» Science Fiction » The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6, Heather Ray [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 6, Heather Ray [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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the med-unit. "We don't have Zords anyway."

"I'll contact the others," Tanya offered, activating the communications relay, "but I doubt they need me to tell them about this bad boy. He's practically on top of them."

"Thanks," said Adam as he and Kim strapped on their helmets. Alexis held her morpher at arm's length, and her eyes narrowed.

"Purple Ranger Power!" she commanded. In a brilliant pulse of purple light, Alexis transformed into the single remaining Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. A second carrier wave teleported all three Rangers out of the underground headquarters, and straight into their respective zords.

With one eye on the Viewing Globe, which still displayed the strange armored monster the Rangers had gone to confront, Tanya activated the general communicator, signaling both the Terran Rangers, as well as the Starlight Rangers, whose communicators were compatible with the CAC's current technology.

"This is Tanya," she said into the microphone. "Can everyone read me?"

^Regina here.^

^Kat too.^

^Jason three.^

^Zack's reading ya loud and clear!^

^Tommy checking in,^

Tommy said in a strained voice.

"Guys, we have an emergency," Tanya announced. "There's a mean looking monster in your general area, and Kim, Adam, and Alexis have gone to fight it. She will certainly need backup."

^So that's what all that shaking's about,^

Zack commented.

^But, what about Micah?^

Regina inquired.

"The Starlights can --"

^Actually, Rebecca and I are on to him,^

Tommy announced, ^I'm right outside a cave, and I've been fighting Viper Putties. Rebecca went in ahead of me, and since she's not back yet, I think she found him.^

"Terrific!" said Tanya, "Then the rest of the Terran Rangers join the battle, while the Starlights return to the CAC ASAP."

^Why can't we keep looking for Mike?^

Regina argued, ^Tommy and Becky could use our help!^

^We can handle it,^

Tommy replied, ^Tommy out.^

^Let's get to the zords!^

Jason cried over the communicator.


said the voices of Zack and Katherine, as they deactivated their communicators.

^Um, Tanya?^

said Regina quietly, ^why didn't Rebecca answer?^

Chapter Thirty-Four

Rebecca Mitchell heard the six tone signal ring in the background. But in the foreground, she could hear her heart beating. The pulse was steady, and a bit quicker than usual. Her muscles tensed, and adrenaline poured into her system. It was much like when she was in training at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, when Wolverine would recreate a battle against some alien creature for Rebecca to practice her skills on. She was ready.

Goldar suddenly pounced at her, brandishing his mighty golden sword. Rebecca effortlessly rolled out of harm's way, and struck Goldar's knees, causing the seven-foot canine to crash onto the ground only feet away from the heavy stone wall. Goldar growled angrily, and leapt to his feet before Rebecca could attack again. This time, Goldar attacked smarter, tossing golden fireballs from his magical sword. Rebecca continued a series of handsprings, evading the fireballs cleanly. As soon as Goldar seemed to figure out the pattern of her movement, she suddenly shifted in the opposite direction. It was as if she could read Goldar's thoughts.

"Stand still!" Goldar bellowed furiously, swinging his sword at her wildly. Rebecca evaded each swing, but suddenly she lost her footing, and fell onto her back. Goldar grinned menacingly.

"Now I've got you," he muttered, lifting his sword into the air. He notice the faint smile that tugged at her lips.

"No. I've got you!" she replied, pushing off from her hands. Her heels plowed into Goldar's abdomen, pushing the mighty beast backwards. Rebecca rose to her feet, and struggled to heft the large sword Goldar had dropped. It was almost as long as she was. To Goldar's surprise, she managed to lift the heavy blade, and rested it at the base of his chin, being careful to stand to his side to avoid his deadly feet.

"You're not half bad," Rebecca commented. "For a monster, at least."

Goldar frowned, daring to life his head defiantly. But Rebecca pushed the blade against his azure fur, and he shivered as the tip penetrated his skin. He gazed at her with eyes of fury as black blood trickled onto the edge.

"Don't try anything stupid," she commented, "I know how to use this thing."

Goldar smiled confidently. "I doubt it, Girl. It is a magical sword."

Rebecca reflected his knowing grin. "Someone once told me that a weapon is a weapon," she replied, gripping the hilt harder. To Goldar's astonishment, the tip of the blade began to glow brightly. Before he could move, a ray of golden energy streamed out of the blade, striking him in the face. He screamed in pain before his entire body went limp upon the dirt floor. Rebecca then raced towards Micah, struggling to grip the weighty sword. She winced when she saw the garish wounds up close.

"I'll get David first," she said to her friend gently, running to the cage. David smiled his thanks.

"Step back," she commanded, lifting the broad sword over her head. She thrust it down in one swing, severing the metal of the lock. David pushed the gate open easily, and regarded the petite girl in front of him.

"Wow," he commented, "you're pretty good."

"Well, I've been trained by some of the best warriors on Earth," she responded as she walked towards Micah. She paused when the sound of footsteps approached from the obscure tunnel.

"The Putties are dust," the Red Terran Ranger announced, stepping into the chamber. He was visibly surprised when he saw Goldar lying unconscious on the ground. "You did that?" he asked Rebecca.

"Yes I did," she replied. She frowned slightly when Tommy managed to enter the chamber completely without demorphing.

"I don't understand," she whispered, gazing at Tommy in puzzlement, "why are you still morphed?"

"Why aren't you morphed?" the Red Ranger inquired.

"Goldar said something about muting my powers," she answered. "For some reason, it's not effecting you, though."

Tommy was about to question her further, until his gaze fell upon the limp, slender boy hanging from the ceiling behind her. He swallowed forcefully, slowly walking towards him. He winced when he realized just how deep the wounds were.

He was completely speechless as he approached the boy. He saw his own features in this child, although he was fairer in complexion than himself. Still, somehow he could almost feel the connection between them.

He never recovered his voice, as he stared at the boy in mute horror and amazement.

"Let's get him down," Rebecca said, breaking the stony silence. She lifted Goldar's sword over her head. "Get ready to catch him," she advised.

Tommy nodded blankly, wrapping his arms around Micah's waist carefully. He felt the boy's flesh tremble when his arms came in contact with the swollen scars.

"p...please..." Micah breathed, his lips barely parting. Tommy felt his eyes sting at the pain trembling through the boy's body.

"Relax, Micah," Tommy whispered, as gently as he could, "I won't hurt you."

Tommy could feel the boy's muscles relax slightly, and he managed to firmly grip him without too much pain.

" me, Dad," Micah whispered, his voice slightly stronger, "please..."

Tommy bit his lip beneath his helmet. "I'm here now," he assured the trembling child, "I'm here."

He then nodded at Rebecca, who heaved the sword through the air, cutting down the leather chords that still chaffed the boy's tender skin. Micah collapsed completely into Tommy's arms.

"sorry..." Micah continued to breathe dreamily, "...wasn't strong enough...failed you..."

"You didn't fail," Tommy assured him, stroking the back of his head as he slowly walked out of the cave. "You didn't fail me."

Both Rebecca and David watched in silence as the Red Terran Ranger carried the delirious boy out of the chamber. Rebecca sniffled, wiping the tears that poured from her eyes.

She couldn't believe how gentle Tommy a son that shouldn't even exist in his frame of mind.

" that?" David inquired, gripping Rebecca's shoulder.

"That is the one who will guide you to your destiny," she responded quietly, "I guess he didn't even see you!"

She smiled weakly, taking his hand. "Come on, let's get out of here."

Chapter Thirty-Five

As the Eaglezord swayed helplessly through the air, Alexis silently prayed in gratitude that her zord was equipped with a seatbelt. Still, the dizzying effects of being hurtled back and forth by the gargantuan monster take their toll, preventing the Purple Ranger from even forming a coherent thought.

It was mind-numbing to think that the armored creature was able to actually catch her Zord in mid-flight, pluck it out of the sky, and whirl it around like a discus.

Shaking her head to force herself to concentrate, she glared at her viewscreen. The fierce knight with reflectant armor continued to laugh as he spun on his heels, carrying the Eaglezord with him. Finally, he released the zord from his vice-like grip, sending it flying through the air, directly towards a rather large, intimidating cliff. Alexis frantically tried to regain control of the zord, but it was useless. Thankfully, instead of smashing into the cliff of rock, the Eaglezord plummeted into a thick blanket of soft snow. Alexis blinked in surprise at her miraculous rescue, and flipped on her communicator.

"Thanks a million, Kat," Alexis panted, trying to catch her breath.

^Think nothing of it,^

the Blue Ranger replied from the cockpit of her zord. ^The gang's all here!^

^Get your bearings, Alexis,^

Jason said over the speaker. ^The rest of us will fight this...thing


"Just, give me a minute," Alexis breathed, changing the view of her screen. The snow that covered the front of the zord was replaced by a posterior view. Alexis grinned when she saw the Alligator, Rhinoceros, Hawk, Cheetah, and Thunderbird Terrazords regroup.

^Anyone else sustain damage?^

Jason inquired.

^Not really,^

Zack responded. ^We just couldn't do anything once he grabbed a hold of Alexis. But now that she's free...^

^...leave it to me!^

Kimberly finished, the Thunderbird climbing into the air. Pulsing ruby orbs followed the small

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