» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/X-Men, Heather Ray [best fiction books of all time .TXT] 📗

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not coincide with his master's.

Sinister betrayed Apocalypse revealing his master's plan, to unleash a sneak attack on the humans in Europe, to Weapon X and Jean Grey. This move led to the Human High Council preparing a full-scale nuclear assault on Apocalypse's kingdom in America.

Sinister blew up his hideout and all the secrets it held inside. He traveled the ruined countryside of America searching for Nate Grey; he found his X-Man in Kansas. Sinister infiltrated the group under the name Essex and became close with his young creation. His true identity was discovered by Nate's friend, Brute, who recognized Sinister from his time in Sinister's breeding pens. Sinister murdered Brute and Nate's mentor, Forge, in cold blood.

Nate found his murdered friends and became enraged, unleashing his full mutant powers on Sinister. As Nate walked away, Sinister fell to the ground and apparently died from massive internal injuries.

Alex Summers - Havok

Alex Summers was six years old when his father flew his family to Canada as a birthday surprise for his mother. Along the way, their aircraft was attacked by a Shi'ar spacecraft. Their father gave his two sons the only parachute and, clinging on to his older brother Scott, Alex and Scott jumped out of the aircraft leaving their parents to their own fate. The Summers brothers were taken to a nearby orphanage run by Sinister, who later adopted the two of them as his own sons. Scott became Sinister's favorite son which drove a wedge between Scott and Alex, who quickly became jealous of his brother. Sinister would train his two sons every day and weld them into becoming the finest of Apocalypse's soldiers.

Alex and Scott were both given the title of Prelate. In the meantime, their father, Christopher, managed to escape from the Shi'ar empire and returned to Earth in a stolen aircraft. Unfortunately he was also infected with a Brood egg. His aircraft was captured by Infinites and he was sent to Sinister, who kept his return secret from Alex and Scott. After years of being experimented on, Christopher managed to escape and Sinister ordered his Elite Mutant Force to recapture him. Alex and Scott located Christopher in the "Ghost Lands" where he revealed that he was their father. Although Christopher told his sons the story of how they got separated, Scott remained unconvinced but Alex believed he was really their father. Their reunion was cut short however when, during a battle between some scavengers, Christopher's Brood egg hatched and Scott was forced to kill his own father to save him. This act would only cause a further rift to appear between Alex and Scott.

Havok became a regular at Angel's nightclub "Heaven" and began an affair with its singer, Scarlett McKenzie. Due to the fact that Scarlett wasn't a mutant, Havok was forced to keep this affair a secret to avoid being accused of miscegenation. Havok was unaware that Scarlett was secretly working for the Human High Council. When Weapon X and Jean Grey infiltrated Apocalypse's Atlantic Sea Wall, they clashed with Havok. During the battle, Havok was accidentally fused with a Sentinel when they both entered a transporter together. Beast was later forced to remove the parts of the Sentinel with a bone-saw. In the meantime, Sinister's betrayal of Apocalypse became open and Cyclops put himself in charge, much to Havok's annoyance.

Havok began to investigate the mysterious escapes from the breeding pens. He interrogated a witness to one of the escapes called Lorna Dane who told him that Magneto was the one responsible for the escapes. Frustrated, Havok sent her to the Beast who tortured her into telling him the truth. She was rescued by Cyclops and sent back to the breeding pens. Later that night, Cyclops, in disguise, helped Lorna escape from the pens. Unbeknownst to Cyclops, Havok was observing this occurrence from a distance. He now had the information necessary to remove Cyclop's authority and take control of the Elite Mutant Force himself. Jean Grey returned to the pens in search of Sinister, who recently supplied information of Apocalypse's plans to the Human High Council, but was captured by Havok. When Cyclops saw Jean was a prisoner of the Beast, he refused Havok's order to kill her and was captured by Sam Guthrie. As this was occurring, Scarlett realized that she was pregnant with Havok's child when she became ill during one of her performances. However it was also discovered that she was working for the Human High Council and she was captured. When word reached Apocalypse that Havok succeeded Cyclops as commander of the pens, he ordered that every prisoner should be culled. Cyclops and Jean managed to escape and tried to free the prisoners by destroying the Brain Trust. The Brain Trust psionically anesthetized the prisoners so they lacked the will to escape. After destroying the Brain Trust, Cyclops and Jean encountered Havok. As brother battled brother, Cyclops got the upper hand and knocked Havok unconscious. After freeing the prisoners, Jean used her telepathic powers to prevent the Human High Council's missiles from destroying New York City. However Havok sneaked up behind Jean and used his powers to kill her before killing Cyclops. His revenge was short-lived however when Weapon X killed Havok in vengeance.

Dark Beast

Dark Beast is an alternate reality version of the founding X-Men member and Avenger; Beast (Hank McCoy)

. Dark Beast's home reality was Earth-295, or the Age of Apocalypse: a timeline skewed when Professor X died before ever forming the X-Men, and the Mutant tyrant Apocalypse conquered North America, threatening both humanity and much of mutant kind. Without the guidance of Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy's intelligence and pension for experimental science were allowed to flourish unhindered by the morals and compassion that are associated with his 616 counterpart. Acting as one of Apocalypse's chief scientists (and torturers)

, Beast's experimentation on humans and mutants alike were devious and highly unethical, earning him the name of "The Beast"

. He loved experimenting on anyone he could which included Scott and Jean of that reality.


Holocaust first appeared at the X-Men's base at Wundagore Mountain. He was sent there by Apocalypse in order to prove his worth. Known as Nemesis as the time, he claimed to be the son of Apocalypse.

Nemesis was sent to kill as many of Magneto's young students as he could while the X-Men were off fighting Apocalypse's Horsemen. He was defeated in battle by the Scarlet Witch, although he was able to kill her. He left before the X-Men returned and was embraced by Apocalypse as his newest Horseman.

During Apocalypse's blitzkrieg launched against Europe and Asia, Nemesis joined Apocalypse in Japan. They murdered thousands of humans and captured Sunfire, but before they could kill him, Sunfire unleashed a nuclear level plasma blast. Nemesis absorbed the blast, saving himself and Apocalypse.

When Apocalypse returned home to recuperate, Nemesis, now charged with Sunfire's energies, was left to take care of Japan. A small squad of X-Men attacked him. Using Sunfire's energy, Nemesis was about to murder Quicksilver. Enraged, Magneto used his powers to tear Nemesis apart from the inside out. The X-Men retreated, many of them injured, and left the burnt corpse of Nemesis for dead.

Nemesis awoke in the labs of the Dark Beast and was fitted with a transparent armor that would not only channel his energy but also contain him and keep him from dissipating. He took the name Holocaust and would eventually become a Horseman again.

In the days leading up to the fall of Apocalypse, Holocaust faced off against Sabretooth and Wild Child in Chicago. Holocaust was winning and, in his excitement, revealed the secret location of an Infinite processing plant. Wild Child took this information back to the X-Men who used it to save thousands of lives.

Defeated in Indianapolis by the X-Men, the beaten Holocaust returned to his father's side. In the final battle of the Age of Apocalypse, Holocaust fought the Sinister-created Nate Grey. Grey stabbed Holocaust with a shard of the M'Kraan Crystal, which sent both of them into the original Marvel Universe (616)

, where Holocaust continued to wreak havoc.

Eventually Holocaust was placed onto the Exiles when they visited the Age of Apocalypse world. Immediately attacking his team members, Holocaust decided to escape the battle to seek out the M'Kraan Crystal. After finding the crystal in a military base, Holocaust interogated the research staff who told them there was another object making similar energy emissions as the crystal. The technicians equipment led Holocaust back to the Exiles and the Tallus. Using the Tallus and the M'Kraan Crystal, Holocaust and the Exiles teleported to the Panoptichron where they encountered Hyperion. Discovering Hyperion was behind his becoming an Exile, Holocaust attacked Hyperion. Hyperion quickly dealt with Holocaust by cracking open his shell and "eating"

the pure energy that he was made of effectively killing Holocaust.

About the Author

Heather Ray lives in Logansport, Indiana where she enjoys spending time with family and friends. In her spare time when she isn't reading, writing, going to school at the local college of Ivy Tech Community College or working on various art projects, she enjoys swimming and playing basketball with the Special Olympics, watching movies with her god daughter, Lucy, (who happens to be the reason why Heather decided to transfer the fanfiction that she originally wrote this and other book series' into books!)

, acting with the local theater troupe in her hometown, singing, and working on her voice over work.

Her favorite book series includes The House of Night, Peter and the Starcatchers, Daughters of the Moon, The Nick Chronicles

(among other Dark Hunters books!)

, the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Book Series, the Harry Potter series, the Sookie Stackhouse series

, and she is also a bit of a comics 'nerd'

with her love for X-Men, Batman, Avengers,

just to name a few of her favorite comics. She also enjoys reading several mangas which include Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Vampire Knight,

and Sailor Moon


Not only does she enjoy reading, as is stated above, she also loves watching movies and various TV Shows. Her favorite TV Shows include True Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel

, all the seasons of Power Rangers, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Doctor Who

and Once Upon a Time

. Her favorite movies include all the Star Wars

movies, all the Star Trek

movies, the Lord of the Rings

trilogy (she is really looking forward to see The Hobbit


, all the Marvel Comics

movies, the Chronicles of Narnia

movies and all the Harry Potter

movies! She also enjoys several animes including Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Rosario Vampire, Vampire Knight,

and her favorite: Sailor Moon

(she is a bit obsessed with Sailor Moon what with not only enjoying the anime but also the live action series from Japan, and the musical series: Sera

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