cope it!"

She quickly ran to her cabin passing Luitz who looked like a bewildered Dachshund. Once there, she threw her tattered clothes into the converter and at first, she ran in the sanitary cabin. Then she let hot and cold water alternately running down her body. At these places where he had touched her, she was wearing the cleaning powder two, three times, four times, and washed it, until she started to bleed there. But the dirt, she felt there simply did not disappear. Finally, she turns to the side, banged her fist against the wall several times and burst into tears. She felt so useless, so bad, so exploited, so dirty, so raped, so destroyed in body and spirit. Her pride, her sense of honor, all of her beliefs, all that what was good or bad, everything was just broken at one stroke. Slowly she slid down the tiled walls of the shower cabin. Small and huddled she sat now in the cabin, with tightened feet and pressing her face against her hands, while the water pattered incessantly over her body. She could no longer distinguish whether the water came now from the shower or were tears of her eyes. And in fact, this trivial and meaningless deliberation finally brought back order in her thoughts.

It was not over, life went on and she had to think about what could go on now, ... and how she could accomplish her revenge in the next days. Yes, Lord Protector Mikaal had conveyed her to a Colonel-Protect-Commander and ordered her to make contacts to the Atlanteans underground organization. Like the hell, she would no longer interfere in this dirty business of intelligence services. Mikaal could fuck her with that, ... no, she considered quickly, this not, and not at any time more, she swearer. And she would not do what he had commanded to her. Or ... should she do so, perhaps because of it? Was there perhaps a possibility of revenge? But was it not exactly that what he was intended? Would she then not do exactly that what he wanted, when she would give her revenge freely flow? It was damn complicated to dive into the branched and winding trains of thoughts of the secret services. Is the enemy of my enemy really my friend, or do the others know all that, and therefore do precisely the opposite?

Well, it would be best to carry on as before, but enjoy all the privileges of their new title, and perhaps there was something that transferred to her advantage. One would see, 'Let's see!', she smiled.
Now all of a sudden, she saw the situation more optimistic. By this incident now all option was open actually. She was no longer caught in the mind of the blind obedience carcasses, the strict black and white morality, she could now decide freely and do what she really wanted and what was important to her.

"Future, you can come!" Proudly erect, she dried herself, delighted by the high-water fees that she now could charge the state, caused by the long showers and her privileges, because water on spacecrafts was expensive. Numerous care creams and essences she wore on her body, made up her face, putting on her best board combination and walked head held high for the command center.

Luitz sat there in the commander’s seat and just discussed with the first mate, as she entered the command section of her ship. He quickly made free place and he looked at her not only with sad eyes full of compassion but also with a keen interest in her impeccable appearance
"Well, have been made some changes in the meantime here?", she asked curiously. "Everything is now in green values, the SL engine too, and here within the tracking console an arms control center has been built in. Only ...."

"Good, then we can go on. Antigravitation shield build up, impulse engines to half speed ...", they all stared at her, "What's on, why ...?"

All eyes that previously were directed to her, swing out to the starboard side. As she followed their gaze, she could discover a large metallic cylinder about two feet’s high, with a conical ended up and had a semi-circular, dome-like cover above, next to the press console. He also had five tentacle-like growths, which ended at the ends in dainty fingers. These fingers now flitted nimbly through the Terminal keyboard. Numerous lens systems that were housed in the upper part of the cylinder estimated her now in detail.

When she looked questioningly in the round and Luitz already wanted to begin to answer, it sounded tinny and monotonously out of the cylinder.

"Commission Commander delta lima two four one has taken command of the auxiliary cruiser Nostremu, ship of Sobekklasse here to 14:23 34622-14. I notice that all the command sequences need to be confirmed first on my desk!"

After Snofu had leveled the first astonishment, she thought about it, of course, Lord Protector Mikaal had announced it, she asked drawled: "And is my command confirmed now? After the ship now belongs to the State of Atlantis, any delay in carrying out my commands would cause unnecessary costs in an unlawful way! And we want to help so save the state! Roger that?"
She would not tolerate that the sheet idiot was the top dog here.

After a three-second delay came the answer.

"The chain of reasoning is comprehensible causally and shall be recognized in this case as an argument. The command sequence 'Antigravitation shield build up, impulse engines to half speed' is confirmed. In general, the chain of reasoning is now saved and installed in a 'Case option loop' and can be activated from the standby, if necessary! "

"Well Tin, think faster! Now I know why the commanders of our ships were not replaced by things like you. You are very inflexible and ineffective!"

The main lens of his optical sensor swiveled around instantly to her and put buzzing sharp, but otherwise there was no further response from him. Finally, they turned back to the normal position. The first officer in charge finally confirmed and the engines went on performance.

Now her suits so, the Nostremu was traveling to Earth, towards Atlantis, the wonderful city of four, no actually the five rings, because the innermost ring, near the palace of the first king of Atlantis, the Kronos, King Name Atlas was the spaceport, on which a variety of commercial and warships of the ruler were parked. The other rings were on the one hand defense trenches and on the other hand commercial and naval ports for the lower-class people and the army. These ships were not spaceships but simple seagoing vessels, which were driven by steam-powered rudders.

But why the lower-class people has been kept as short and fobbed off with inferior technology? Why they were not equipped with ships of antigravity and plasma technology? Why they had no beam weapons and camouflage shields? Why they had to be content with steamships and steam catapults? And why they had to fight in steel armor, swords and crossbows? Where there was the sense?

At the same time, she was terrified. Such heretical questions she had never asked before. Was there really something broken in her last night, which caused such a change of heart? If things went on so, then even she doubted the principles of the democratic monarchy and the gods like Zeus and Poseidon! But on the other hand, had the kings really decided always wise, had they always really used only for the welfare of the lower-class people and had she really ever faced Poseidon personally?

Already, the lower-class people are doing well, they always had enough to eat and had enough power and technology to subjugate the surrounding nations. The standard of living of the lower-class people was by far at several stages to be set higher than that of natives here in this world. But there were a number of areas where already a mixing had situated, that she had not approved till now. But now suddenly, she wondered, why all this standard should not be allowed? In contrary to so many new frontier colonies, Atlantis realized such a lot of profit and had to outweigh many colonies of artusianischen kingdom with its contribution.

As she looked around, she saw everything in well-ordered activity. The tin DL241 stood in front of his console and fixed the data series on the consoles with his optics. Though, she could not imagine that this should not migrate wirelessly directly into his memory banks. Ok, well, what the heck.

Her gaze wandered on and ... looked directly into the eyes of Konfe Luitz. He stared at her fascination and invitingly. Not lewd or provocative, but on the one hand searchingly and on the other hand...., roughly speaking ...hmmm. When he noticed her gaze, he smiled at her, nodded at her encouragingly but then he turned back a little embarrassed. Hm, she thought, not with you, surely not ... her feelings

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